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@kizz: Would be happy to help fine tune your armylist ideas.


And fair enough on the coils. At least there is now Choom where there was none before.

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I dunno... when you end up with a loyalist primarch inches away, you might miss all those plasma shots :biggrin.:


The volkites are looking boss though. I kinda like the metallic coils. They aren't as super eye-catchy as the plasma, but they don't get lost either. 

But my warriors are loyalists... point taken though. I don't really have any straight up Primarch killers in my army. I'll have to work on that.


The metal coils kinda make it seem as if the volkites are idling, just waiting to be primed to fire.

Yeah, I'm trying to decide whether to make the coils on the volkites that are being aimed, glowing, and the leaving the others in the plain metallic style.


That's just awesome...

Thanks, bro! Glad you like them :)


Marvellous models, as always, Kizzdougs. Happy to see some Volkite goodness in your collection. :wink:

Yeah, it was about time. Hopefully I'll be adding some more soon :)


@kizz: Would be happy to help fine tune your armylist ideas.


And fair enough on the coils. At least there is now Choom where there was none before.

Thanks, bro! I'll post it up in the 'Army List' section once it's ready :)

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Those volkites are bloody awesome, and these are some of the best Emperor's Children I've seen around. I don't often see examples of the III Legion that I like, but credit where it's due, your guys are absolutely badass. I really look forward to seeing a finished army.

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Hey everyone, I've finally had a go at writing up an army list. I'd love to hear what you guys think of it :)




Really liking those volkites!


Awesome purple never gets old.

Thanks, bro! Glad you like how they're looking :)


Like em? I love em!

I just hear the sound of them firing to be like a freem sound

Thanks bro!


Those volkites are bloody awesome, and these are some of the best Emperor's Children I've seen around. I don't often see examples of the III Legion that I like, but credit where it's due, your guys are absolutely badass. I really look forward to seeing a finished army.

Thanks, bro! Glad I can make some Emperor's Children that you approve of :)

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There's a possibility that some members of the board will be doing a Tale of Eighteen Gamers based around the Heresy legions, and having signed up, I've gone with Emperor's Children as my legion. That's all down to you Kizz. Keep up the good work!

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Thanks for the feedback :)



There's a possibility that some members of the board will be doing a Tale of Eighteen Gamers based around the Heresy legions, and having signed up, I've gone with Emperor's Children as my legion. That's all down to you Kizz. Keep up the good work!

Oh man! You just made my day, bro! I'll be keeping my eye peeled for your Emperor's Children :tu:




Cool your getting Eidolon.

Yeah, but I'll be converting him up as a loyalist Eidolon counts as :wink:

Awww I thought your EC were joining the dark side.


Haha, no way! I would like to have a go at some corrupted EC some time, but my first love in 40k/30k has always been the III Legion before its fall from grace.





Cool your getting Eidolon.

Yeah, but I'll be converting him up as a loyalist Eidolon counts as :wink:
Awww I thought your EC were joining the dark side.

No it's a loyaldon

Hahaha, that gave me a good laugh! Lord Commander Andronicus Loyaldon, Praetor of the III Legion...



I hope you magnetized those plasmaguns, because they looked good too.


And I concur on adding white to the rhinos to break up all the purple and gold.




Unfortunately I didn't magnetise them... :( I've still got them though, so it wouldn't take too much effort to paint up some more Legionaries if I really want the plasma guns again.

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I've just finished highlighting one of the Rhinos. It was such a tedious and time consuming process and I didn't even spend as much time on it as I should have. I'm dreading painting the Spartan and Venator now... I might have to work on some Palatine Blades as a fun distraction.


Next up I'll be painting the details such as the headlights and rivets. I'm also considering adding some decals to the front side panels. After that I'll add some light weathering around the tracks etc.








Thanks for looking ;)

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Highlighted it does look less a block of purple, but I do feel it could do with something to break it up a bit.

I have to agree with Hydra. Even highlighted the flat planes could do with something to break them up. Maybe some weathering?


Thanks for the feedback, brothers. I'm thinking about adding some decals, so that would help to break up the colours a bit. I'm definitely going to be doing some weathering work around the track areas as well. I've even started working on a couple of trophy plaques to go on top of the Rhinos to add even more detail and colour. I'll have to see hoe the plaques turn out though, I wont be using them if they don't live up to my expectations.

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Lovely work, I always admire people who dare painting vehicles. Its my big dread, vehicles and heavy walkers, because of the amount of flat surfaces.

Yeah, tanks suck... I'd much prefer to be painting infantry.


I aim to please kizz hahaha. Now that tank is looking awesome... - and even I hate doing tanks...I always have...grrr...but that's just tastey

Thanks, dude! Yeah, they're super boring to paint. Glad you like how they're coming a long though.



Speaking of tanks...




Definitely the first mini that I've had to use elastic bands to help with assembly :P

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