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Night Lords 18th Battle Company (Treadhead)

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I think your improvement in just the last two weeks is pretty remarkable. Highlights are smoother and the lightning effects look sweet. Try downloading Picasa, its free and it will let you edit your pictures easily to help with the lighting, I like the "feeling lucky" feature myself because I'm photo stupid. Start the squad now IMO, delaying painting 'till you have reached master status just means no painted models for a long time. Good luck.
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Can't beleive I missed htis thread until now! Your models are the most characterful marines I've ever seen and completely capture the spirit of the AL and NL's. How on earthyou keep coming up with these conversions is beyond me, do they pop iunto your head fully formed or do you just play with random bits till you find something that fits?


I've been agonizing how to represent Oblits in an AL army for months, and you've solved the problem in a fantastic way, may I borrow the idea?

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of course you can use the idea.


Making the marines is mostly a two part process.

First is invisioning what you want to final product to look like.

Second is realizing how much better it can look when you start playing with the bits.


...You just need a boat load of bits.

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I think i may be ready to start the squads like this. C+C before i get too deep?
Tigthen up the lightning a bit and you're golden, but, you're good to go as it is imho. Painting a full squad is good practice. :)
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Looks awesome that Rhino :D superbly painted there mate!! and i think you realy have a nice look to that raptor too.. not to bright and he is still well painted and have the sinister and dark pressens that a night lord should have so a big thumbs up mate! :)


And the zerkers ar looking very nice too btw.. still i did like the chest hornes you had on one of them.. and love the one with skull mask and wicked blades.. :cuss

Alpas will and doo look awesome and have a whole loot of charakter too... gorgeus army!!! ;)

Edited by Xavier Targhost
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I hate to say it, but you had me worried for a bit there. I was looking at these awesome conversions, but fretting that your paint scheme may not do them the justice they deserve. And then you produced that last guy, and I am no longer worried. The highlights are awesome, and the lightening very finely done.


I hate to say it, but you had me worried for a bit there. I was looking at these awesome conversions, but fretting that your paint scheme may not do them the justice they deserve. And then you produced that last guy, and I am no longer worried. The highlights are awesome, and the lightening very finely done.

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@ captain Mike. Man you think you were worried. I was terrified! I'm still worried about not doing them enough justice, but the only way i started getting better was painting good models. I tried my hand on a few that i didn't care about and really didn't bother putting hard work into them. The raptor was an older model of mine and i didn't want to mess him up just trying colors out. I told myself to spend quality time on him and he turned out good. Now i just have to spend as much quality time on all 60+ character models!


@smallvictory. I downloaded picasa and that thing is incredible. Not only did it solve my lighting problem but it brought some awesome organization to my computer. Good find.


@Nihm. I think my problem with the lightning comes from understanding. Instead of having an unbroken white line i decided to only apply white to the areas with intersections to try and create depth. I'll have to keep messing with it but i'm going to have plenty of chances here soon.


@ Xavier. The chest horns were nice, and still a possibility, but they are hard to pull off. They restrict the models theoretical movement and vision, and i'm a stickler for practicality. Most of the new zerk chests are un modified so i'm looking for ideas on what i can do with them. I may just leave them blank.


I made some flamer models for my old zerk squad and gave the champ a combi flamer. I'll use them as standard CSM's now but they aren't Dan scaled as much as the others. I think i will play them as initiates or something. Anyways they've been primed and the first couple guys should be up soon!

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@Nihm. I think my problem with the lightning comes from understanding. Instead of having an unbroken white line i decided to only apply white to the areas with intersections to try and create depth. I'll have to keep messing with it but i'm going to have plenty of chances here soon.
The latest attempt is already greatly improved compared to the first one, just keep experimenting with the thickness until you find what you like the most.

I have no idea if this will help in any way, as you almost have it down perfectly already, but I made this tuturial ages ago and from that you can see the typical thickness I go by - in each stage.


Example 1 and 2 of a more refined end result.



Edit: the depth experiment is something I've also tried and it works really well if you build up from Ice Blue.

Edited by Brother Nihm
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You could also flip the highlight spectrum and start from the lightest color and work your way down to the darker colors. It takes a little more time but the end result is really good. An added bonus to painting this way is that you can be sort of sloppy. Keep your paint really thin and it will work wonders for you. Shoot, you can even get highlights or the beginnings of them using only one thinned color. Once you get down to the dark colors you are basically finished unless you want to highlight even more. I tend to avoid doing this as the color difference looks to stark for my taste but it can be done and done well. Your models are top notch, if you are still looking for ways to paint them give this technique a try. I think you will be pleasantly surprised.


Obey the Emperor.

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Man the progress you have made in painting is disgusting and inspiring.


Great work. I think with the last Raptor you have got to a level that is cool enough to paint all those cool models.


Overall great to see.


Just looking at your model I learned something about highlighting.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well i got a couple of models into a ten man squad and realized i've been doing lighting wrong. The more i read about lighting, highlighting, layering, and blending the more i realize i have no idea what's going on.


I only had about three models 50% done. I've had to go back and re-basecoat them so that i can make sure i'm doing things correctly.


The biggest problems i'm having are with the armor trim and highlights. In the case of a Night lord shoulderpad, or leg armor I'm trying to figure out if they inside trim should be shaded, or washed with a brown, or if they should be highlighted. I've looked through countless pictures and painting tutorials and even GW teaches to do it both ways in different books.


I've come to a screetching halt until i can learn how it works. Any violent shove in the right direction would be appreciated.

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I think that on the trim, you need to shade it as though the entire model was that color. That is, it's brightest at the top of the model, and darkest 'round the feet. From there, each bit of trim should have its own highlights and shadows, within the band of hues that range from head to toe. A delicately-applied wash to enhance the places where the trim meets the armor plates probably wouldn't be amiss either.
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Well i decided to start painting whether i was doing things correctly or not. I figure experience and practice should one day make perfect. Until then i'll just try and make them look real good.

Still some small details to pick out on this guy but he will most likely be the standard that the rest of this squad gets painted in. I've yet to finish the gold, silver, bone, and most of his belt pouches.


I haven't modeled any marines in a couple of weeks now because I've been concentrating so much on painting. I'm starting to get the itch again and i'm getting organized for something fun...


(Sorry for the state of the picture. I had a hard time getting the lighting right for it)

here are some of the new recruits undergoing some genetic surgery (getting ready for a simple green bath)


More soon, enjoy

*edit* changed picture sizes.

Edited by Dan The Deamon
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That guy looks awesome already. Love his head, the colors are nice and smooth. The overall highlights rock.


The lone head on a stake, is it going to be for a Raptor? I like the sculpting work.

Edited by CavPathfinder
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your painting looks great brother you have inspired me to expand my night lords il have to borrow a few of your units lol.


i like you raptor helmet id like to see a tutorial for it lol

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Thanks for all the great comments guys. I'm concentrating entirely on painting for now so that i may be able to field some of my units in upcoming tournaments.

Progress is progress... :) Most of 1st squad is at the 50% completion phase and these three are the furthest along. I still haven't figured out the correct way to get lighting around or inside of the trim. Here's some pictures.

(various stages of completion)


Now here's where i need C+C. 1 2 or 3? which is the proper way to highlight around trim?


I've seen it done every way possible and most of it looks good, I just want to learn how to do it correctly.

C+C is much appreciated!

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