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I wouldn't change the basing on your Emp's Children at all, it looks great and really fit the 'clean' theme you have. In fact how do you do those bases? Are they resin?




As you're thinking of changing it, and yes, even asking the question counts, I would say go with whatever you feel is best. It'll look great either way :)

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The Brotherhood of the Palatine Blades is complete! I'm keeping the unit at eight strong so that when my Anvilus arrives from FW they'll be able ride in it with the Primus Medicae and the Praetor (who I have just started painting). These minis were heaps of fun to paint and I'd definitely recommend them to anyone.











I'm really liking the Palatines and your new Praetor. Quick question(s), how do you a) get your weathering powder to look so piled on and :cool.: how do you get such clear photos???

Thanks, bro! There isn't really a special technique I have with the weathering powder. I just brush it on with a medium sized brush. It naturally clumps in grooves and crevices. With the photos I use a digital camera on the 'close-up' setting and I position the models on a large pice of white paper, and use a lamp to light up the minis. I find that the flash on cameras overexposes the minis so a lamp is much better. There are much better ways to take pictures of your miniatures, such as with an actual light box, but I find that my technique is usually adequate for my needs.


I wouldn't change the basing on your Emp's Children at all, it looks great and really fit the 'clean' theme you have. In fact how do you do those bases? Are they resin?




As you're thinking of changing it, and yes, even asking the question counts, I would say go with whatever you feel is best. It'll look great either way :smile.:

Thanks, mate! I made the bases my self use plastic-card, greenstuff and a couple of other things. Here are some pics of what they look like, before and after painting :smile.:














Thanks for looking :wink:

Edited by kizzdougs
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Look what just arrived today...





Expect some WIP pics in the next few days :)



Looking good Kizz. saw them on face book. looking forward to whats next

Thanks, bro! Glad you like them :)


Wow. Just.... Wow. They're so beautiful. The crisp paint job.. The posing, the detaling. And those bases...

Thanks a lot, dude! Like I've said before, they're such nice minis that they're easy to put a bit more effort into :)


Beautiful marines as always!

Thanks, mate :)


I started out an English major in college, and I'm still coming up short with more synonyms for amazing, omigod and precision-bordering-on-robotic-and/or-witchcraft.


Imma have to start using dramatic hashtags.

Hahaha, if you start using too many hashtags I'll have to start posting my pics on instagram instead of the B&C :P


Holy hell man those Palatine Blades look insanely gorgeous! They look excellent as a group as well. I wish the NL had such awesome models! Keep it up bro!

Thanks, bro! Yeah, the Emperor's Children are blessed with really great minis. Then again the Night Lords are blessed with really nice rules, so I suppose it all comes down to which part of the hobby you prefer. The XIII Legion also has much better conversion opportunities which I'm pretty jealous of :P




Thanks for looking ;)

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The Anvillus is assembled and undercoated... I'm not looking forward to painting it... I'm also part way through assembling the Lightning and it's looks like it's going to be a much nicer mini to paint.




Everyone's favourite diorama king, EdT, generously sent me a bag bits and I've been playing around with some of the goodies in question. The VIII Legion Praetor/Delegatus is slowly starting to take shape. I haven't fully decided on any of the bits yet, but I'm happy with where he is going.




I'm also trying to de-chaosify this shield for him.








Those models are too nice.
What's in those bags?

Thanks, bro! I got two Medusas, a Lightning Strike Fighter, and an Anvillus drop pod for the Palatine Blades to ride in :)


The Palatine Blades are incredible man, the Emperors Children truly have some awesome looking models. Looking forward to seeing what's in those bags!

Yeah, we're pretty spoilt for nice minis in the III Legion :)


That much resin always makes me happy, even if the recipient is a filthy traitor :teehee: .  I love the Palatines by the way, especially the one on the far right of the picture.

Hahahaha, as Kurama said, I ain't no Traitor (yet). Everybody (on FB and on here) seems to love that particular Blade which is funny because he is probably my least favourite paint job of the lot :P



That much resin always makes me happy, even if the recipient is a filthy traitor :teehee: . I love the Palatines by the way, especially the one on the far right of the picture.

He's no Traitor !!!!


Thanks for having my back, bro! It hurts to be called a Traitor :P


Oh boy, oh boy!

Yeah, that was my reaction when the FW box arrived!


I can see an anvillus pod at least...

Correct! It wasn't as difficult to assemble as I thought it might be, but I recon it's going to be a real pain to paint...



I can see an anvillus pod at least...


I'm pretty sure I've spotted a LR Proteus, too. Though I could be an idiot :biggrin.:


I wish I had a Proteaus, but unfortunately I don't :(




Thanks for looking ;)

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AWWW YISSSSS. Praetor looks fab so far. I don;t know how I feel about your DE-chaosifying of the shield, but hey, who can complain with the rest of that mini. ;)


Also: how did you find assembly of the Dreadclaw? I have one and I haven't even finished building it I got so frustrated. Simultaneously binge-watching season 1 of Narcos also had something to do with that, but still. Did yours properly fit?

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What's the base model for the praetor? Looks like it's lacking a bit of detail, but then your painting will probably bring it out. Will he be a loyalist?


Sorry to jump in, it's from the Masters of the Chapter box set



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Everything looks awesome...


But... What's wrong with being a traitor? ... *sniff*





In other news, excellent work Kizz, I'm actually really surprised at how non description the MkIII captain looks when striped of detail.

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