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  • 2 weeks later...

Just caught up with the last few update Bio.  The Jump Pack Lord looking really cool & same with the Spawn models how they tie in with your army theme - Dreadnought, Daemon Prince with the facemask look.  As said in PM, you'll need to try get the Wulfen book & check out some of the Daemons rule & formation to try out along side your Daemonkin force.


You'll need to try get a army photo.

  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks guys.

No further with the Spawn but I have revisited a project I started a while back, these pics are still very early WIP, hoping to work on it a little more this week.


So since I got the Knight model I knew I wanted to add a pilot to it. Well I now have two Knights with a third on its way so I thought I'd best get the finger out and start working on it.


For the command throne I'd seen a few different approaches with Kraut opting for land speeder bits and OSS going more along the Sentinal cockpit in a custom tub. Both of these I tried and just couldn't get things to line up right. Sit right for me. Then I had a quick look in the box of spares I'd picked up for the Gorehound and saw the top panel of a Stormraven. It had all the techy gubbinz I wanted and came in its own self contained tub, 10mins of chopping later and I came up with this.






Apologies for the flash but it was the only way I could show the detail inside



So the throne was in place, just need a few more techy bits and screens thrown at it and we're sorted. Onto the pilot.


I wanted these guys to be from a Fallen House so I didn't want them to be too corrupted or mutated, I decided I really like the style of Dave Taylors and the FW pilots so tried to emulate that with the Scions kit as best I could. Only thing I'm not too sure about with him is the head, I'm tempted to pick up some renegade enforcers for the skulls. Since these pics were taken I've fixed the legs as well so they don't look as dumpy now.





As I've said elsewhere, that's some indredibly smooth work right there, and I probably should have used the same recipe myself. If nothing else, it would have saved me lots of cutting and second-guessing ;)


As for the head, I'll just reproduce my suggestions from my earlier message here for the benefit of the discussion -- maybe somebody else might take one of my ideas and run with it for an even better outcome:



- what about a Bloodwarrior head with the bunny ears shaved off?

- ...or the DV cultist camp head wearing a Blood Pact grotesk

- some of the AdMech rebreather heads might work too -- in fact, there's a Skitarii Ranger head without a hood that might look really cool and sinister, but a bit more interesting than a scion helmet

- one of the crazy vehicle crew heads from the Vraksian renegades



Oh, and one idea I also suggested when OSS was building one of his Knights: If you are going for some kind of Khornate facemask, what about running a thicket of cabling from the back of the head to the cockpit wall -- that way, it would even be ambiguous whether the pilot is actually the one in control or merely serves as an organic computing unit, with the ancient interface array more like a means of imprisoning the pilot and leeching off his strength.


Thanks guys.


Still undecided on the head but have added a bit more detail to the cockpit. At work just now so no pics. I'll be pushing on this week as and when I can to detail this guy as I have a game next Sunday where I'll be using him against the dreaded Tau. Looking forward to fielding him though.

/just happens to have a Stormraven cockpit lying around......tsssk


Looks to be a pretty neat solution though, and I'd go with a different head myself. Scion helm looks a tad too plain, unless you splice it with a skull jaw......hmmm. Stuck with the DV cultist hood head/TIE pilot cables for my own, given it's Dark Mech ownership, but as Kraut and I discussed, working out a backstory/theme first usually leads to ideas.

OSS, I have a backstory in mind. Very early though. Need to sit and work on some developed fluff for the Knights. I have a couple of ideas for the pilots head as well. As soon as I can I'll show some options.


Augustuss, I'm way ahead of you buddy. Again I'll hopefully have some pics tomorrow.

Way ahead of you buddy.



Here's a really quick pic of what I have planned with the screens


Edited by Biohazard

And here's an idea Id had for the Scion masks. I saw a guy on FB had done this and I liked the effect. Thought something along these lines could look decent on a renegade knight pilot


So, after playing around with the pilot configuration I decided to change speed a little, I have 3 Knights in total and want to have the same style of cockpit in each. A search on eBay and worldwide bits sites were not proving fruitful for more Storm Raven hull pieces so I needed an alternative. Cue the Stormtalon...



I also added a LR engine part to the back and I'm almost finished detailing the pilots console at the front. Any loyalist markings you see here will obviously be removed. Good thing is I have two stormtalon cockpits and the SR so all 3 Knights will have their throne mechanicum.


Also tried out another couple of heads for the pilot.




A peek at how the first one stands so far




How very much like you to build a perfect Knight cockpit, then come up with a second version just for the heck of it. What a show-off :wink:


Seriously, though: Both the alternate cockpit and the engine are looking excellent. I love the (second) skull head on the pilot, btw -- that's one of RSJake's sculpts, right?


Really looking forward to your next update, buddy! :smile.:

Edited by KrautScientist

Thanks buddy, needs must. Definitely no showing off here. There's far too much work in here to show off ha.


Those are both RSjake sculpts. I'm sure I have a couple more of the visor ones. I've since stripped these ones of paint as the white on them was quite thick. I only have one of the full skull ones though. I'll use the skull as the baron I think.


Not a massive update but I have started laying down the basecoats on the armour and I've washed the metals ready for some detailing or in some areas more washes.








The eversor head isn't staying. I just had that in place while I stripped the other heads. As always let me know what you think folks.

Yeah, that big guy is really starting to come together! Make sure to spend some time browsing through JeffTibbetts' thread, though, as you will want to be spending some time on all the oil and grime on the metallic parts -- it may seem like a waste of time at first, but it's really one of the things that end up selling the model, at least when seen from close up!


OMG that Eversor head! Maybe you should go with it, after all, as it looks amazing in that picture. Why not use the Eversor head and the one RSJake sculpt for another Knight which leaves you with one more head to find, right? (I don't like the visor ones that much, personally, because the visor and skull designs don't really mesh all that well if you ask me).


Anyway, fantastic work all around! :)

That cockpit idea looks great. Makes me really consider doing something similar.


About the eversor head: At first I was like "why did he use that head, is the pilot on acid?" but then I remembered this is a Khornate Knight. Please go for the eversor head! :tu: ;)

Sorry guys, as much as I do like the Eversor head on the pilot, I like it on the assassin even more. I can't justify to myself using it here where it won't get seen a lot. I have checked bits sites but again can't justify the cost of buyin the whole model for such a small bit. I have however ordered some FW Renegade Enforcers. ;)

Wait until I get back to mine grizzly, then you'll see gloriously brush-stroked red !


Looking snazzy Bio, and probably easier in batch painting both at the same time ? Think I petered out after finishing the first......


Anything else planned for the carapace ? That's where I slowly went mad, as I didn't want to leave it bare, but nor did I think adding numerous spikes would work either. I've something in mind now, but I'm knee deep in xenos still........

Cheers OSS, I'll probably end up batch painting the next two. At the moment the only one that was anywhere near ready for paint was this yin.


I'm in the same boat with the carapace and shoulder guards. I want some more decoration on there but don't want anything too spiky or nuts. I have a few more trophies to add over the carapace so there will be a few more spikes. I may end up going for something along the lines of Krauts knight on the shoulders without the Warshrine bits. I do like the chain and Khorne/WE symbols though.


I've also gathered a load of bits to make a Kytan using another set of Knight legs and a Lord of Skulls upper. I'll be working on that at some point soon. Just need to find a base big enough for it.

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