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Wow great thread love your skills! Could you explain how to put studs on your termie armor and what material you use. I would love to do that myself but have no clue on what to use and any advice would be most appreciated. I look forward to seeing future models here! :D
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I have been following this thread since it's inception and until now have remained an aura of impressed silence. Seeing Tyberos has broken that spell and replaced it with awed admiration and the need to say something.


You sir, are a god amongst men. The army looks stunning, you stick closely to the fluff and the character of the chapter comes out really well both through that and your masterful paintwork. I can't wait to see the big man himself painted up in his terrifying glory, and I fully expect a group shot when you have done so.


Bravo sir, bravo!



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sorry dude.. ^_^


i suffer from modelling block all the time, its half the reason i post pictures of stuff up here and so i try and offer the same kind of critique i like to hear myself..

if you have another spare head id suggest working on that instead of harming the current one.. but in the long run i think/hope/am praying you'll thank me for pointing it out after making an even more awesome (and more anatomically accurate) head.


*hides before the angry mob notices him and lynches him for crimes against that head*

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Don't worry Lorenzen :)

I changed the head in a couple of hours and it's now anatomically correct.

Doesn't look as creepy, but I can live with that.

I'll post photos later.


So I've hit a bit of a snag...

I've been working on my Heavy Weapon Marine for days now, trying to magnetize a Missile Launcher, Multimelta and a Plasma Cannon.

I posted a thread in the general PCA forum, but I thought I might as well post here as well as I really need some help from people who own these weapons.


So I bought a set for my Carcharodons including a Missile Launcher I bought from Ebay thinking I would magnetize them all.

Has anyone had any luck getting these to fit?

Because I sure haven't!

I'm pretty sure that everyone who owns the Missile Launcher released earlier has noticed that you can't have your Marine aiming it anywhere except downwards if you give him a normal backpack.

I guess Forgeworld came to the same conclusion since they made new backpacks for the Heavy Weapon set.

Well, I still can't get the heavy weapons to fit straight, WITH the new backpacks...

And also, the Plasmacannon has a sort of targeting device that the Marine is supposed to aim through which is in the way for the head, even though I cut away some resin from the neck to make the head sit as far back as possible.

I've been studying the photos on Forgeworld's site trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong but I just can't see it.

It's not that they are miscasts. I just think they are very poorly designed.

Either that or I'm doing something wrong.


I guess I can solve this by having the Marine aiming his weapon downwards in a sort of relaxed pose, but I really wanted him to look like he's about to fire his weapon.


Any input?


Here's the weapons I'm talking about:


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glad to hear that work on the head went well.


have you tried emailing forgeworld? explain your problem to them, perhaps with a couple of pics and they should be able to tell you whats up or if something doesnt look right (wierd missmoulding etc) and how to get around it, even if some of its from ebay.. just dont mention that and all will be good.


ive found that theyre pretty decent at answering stuff like this or sending out new stuff if something is wrong so its worth a shot.

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I return!

First up is a Tactical Marine in MK3 Iron Armour.



What about a minitutorial?! He's so cool!

But reeeeaally mini!!

If i could ever get close to them i would be SO happy :)



Ok, i've been looking to the heavy weapons set, and i thought that u could just cut the end of the weapon and make it longer with something like plasticard.

I mean, what about if you try to make the "weapon shoulder pad hole" much longer? In this way it could end behind the backpack..

Lol, sorry for my english, if you can't understand i'll make a paint sketch :)

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Posted to your PC&A thread and here in case others are having similar issues:

It's possible to get the new FW heavy weapons lined up properly, it takes a little bit of time and a sharp scalpel blade in my experience though:



The key isn't the weapon, but the arm it's attached to:


You can see there I've cut down the shoulder area of the arm, not only have I clipped the top but the outwards facing section has been shaved down with a scalpel so the pad fits in closer to the arm so the whole weapon sits properly along the line of the shoulder. I also shaved the inside of the fist down a little to get a snug fit and some of the detail it covers up on the HB was shaved down too, again, you want everything nice and tight so you can keep the whole thing straight.

The process I used was to pin and glue the fist to the weapon then start clipping and shaving the shoulder until I could weasel a pad on there and get it tucked in under the curve of the weapon as tightly as possible. As the reverse angle shows, even that isn't that close although that'll be far less noticeable when painted. I will also set up pins for the arm and body to ensure a good secure set up, as I'll paint the arm/weapon separately to the body it won't be glued on just yet however.

With the new backpack this fits just fine. Having a Mk.IV pad with the nice thin raised section or even a nice flat Mk.VI pad helps too I find. It's pretty easy to shave down the top sections of the rim of a regular pad though, again, a sharp scalpel blade and shave in little sections 'til it fits neatly. I'm also of a mind to try a regular backpack with one of these weapons - the old ones had a hollow carved out to fit the backpack vent into, a pin vise to bore a guide hole, some scalpel and sand paper work and I reckon you can get one to fit.

The other weapons are much the same, make sure the arm is in the right place then work away at the shoulder until a pad fits properly and remember, if you go overboard it's nice and easy to fill in the missing material with some putty or green stuff inside the shoulder pad. the left arm is still an issue though, have to try extending a plastic ML arm to reach the FW weapons I think.

For magnetising I'd imagine that'd be simple enough for whole weapon/arm/pad combos - a 2mm magnet in what's left of the shoulder will fix that up, but just weapons would be a pain. I suppose magnetising the handhold and the backpack vents would be the best way to ensure a good hold and alignment if you just want to do weapons though.

I haven't tried the plasma cannon yet but there are a couple of things to note - the back of the Marine's helmet can be shaved down a lot before it's noticeable, especially the section that hides behind the collar. The second thing is some heads are smaller than others, try a Mk.VI helm or a variant Mk.VII, some of the command helms have really short snouts and might work nicely. The Mk.IV helm is also pretty good for this kind if thing. Finally, you can always have the Marine looking off-sight at something else rather than down the barrel if you can't get anything to work.

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Sorry for the lack of updates.


I've been in build mode ever since I got my last shipment from Forgeworld so I haven't really touched my brushes that much

As I mentioned earlier I've been struggling with my Heavy Weapons. (Thanks a lot to SCC for the input and the photos btw!)

I think I'll have to glue them to their arms and magnetize those instead of the weapons themselves.


I've also been working on the Tactical Sergeant which I'm quite satisfied with.

The first version was wearing Heresy Armour which I converted to be standing with one foot on a Mantis Warrior helmet.

He looked a bit too calm for a Carcharodon though so I gave him a running pose in full (minus the helmet) Corvus Armour instead.

I'm waiting for a shipment of resin skulls from Ebay, he's going to have one hanging from his belt.


At the moment I'm painting another and also the last Bolter marine in Iron Armour.

The quality of the sculpt was really bad so that put a big dent in my motivation.


Still haven't received my decals or my Contemptor Dreadnought yet.

I was hoping I would get them today, but now it looks like I'll have to wait till next week :D


There's also some radical ideas swirling in my head at the moment.

Painting all this grey is getting pretty boring and I've had the idea of making this a split army for a while.

Now I know this really goes against the fluff since the Carcharodons are such a mysterious and solitary chapter.

But I think dual chapters look great, especially if the colour schemes compliment each other.

And also, being able to switch chapters when I get bored of painting grey would help me stay motivated.

At first I was thinking Carcharodons and Raven Guard since there are hints that they both sons of Corax.

BUT... (And this really beats the fluff) I'm also considering Imperial Fists.

I just love this chapter and I've even painted some test models to get to grips with yellow.


Another reason for this is that the Contemptor Dread looks AMAZING in Imperial Fist colours.

I saw one on Warseer earlier today and it almost made my blood turn yellow.


I have no idea how I would justify this though, except for the 'rule of cool'.


Here's one of my old Imperial Fist test figures:


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as much as that imp fist looks cool, stick with the carcharadons! in the long run i think you will be more satisfied with a single chapter than a mixed force.. it will look much better on the tabletop and tbh i think your abilities do justice to a chapter that others seem to ruin with shark faces and slap dash paint jobs.


plus imperial fists that rage out due to being in the same army as the red wake? it just doesnt make sense and you know it!


essentially im going to nag you until you admit defeat and carry on (at a slower pace so me and blind dont feel so bad) with the sharkticons.

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While your Imperial fist looks pretty dam amazing I think this -


honestly stick with carcharodons, you are the only online gamer I have seen do them with any essence of skill, and lets face it, every tom, jim and harry along with their sister-daughter are wanting to from the womb.. Imperial fists = overdone!



TLDR version - Lorenzen +10!


I will say though, I don't see many if any squad markings or free hand on the models despite the awesome paint job, how about break it up with some nice free hand about the place, and when colors bore me, I just break it by doing some narly battle damage and light sourcing, it will bring other color hue's into play and break the cycle! try that?

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