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He looks great, and different enough from the base model to make him not immediately scream "Hey I used to be a Dark Angel!"

My only nitpick and a half would be his bolt pistol; doesn't he already have a holstered one on his right side? That, and what Midnight Runner said.


Edit - maybe a sacrificial dagger in his right hand instead?

Edited by SalvationOfReason
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Thanks for the feedback! :)




Evil, positively evil, that's what I think. Fits those evil first heretics perfectly :thumbsup: I would possibly turn his left wrist in slightly so his bolt pistol looks more at rest, but great work as ever :smile.:

Thanks bro, glad you like him! And thanks for the posing suggestion.


That is brilliant :drool:. I am particularly loving the backpack with the trophies and the skulls on the vents, where are they from? 



Thanks a lot, bro! The skulls on the vents are from the Dark Angel Interrogator Chaplain's power pack.


Head facing the other way for me.

Thanks for the suggestion, bro. I think I'll paint the head separately so I can decide how to pose it when the rest of the mini is finished.


What's the idea behind the pose?

I wanted it to look like he is wielding the crozius as a religious icon/relic rather than as a weapon. Either blessing his warriors, cursing his enemies or summoning some Daemonic allies. 


That's awesome man, I'll definitely be keeping a close eye on him as I may be working on some Word Bearers myself....

Thanks bro! Looking forward to seeing your Word Bearers.


He looks great, and different enough from the base model to make him not immediately scream "Hey I used to be a Dark Angel!"
My only nitpick and a half would be his bolt pistol; doesn't he already have a holstered one on his right side? That, and what Midnight Runner said.

Edit - maybe a sacrificial dagger in his right hand instead?

Thanks bro! Glad I was able to hide his Dark Angel origins. A sacrificial dagger/cursed weapon would be great, I just need to find a suitable piece... Knapped flint weapons are in short supply.


Whose skirt is this?

The kitbash looks great. I second the suggestion of a dagger in his hand.

Hahaha, a Dark Angel's of course. Who else would wear a dress...



Whose skirt is this?


It's from the Dark Angels Interrogator Chaplain: 's a lovely model.


Lovely model kizz. Personally, I think he's fine as he is, but if you do decide to go with a dagger as some are suggesting, I'm sure it'll look grand.


Thanks dude! Glad you like him so far.


Yesss... tread the Eightfold Path, brother.

Hahaha, I'm rereading Betrayer and it's really inspiring.


A brilliant conversion. I have no problem with the bolt pistol hand's angle, but maybe becaus ehe already has one, that sacrifical dagger idea is worth a shot. Just try it out. If you don't like it, he'll be a dual wielder. :thumbsup:

Thanks for the feed back bro! I'll have a go with some different weapons tomorrow and see how they look.





Thanks for looking ;)

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Just found this thread and I have to say that your work is amazing, you have some great conversion and painting skills! This last chaplain is very cool but, as the original model, I think the wrist of the hand holding the mace is twisted in a weird way. Can't wait to see him painted!
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How about something like this? Trimmed down a bit, of course.





The Ironjawz AoS sets are great for stuff like that; I think there's a few smaller dagger-sized weapons as well (just can't find a picture of one).

Edited by SalvationOfReason
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Thanks for all of the suggestions and comments.


Almost ready for some paint :)







Just found this thread and I have to say that your work is amazing, you have some great conversion and painting skills! This last chaplain is very cool but, as the original model, I think the wrist of the hand holding the mace is twisted in a weird way. Can't wait to see him painted!

Thanks a lot bro! Really glad you like him :tu:


How about something like this? Trimmed down a bit, of course.


The Ironjawz AoS sets are great for stuff like that; I think there's a few smaller dagger-sized weapons as well (just can't find a picture of one).

Yeah, that style but obviously much smaller. I ended up going with a dagger from the Blood Reavers. Thanks for the suggestions though. Much appreciated :tu:





Thanks for looking ;)

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The Chaplain is looking great, and the dagger works perfectly as an athame! I really think he needs a different head, though: Either a suitably zealous bare head, a skull mask of some sort, or something ever so slightly more chaotic that hints at the Word Bearers' new allegiance.
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The Chaplain is looking great, and the dagger works perfectly as an athame! I really think he needs a different head, though: Either a suitably zealous bare head, a skull mask of some sort, or something ever so slightly more chaotic that hints at the Word Bearers' new allegiance.

This. How about a FW Night Lords terror helmet with a BoP MkIII sergeant's plume?

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Thanks for the feedback everyone!




Iron jaw chibs look better I think, for big demon weapons....or just cruel chaos torture devices...either is good...

Can't wait to see some paint thrown on him

Thanks mate!

I always assumed that most cursed blades were small dagger like weapons from their description in Know No Fear. Like shards of the Anathame.










The Chaplain is looking great, and the dagger works perfectly as an athame! I really think he needs a different head, though: Either a suitably zealous bare head, a skull mask of some sort, or something ever so slightly more chaotic that hints at the Word Bearers' new allegiance.

Thanks bro! I'm thinking I might paint up a couple of alternative heads, but I want to keep them fairly basic so that it will be instantly obvious that the Chaplain belongs in 30k rather than 40k.


Personally, I love the blade you've got now. I'm a sucker for chaos daggers, as Noctis will attest.

Thanks bro! Glad you like it.


Now if only the rules for said chaos daggers weren't so :censored:...

Hahaha, rule of kool ;)



The Chaplain is looking great, and the dagger works perfectly as an athame! I really think he needs a different head, though: Either a suitably zealous bare head, a skull mask of some sort, or something ever so slightly more chaotic that hints at the Word Bearers' new allegiance.

This. How about a FW Night Lords terror helmet with a BoP MkIII sergeant's plume?


I always thought the skull mask was a sign of reverence/respect for the Emperor, but I think that might have been changed in the BL Heresy fluff. I still can't get passed the skull masked/Emperor connection.


I'd actually keep the Mk IV helmet or try and find one of the FW Mk IV heads for the word bearers. Skull helmets always signalled 'imperial' chaplain to me :sweat:

That how I've always seen it. Either way I'll probably paint up a couple of heads and see how they look.



I think the horned skull helmet from the Dark Vengeance Chosen champ would actually be ideal: It would require a bit of shaving and rebuilding, but it's delicate enough to work while also being suitably non-imperial.

Hahaha, I've already done that (the Chosen daemon helmet)! I'll see how it looks tomorrow.


I'd actually suggest the Ivanus Enkmoi head if you're going to swap it out, but honestly it looks fine as-is.

Thanks a lot for the suggestion bro :)


Amazing thread. I adore your painting skill and your dedication to providing tutorials.


 How do you do your basing?

Thanks a lot, bro! 

I did a tutorial for the bases at the end of the Emperor's Children tutorial





Thanks for looking ;)

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