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Hey kizz... you know MkIV breachers with elongated shields beautiful curved swords with ornate hilts and the EC Upgrade helms would look amazing you could give them ornate shields like so;




you could press mould or sculpt stuff onto them come on you know it's a great idea and works for your basing scheme and ZM you can also get another 10 and ride in a Spartan.... come on do it you know you want to your praetor worked with my help so use my idea you know you want to do it

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Thanks everyone! :)




Have you ever thought of converting one phoenix guard as a custodes terminator guard? I was thinking of getting one and converting up a grey knight force halberd into the custode signature gunglaive and possible switching the tartaros pads for something more traditional (gw termie shoulders) with eagles? Idk, just an idea I had for some bodyguard, little expensive though :tongue.:



Hmmm, I've never really thought about how I'd build a Custode in Terminator Armour. However I've always imagined them in Cataphractii like armour, a la the Collected Visions art.




The AoS Sigmarites are also great for Custodes conversions, but at the moment I'm more tempted to wait and see what FW do with the Custodes when they get around to releasing them. I really enjoyed building and painting the couple of Custodes that I made, but I know that once FW releases the genuine article, my Custodes just won't make the grade.


Dude wait for it.....

Palatine breachers!
But with elegant ornate shields!

If you do this I will build and send you a custom objective model!!

I'll even use a dead pewter oop vastroyan and do an EC standing over the corpse wiping down his blade to sweeten the deal

Hey kizz... you know MkIV breachers with elongated shields beautiful curved swords with ornate hilts and the EC Upgrade helms would look amazing you could give them ornate shields like so;


you could press mould or sculpt stuff onto them come on you know it's a great idea and works for your basing scheme and ZM you can also get another 10 and ride in a Spartan.... come on do it you know you want to your praetor worked with my help so use my idea you know you want to do it

That's an excellent idea, bro! Now I just need to find some suitable shields. They need to be reasonably effective as defensive tower shields while having a bit more elegance than your regular garden variety boarding shield. Phalanx Warder shields would be perfect, but I'm not sure how I'd go trying to source them. The AoS Stormcast Eternals have some nice shields, but they're definitely not as good as the Phalanx Warder shields.


And thank you very much for the kind offer (bribe), that's very generous of you :)


I just wish that the Emperor's Children had access to an elite breacher unit in the rules. Breachers made out of Palatine Blades are going to be the most elite looking, generic troops choice...


Kurama, that's a stonking idea. Kizz you have to do it. 

Hahaha, I guess peer pressure counts for something. I'll have to try to source some appropriate shields.


I'll support that idea by promising you to build and send you another objective marker (which I'll leave to you to paint), if and only if you do what Kurama suggested.

Thank you very much, bro! You are all far to generous :)


The Breachers idea sounds cool, would also love to see some jump troopers.

Yeah, I'd love to make some jump pack equipped troops at some stage. The assault marine aesthetic fits really nicely with the character of the III Legion.



I'll support that idea by promising you to build and send you another objective marker (which I'll leave to you to paint), if and only if you do what Kurama suggested.

Bribery opens every door. :wink:


Hahaha, so they say ;)


Dang, man. I disappear for a few months, and return to see nothing but masterpieces. The World Eater is particularly stunning, brother. Awesome job.  :smile.:

Thanks for the kind words, brother! I was very, very pleased to see your update in the In Memoriam thread. Beautiful work with building, painting, and writing. Looking forward to some more.


I'd love to see some EC Breachers of some sort; I've been toying with the idea myself, but have far too much other things going on to do much more.... Mega elaborate shields, crested helms and probably MKIII armour with copious amounts of press moulding!!


If I offer to pick you something up at Warhammer World whilst I'm there will that help with the bribery.......


Totally irrelevant but I'd love to see a take on Sunkillers, but EC 'Vanguard' would also be a treat.


I look at your stuff and it pushes me to raise the bar on my own EC's, so keep it up!

Thank bro! Like I said earlier, some jump pack equipped Emperor's Children are bound to happen sometime, and I'm sure they'll be suitably elite looking. The Sunkillers are a classic EC unit and I'd love to start adding some more flavour to my army by including some specialist units. I just need to find the time...




Thank you all very much for the kind words. I'll try to post some WIP pics of the Lightning Strike Fighter that I'm currently working on, tomorrow :) 

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"Lightning Strike Fighter pics tomorrow"


Such a tease... ;)


Just do the damn breachers. You know you want to. It'd be so fluffy to do them not only for your Emperor's Children army, but as an Emperor's Children player too. Give in to your whims... Feel the need.... Think of the pleasure it will give you... The feelings of satisfaction if will yield... Dooo iiiitttt....



Edited by Augustus b'Raass
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Breachers are a golden idea mate, it's what I'm next working on (although I'm using the destroyer bodies as they're more armoured.) going to GS some details off the palatine blades for them to suitably bling them up.

As for a shield, maybe this'll help.


It's Asterion Molec's. All I've done is trim off the Minotaur head and resculpt the eagle body (it's still WIP so needs cleaning up before I start moulding them..)

Otherwise keep up the good work, you're an inspiration to all us followers of the III legion (even those deluded few still following fulgrim

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Brother you know what even though they will be the most elite looking troops choice you know they will be amazing, I was thinking you'd want something a bit more delicate and lighter than the standard Breacher shields so I'll look around see what there is.


Bribery is always worth it and I gotta thank Augustus for backing me up

Edited by Kurama
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For some reason I would also like to see breachers of the III Legion. Some tower shields with beautifully crafted frame work and a haunting death mask glaring at their foes with hollow eye sockets. Yeah...


Or a moritat. That would be cool.

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Ah, come on Kurama, you don't think that the Palatine Blade models dual-wielding bolt pistols would look awesome? JackDaw has shown us that's it's possible to make beautiful looking Destroyers without overdoing the rad-scarring. And it solves the problem of Breachers looking too elite, too! ;) Although I do like your idea a lot...


But in all seriousness, I do think Palatines as Breachers would look absolutely killer. By all means, do that, as opposed to my inane ramblings :D

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But but Kakophoni destroyers that way kizz can play with more forge world goodies.


I do agree destroyers would look good but BA have pretty destroyers.


How about destroyers with rebreathers cables and heavy Chem flamers using the Kakophoni it's a great stark contrast but can still keep the elegance

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There is a comment in Book V about EC Destroyers being one of three legions that had individualized.  The other two were the Ultra's and Raven Guard.  I think you could have alot of fun with the Destroyers, showing a darker, yet still majestic side to the legion.

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So, I took part in a 30k campaign day today and was lucky enough to win the 'player's choice' award. I had planned to take a lot more photos, but as usual I got to caught up in the event and forgot to get the camera out for most of the day...


Anyway hear are the pics that I did take. I'll post some more up as they are posted on facebook by the other players that attended. Their were some really nice armies, so it would be great to share them with all of you.


The day was a team event. Here is the 1,500 point army that I took.





Deploying for the first game. We went on to win 8-1 against a Night Lord - World Eater combo.



Some of my ally's beautifully painted Ultramarines.



My ally's army. The Leviathan was pure brutality.



A nicely painted Auxilla army using GW Scion minis.




And now for some WIP pics of the Lightning. I haven't really decide how i'm going to paint it, but I do know that it will include a lot of white and gold (not blue and black...).










"Lightning Strike Fighter pics tomorrow"

Such a tease... :wink:

Just do the damn breachers. You know you want to. It'd be so fluffy to do them not only for your Emperor's Children army, but as an Emperor's Children player too. Give in to your whims... Feel the need.... Think of the pleasure it will give you... The feelings of satisfaction if will yield... Dooo iiiitttt....


Don't worry bro, the breachers are on. I've had a couple of the fraters offer to help me out with some Phalanx Warder shields. So I just need to wait for those and then I'll be getting onto some Palatine Blades Breachers.


Breachers are a golden idea mate, it's what I'm next working on (although I'm using the destroyer bodies as they're more armoured.) going to GS some details off the palatine blades for them to suitably bling them up.
As for a shield, maybe this'll help.


It's Asterion Molec's. All I've done is trim off the Minotaur head and resculpt the eagle body (it's still WIP so needs cleaning up before I start moulding them..)
Otherwise keep up the good work, you're an inspiration to all us followers of the III legion (even those deluded few still following fulgrim
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I can pretty much state with certainty that its no surprise that your army won an award of some kind.


How have the new EC Rules Treated you, if you used them?


Also, that Lightning looks pretty awesome so far with the little you've painted already! By the way, whats that Gold/Bronze? Same color as before? Looks a bit...different.

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Fab looking force!


Did you enjoy the weekend? Did anyone have any issue with your partner using a regular drop pod as a dread pod? I'm impressed if not, shows sensibility as dread pods cost a fortune for a model that simply arrives!


Looking forward to the lightnings completion :)

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Kizzdougs style EC breachers! Cool beans! I hope you got the Slaaneshi aluring vibe of my last post, though you didn't respond to that specifically ;)


Donyou have enough of the Phalanx Warder shields? I might have one or two I won't need...

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Some more army pics from yesterday, curtesy of Chris :)


A better pic of my team mate's army. The jetbikes looked amazing.



Unfortunately the sunlight that was shinning into the room made it difficult to take nice photos of the Iron Warriors, so there aren't any lower level pics of the army.



A really nice World Eater army that won 'Best Painted'. I had the pleasure of playing this army in my second game. These pics don't really do them justice. Again the lighting in the room made photography a challenge.





Another pic of Chris's (the photographer) Auxilla.



Another Emperor's Children army with some great looking Palatine Blades/Sanguinary Guard.



And a pic Chris took on one of my Tactical squads.





I can pretty much state with certainty that its no surprise that your army won an award of some kind.


How have the new EC Rules Treated you, if you used them?


Also, that Lightning looks pretty awesome so far with the little you've painted already! By the way, whats that Gold/Bronze? Same color as before? Looks a bit...different.

Thanks, bro! I didn't use the new rules because I don't have access to them and Battlescribe hasn't been updated yet (so I didn't want to benefit from improved Legion rules while still benefitting from cheaper Quad Mortars etc.). The +1I on the charge wouldn't have made much of a difference because I was mostly fighting 'unwieldy' opponents with the Palatine Blades, and the Tacticals avoided combat a much as possible. I'm more interested in trying out some of the new Rites of War.


There are two different golds on the Lighting. The gold on the lascannon muzzle and the missiles is GW Retributor Gold with a Agrax Earthshade wash. The gold on the cables/pipes is GW Balthazar Gold with a Reikland Fleshshade wash.


Fab looking force!

Did you enjoy the weekend? Did anyone have any issue with your partner using a regular drop pod as a dread pod? I'm impressed if not, shows sensibility as dread pods cost a fortune for a model that simply arrives!

Looking forward to the lightnings completion :smile.:

Thanks, mate! Yeah, I've been to a couple of these campaign days and they're always pretty enjoyable. No one even mentioned the drop pod. Personally I always try to play fully painted and WYSIWYG, but because the Heresy scene is just taking off here in Melbourne we're pretty chilled out when it comes to issues such as the drop pod. If someone had have had a problem with the drop pod most people would been more annoyed with that person than with the guy using the pod. After all, these are campaign days. There is no overall winner and it's Loyalist vs Traitors fighting for control of a planet. It's all about having fun :)


Buddy good stuff wish I could have made it I'll finish up 1500-2500 points worth of militia for etl then we can compete over best looking army

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Fab looking force!Did you enjoy the weekend? Did anyone have any issue with your partner using a regular drop pod as a dread pod? I'm impressed if not, shows sensibility as dread pods cost a fortune for a model that simply arrives!Looking forward to the lightnings completion :)

Thanks, mate! Yeah, I've been to a couple of these campaign days and they're always pretty enjoyable. No one even mentioned the drop pod. Personally I always try to play fully painted and WYSIWYG, but because the Heresy scene is just taking off here in Melbourne we're pretty chilled out when it comes to issues such as the drop pod. If someone had have had a problem with the drop pod most people would been more annoyed with that person than with the guy using the pod. After all, these are campaign days. There is no overall winner and it's Loyalist vs Traitors fighting for control of a planet. It's all about having fun :) 

Here here! For me heresy has always been about the fluff, background and modelling. 30k has rekindled the hobby for me personally. Fun does come first and its nice to hear about people being laid back as some can be quite militant when it comes to heresy. Glad all had fun. Your partner's ultras look fantastic too.


Keep up with the inspirational work :D I've recently hit a hobby "wall". 3rd company elite breachers next on the cards for myself...

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Fab looking force!Did you enjoy the weekend? Did anyone have any issue with your partner using a regular drop pod as a dread pod? I'm impressed if not, shows sensibility as dread pods cost a fortune for a model that simply arrives!Looking forward to the lightnings completion :smile.:

Thanks, mate! Yeah, I've been to a couple of these campaign days and they're always pretty enjoyable. No one even mentioned the drop pod. Personally I always try to play fully painted and WYSIWYG, but because the Heresy scene is just taking off here in Melbourne we're pretty chilled out when it comes to issues such as the drop pod. If someone had have had a problem with the drop pod most people would been more annoyed with that person than with the guy using the pod. After all, these are campaign days. There is no overall winner and it's Loyalist vs Traitors fighting for control of a planet. It's all about having fun :smile.:

Here here! For me heresy has always been about the fluff, background and modelling. 30k has rekindled the hobby for me personally. Fun does come first and its nice to hear about people being laid back as some can be quite militant when it comes to heresy. Glad all had fun. Your partner's ultras look fantastic too.


Keep up with the inspirational work :biggrin.: I've recently hit a hobby "wall". 3rd company elite breachers next on the cards for myself...


Yeah, the community in Melbourne is starting to build up a little bit and everyone that I've played so far has been pretty chill about the whole thing.


Looking forward to seeing your Breachers. How are you planing to do them?

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I'm going to try with raptors as the base. Quite dynamic and the helmets for me work as sonic shriekers. They'll fit well with my kakophoni and maybe be as colourful, unsure as of yet. I'm struggling for shields though. I'm thinking of either chaos warrior shields/ shields from dead zone peacekeepers. I'm also wanting to add a "human" aspect to the shields. To represent the fall of the III it seemed that "human shields" seemed apt. Possible mix of zombie parts and green stuff. What do you reckon?...
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