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Stobz'z Legends.... Hello Darkness, my old friend...

Go to solution Solved by Interrogator Stobz,

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This is an amazing thread Stobz.

For a player recently coming back into the hobby after not painting/modelling since the late 90s, flicking through over 4yrs of painting and modelling is very inspiring.

You're work is fantastic too. Good job mate. Your DA collection is very impressive!

I'm glad to see that Thunderhawk finally got some game time in too.:smile.:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Small update: I've been working sporadically on my RWCS, Brother Atholstan has yet too be weathered with powders (esp on the wheels etc) and basing will occur with his squad mates later on.


Here is a preview:



And here:


"I've come to talk with you again..."



Log, Log, Log...




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....whispered in the sounds of silence.




Good spotting, but you've raced straight to the end. It's my new painting ditty; the Disturbed version is great to hum whilst I muck about with a brush :laugh.:


EDIT: No, the icon is one of the RWCS/RWBK sculpted ones.

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One does not simply get it out of one's head Lostrael. Only a trip to Chamber 42 will truly cure you.


Thanks for the compliment too :biggrin.:


Edit: As for you naggers, summer semester has just started so I will disappoint even more regularly than usual :tongue.:




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....whispered in the sounds of silence.




Good spotting, but you've raced straight to the end. It's my new painting ditty; the Disturbed version is great to hum whilst I muck about with a brush :laugh.:


EDIT: No, the icon is one of the RWCS/RWBK sculpted ones.



Ah sorry I should have been clearer but on the pic there is some red on the top part of the front plate which I meant, is that freehand writing? looks like a squad number I think


A good album, glad you mentioned it, I didn't have a clue they had a new one out, last thing I listened to was the album by Device, a bit unrelated, sorry.

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DR: Ah, you sure are looking closely at my wardolls :wink: , the red bit on top is one of the campaign transfers from the new DA sheet, I finally got brave enough to cut it up. I do love free-handing stuff but my limited time now needs to be a bit more efficient. I'll post a clearer pick when he's all done.


Lostrael: it sure is a cool song, leave it there. (there was a damned typo in my post you copied, I meant "get it out of one's head" but you probably got it anyway :tongue.:

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I'm waiting for a 'relic' one ;)  Seriously though, they look awesome and I am considering one down the track (still plenty in the unfinished pile first-ish). 


Wouldn't it be nice if we got a DA HH Contemptor as well? That would be required buying from this nutbar.


The next biker is progressing slowly but surely too BTW...

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I'm waiting for a 'relic' one :wink:  Seriously though, they look awesome and I am considering one down the track (still plenty in the unfinished pile first-ish). 


Wouldn't it be nice if we got a DA HH Contemptor as well? That would be required buying from this nutbar.


Every chapter has had one thus far so it's only a matter of time. I'm visualising it now and it's amaazeballs! If the actual release doesn't have an ornate winged sword covering the chest plate I'll be very upset.

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Sweet biker Stobz.  especially like toxicology in metallics and the red eyes.  i have a couple based and started that way.  Makes them look more menacing in my  opinion.  Keep on Keeping on.  


I will soon be making my move to a vin dread.  Too old and too broke to keep playing in the reindeer games, so I may yet get to start my painting and plastic crack pile compilation.  Then again, the 7th member of my fire team will be making her arrival about a week after I walk away and become a Former Action Guy.  Much rather the Vin-dread, but like I said I have a fire team to train......  Guess that makes me Master of Novices.. in my Chapter.  May have to change  my title on here.


Either way, I very much appreciate your work and sharing on here.  Hoping I can eventually get close to your level, and yes I will start a post so I can be critiqued and harangued by all my DA Brethren.

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I'm waiting for a 'relic' one ;) Seriously though, they look awesome and I am considering one down the track (still plenty in the unfinished pile first-ish).


Wouldn't it be nice if we got a DA HH Contemptor as well? That would be required buying from this nutbar.


The next biker is progressing slowly but surely too BTW...

I started mine, but never finished...




...but I'll stop jacking your thread :P



Edit: what I might do instead is get the DG one and file off the "X" and "V" numerals from the torso (XIV) so that I'm left with just the I. The armor is pretty unadorned and baroque enough for Angels Tenebrous/1st Legion/Dark Angels Legion.

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