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Really diguing the colors of those SoH ! Loved them back in the day when I get my first forge wolrd black book !

Can't wait to see more of your stuff with your news painting technique in action :wink:



Thanks a lot bro! Glad you like how the colour turned out, I'm going to be pretty busy for the next couple of months, but hopefully I'll have some more hobby time afterwards :)


Seriously looking forward to seeing how your SoH turn out. You've absolutely nailed the colour.


I'd love to make up a Sgt. for you to paint!

Thanks bro! That would be awesome :tu:


I keep meaning to comment on this but u get distracted, lol. That SoH green is the most faithful I've seen to the illustrations. It's absolutely perfect and I love that it's metallic to boot. As always, love your work brother.

Hahaha, no worries bro! Yeah, I really like metallic schemes for the Legions. I'm still planning to perfect my metallic purple for the Emperor's Children :)

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  • 1 month later...

First post in a while. I've been pretty busy with other things, but it was great to finally get some hobby done. There is still a bit of work do (decals, weathering etc.), but it's definitely getting there :smile.:







Hopefully I'll be able to post more regularly soon.





Thanks for looking :wink:

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Nice work man, looks good. For your Alphas?

Thanks a lot, bro! Yeah, for the Alphas. It's pretty blue/bland at the moment, but once the decals are added it'll tie in with the rest of the army.


That blue is so beautiful, I'm glad to see you're back.

Thanks bro! Hopefully I'll be able to post a bit more regularly.


I don't think I've ever seen miniatures look quite so much like official reference material. 

Wow, thanks for the kind words bro! 

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Some bits that I'm working on for some Sons of Horus. Still very WIP. I need to add a few more details to each piece before they're done.


So, I've pretty much decided that my next project will be a small force of Sons of Horus. I'm currently in the process of coming up with some conversion ideas and trying to figure out the list that I want to build towards.






Nothing says you're in for a good time like a canister being shot at you from space, loaded with a walking tank!


The drop pod looks great. Definitely love the hazards chevron's and the wear on them!

Hahahaha, yeah the Leviathan can be pretty nasty... Glad you like the drop pod and the hazard stripes :)





Thanks for looking ;)

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I'm looking forward to putting a Leviathan to use if I could get mine built. If you get some battles in with yours and his new chariot be sure to take pictures and share!


Definitely looking to the Sons of Horus! That is some great sculpt work you've done. They really reflect the artwork in HH book 1 or 2 where there are sketches of the SoH in their fancy armor. That shaved down mk4 chest is the bees knees by the way.

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I've just finished the greenstuff detail work. I'm relatively happy with how it turned, but I'm sure it'll look much better once everything is painted up. I also did some really basic work on a couple of Thousand Sons torso to make them a bit more appropriate for the Sons of Horus.


I've painted the greenstuff detail red so that it would be more visible in the photo.



Also, here is some of the concept work that I've been using as inspiration. Unfortunately I'm not sure who the original artists is. I know that it's from someone on the Forgeworld team, and the picture of the artwork was taken at the 2013 open day. If anyone knows the artist's name please let me know in a comment or a personal message. I'd love to credit them for their fantastic work :tu:



I've ordered some spike and studs from Blood and Skulls Industry and I just need to find some fine jewellery chain so that I can start adding some trophy skulls and warrior lodge mirror coins. Capt. Jack has also put me onto the excellent Master Crafted Miniatures spiked shoulder plates, so I'm considering some of those as well.



I'm looking forward to putting a Leviathan to use if I could get mine built. If you get some battles in with yours and his new chariot be sure to take pictures and share!


Definitely looking to the Sons of Horus! That is some great sculpt work you've done. They really reflect the artwork in HH book 1 or 2 where there are sketches of the SoH in their fancy armor. That shaved down mk4 chest is the bees knees by the way.

They're such fantastic looking dreadnoughts, easily my favourite. I'll be sure to take some pics when I get around using mine.

Thanks a lot bro! Glad you like the Sons of Horus work. The shaved down MkIV is something that I did for a lot of my Emperor's Children (to add Palatine Aquilas) so I've had plenty of practice there. I'm keen for every mini to look like an individual, so there'll be plenty of playing around with the different armour Mks and such.


Dang I totally would've missed that chest piece if Hushrong hadn't pointed it out. Love the subtle details like that man. Really excited to see these dudes take shape.

Thanks a lot bro! It's been a lot of fun to finally get some more hobby done.


Lookin' good! Lupercal!

Thanks a lot, dude! I was looking back through your Sons of Horus for some inspiration just the other day. Lupercal!


Ooh yeah those are going to be sweet. Going to do them up as Reavers or Vets?

Thanks! At the moment I'm planing some Assault Marines and some Outriders, so I'll probably use the bits on those squads.


Some seriously spicy updates recently Kizzdougs!

Really enjoying the simple but masterfully executed SoH components you've been working on. I have no doubts you'll hit them out of the park when you get some paint in them!

Thanks a lot bro! I'm just about to get the Forgeworld airbrush paints so I'll have to see about a colour scheme once those arrive. I'm still leaning towards a metallics scheme, but I'll definitely try the Forgeworld paints before I make a final decision.


Looking forward to these, good work with the green stuff detailing.

Thanks a lot! Glad you like the greenstuff.


Seeing you do these might just make me reconsider my dim view of the SoH!!

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Love the upgrades work! I really need to work on sculpting so I can try this out.The extra detail will definitely create a unique force of personalized warriors! Would also love to see your take on that eye on the gut armor as that just stands out beautifully.


This force you are building, will these be Reavers?

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Hey everyone, thanks for the great comments and feedback :tu:


I thought I'd share some of the ideas that I've had about the fluff and direction behind my planned Sons of Horus project. Basically the Sons of Horus will be the primary detachment with an allied force of Cults and Militia, and I'll be building the force using the Eye of Horus Podcast's 'Centurion Mode' restrictions.


The loose idea that I’m working with at the moment is that a small splinter force of the 16h Legion (Sons of Horus) has been sent to pacify a cluster of worlds that have decided to reject the Warmaster’s demand for fealty (this will be set sometime during the Long March to Terra). To achieve their objectives and compensate for their relatively meagre resources (they’re just a small raiding force sent to harrow and punish worlds that are resistant to the rulership of the ‘new’ Master of Mankind) they have begun ‘recruiting’ the most down trodden and abused dregs of humanity (underhive scum, slaves, indentured and forced labourers, twists etc.) who see the Sons of Horus as their liberators and saviours. Maybe they believe that the army’s commander is Horus Lupercal himself, after all they’ve probably never seen a space marine before, let a lone a Primarch. Their mindless and desperate loyalty comes from a willingness to do whatever it takes to break the yoke of Imperial rule that has oppressed them and their families for generations. This loyalty is reinforced and twisted by the Davinite Lodge Priest (who’ll be represented by a Militia Force Commander in the army) that accompanies the Sons of Horus warband. The down trodden and desperate are particularly receptive and susceptible to the seductive whispers of Chaos and indoctrinating these pitiful dregs of humanity would be a pretty effortless process for Davinite Priest. Of course the Sons of Horus don’t actually care for their loyalty and are willing to spend their lives without a second thought.


So essentially the Sons of Horus element of the force will be fast moving raiders, and the militia elements will be low-tech and expendable...




I'd love to hear what everyone thinks of this idea :)


Personally I think it's pretty decent and doesn't clash with any established fluff or the general spirit of the Sons of Horus Legion. We know that the Warmaster sent his emissaries across the galaxy to offer his terms of surrender/allegiance to Imperial Governors, Commanders, and Mechanicum representatives and that there were plenty of smaller forces of Astartes operating away from their Legion on various missions.


I'm also looking forward to trying to convert a Davinite priest (Force Commander).



Love the upgrades work! I really need to work on sculpting so I can try this out.The extra detail will definitely create a unique force of personalized warriors! Would also love to see your take on that eye on the gut armor as that just stands out beautifully.

This force you are building, will these be Reavers?

Thanks bro! The large eye on the gut armour is a great idea. I think I'll give it a go in my next batch of bits. I recon cutting up a MkIV chest piece would be the way to go.

No Reavers planned, but the force will be a quick moving force so there'll be Assault Marines and Outriders at least.


Love the upgrades and how they convey their Legion without going overboard. Perfect for rank and file.

Thanks a lot bro! It's difficult to give them the right level of detail so that they're obviously Sons of Horus, but not so overboard that they'll look strange when mixed in with regular Calth and Prospero bits.


I am now grumpy that I didn't know about those spike/stud shoulderpads.

Yeah, they're pretty good. I'm pretty tempted to get some.





Thanks for looking ;)

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