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Space Marine B&C Clan

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Had great game with some of the guys on here tonight despite my over zealous storm bolter antics. :)



I am not a shield! ;)


Yes you are, now stop those bullets for me and let me steal your kills! I have to admit it was funny to hear your rage getting worse as I kept stealing your kills from right next to you, we need to hide around corners more.....


That was really funny, like I say great game and CJJ you provided me a great moving cover save when we weren't getting final vengeanced to death. ;)


I must get my revenge for Asdmodai shooting me in the back at the very last second of that match with his Raptor! :)

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The PC version doesn't have a push to talk button.. that means if your mic doesn't have an on/off switch, keep your voice down.


Or unplug your mic.


The only issues I'm having with the multiplayer are based around the lobby. I'd prefer it if voices were automatically muted, or if there was a "mute all" button. It'd be great if there were an option to change this in-game, too.


**EDITED for Rant Deletion**


I'm on just about every night after 18:30 as odsox, and while I can't be part of the B&C because I've used all my slots for my own colour schemes, I'll try and keep an eye out for you guys!


...actually, reading the list for PC, I think one or two of you may have killed me at some point already.





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Had great game with some of the guys on here tonight despite my over zealous storm bolter antics. :)



I am not a shield! ;)


Yes you are, now stop those bullets for me and let me steal your kills! I have to admit it was funny to hear your rage getting worse as I kept stealing your kills from right next to you, we need to hide around corners more.....


That was really funny, like I say great game and CJJ you provided me a great moving cover save when we weren't getting final vengeanced to death. ;)


I must get my revenge for Asdmodai shooting me in the back at the very last second of that match with his Raptor! ;)



I'm a sneaky git when I play as a raptor/assault marine, I get high and then land on someones face with my thunderhammer/deamon maul :)

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Had great game with some of the guys on here tonight despite my over zealous storm bolter antics. ;)



I am not a shield! ;)


Yes you are, now stop those bullets for me and let me steal your kills! I have to admit it was funny to hear your rage getting worse as I kept stealing your kills from right next to you, we need to hide around corners more.....


That was really funny, like I say great game and CJJ you provided me a great moving cover save when we weren't getting final vengeanced to death. ;)


I must get my revenge for Asdmodai shooting me in the back at the very last second of that match with his Raptor! ;)


Just you wait.. My in-game nerd-rage is legendary amongst those I play other online shooters with; I was just warming up ;)

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Had great game with some of the guys on here tonight despite my over zealous storm bolter antics. :)



I am not a shield! ;)


Yes you are, now stop those bullets for me and let me steal your kills! I have to admit it was funny to hear your rage getting worse as I kept stealing your kills from right next to you, we need to hide around corners more.....


That was really funny, like I say great game and CJJ you provided me a great moving cover save when we weren't getting final vengeanced to death. ;)


I must get my revenge for Asdmodai shooting me in the back at the very last second of that match with his Raptor! ;)


Just you wait.. My in-game nerd-rage is legendary amongst those I play other online shooters with; I was just warming up ;)

hmmm to be fair my nerdrage can be terrifying as well, specialy when i should have been asleep for a few hours already... fact that my internet connection is rubbish and thus most of my games tend to be laggy (and i like meltaguns....alot) means that what i see on the screen generally isent whats happening..... yea i get annoyed ^_^


3 shots and still hes isent dead? how is this possible? *rolls over and dies* wait what? ^_^


well that and raptors with 10 feet long chainswords :D

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Had great game with some of the guys on here tonight despite my over zealous storm bolter antics. :)



I am not a shield! ;)


Of course not, you were a fine source of softening up enemies before I dispatched them with my beloved Stalker/Daemon Eye Bolter. ;)


Was an absolute blast playing alongside Doghouse, CJJ and Vaporise for a few hours before the whole tractor incident in my back garden. Hopefully I can get a few games in before I return to Uni.



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Had great game with some of the guys on here tonight despite my over zealous storm bolter antics. :D



I am not a shield! ;)


Yes you are, now stop those bullets for me and let me steal your kills! I have to admit it was funny to hear your rage getting worse as I kept stealing your kills from right next to you, we need to hide around corners more.....


That was really funny, like I say great game and CJJ you provided me a great moving cover save when we weren't getting final vengeanced to death. ;)


I must get my revenge for Asdmodai shooting me in the back at the very last second of that match with his Raptor! :D


Just you wait.. My in-game nerd-rage is legendary amongst those I play other online shooters with; I was just warming up ;)


Was a good laugh playing with you guys :)


Would have tonight but I got into a lobby with some THQ reps, which resulted in me winning a Space Marine T-Shirt :D


We'll have to get together again for some more mayhem soon.

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Is there anyone on here using Iron Hands on a regular basis? I am on XBOX 360 platform, and though I see tons of blue, green, grey, and every other color under the rainbow, I see no Iron Hands. On a side note, I was rather amused for a while when I got stuck for over a half-hour before I left the game in a capture and control. The score sat at 560 to 488, never went anywhere, but Great canage-I think the top five were when I left were combined for over 500 kills. I know I racked up 64 and almost 7000xp.



Oh, and not to sound boorish, but does anyone else find it a slight rip-off that you have to pay unlock the multiplayer past Lvl:5? I find it very frustrating that you pay $60.00 plus tax, then have to drop more on it to level up past 5.

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Oh, and not to sound boorish, but does anyone else find it a slight rip-off that you have to pay unlock the multiplayer past Lvl:5? I find it very frustrating that you pay $60.00 plus tax, then have to drop more on it to level up past 5.


You get a code on the back of the manual, at least for the 360 version, that unlocks it.


All it is is to try and even the balance in terms of pre-owned copies; a company gets nothing from pre-owned sales hence the move from a lot of companies towards needing a code to unlock online MP.

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On a side note, I was rather amused for a while when I got stuck for over a half-hour before I left the game in a capture and control. The score sat at 560 to 488, never went anywhere, but Great canage-I think the top five were when I left were combined for over 500 kills. I know I racked up 64 and almost 7000xp.

This happened to me and Dorns_Fist, though I did not rack up anywhere near as many kills before we left.


Oh, and not to sound boorish, but does anyone else find it a slight rip-off that you have to pay unlock the multiplayer past Lvl:5? I find it very frustrating that you pay $60.00 plus tax, then have to drop more on it to level up past 5.

Well, form a business stand point, they might figure they only have a limited audience, (I.E., those who have heard of 40k,) and are trying to make the most of it. But, they did send elite pass codes on the back of the game manual for the release of the game, I don't know how long those will continue to be in there.


;)'ed by CJJ with a better reason

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On a side note, I was rather amused for a while when I got stuck for over a half-hour before I left the game in a capture and control. The score sat at 560 to 488, never went anywhere, but Great canage-I think the top five were when I left were combined for over 500 kills. I know I racked up 64 and almost 7000xp.

This happened to me and Dorns_Fist, though I did not rack up anywhere near as many kills before we left.


Happens in TDM as well, the score gets stuck at 11-5

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