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The Medusa is finished! 














The pictures don't really capture the colours very well. I should probably take my photos during daylight :P


I'm calling Witchcraft on that Instrument Board / Radar.

Haha, glad you like it bro :)


Oh my, what a Medusa. My Iron Warrior heart skips a beat!<3

Yeah, it's not exactly a classic Emperor's Children piece of kit, definitely better suited to the grim IV.


Now that's what I call a tank. Excellent work, Kizz.

Thanks a lot, bro!


Looks great mate. One thing on the top pic the paint around the III looks different from the rest of the vehicle. Unless that's a transfer and is just waiting for the varnish.

Thanks, bro! Yeah, that's the gloss varnish that I put down to help the decals go on smoothly :)





Thanks for looking ;)

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I'm personally not a fan of the medusa. Your purple needs something more than a single highlight on such large panels as it still looks very flat; a second highlight or more of a wash in the recesses instead of what seems like black lining here and there would help

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I'm personally not a fan of the medusa. Your purple needs something more than a single highlight on such large panels as it still looks very flat; a second highlight or more of a wash in the recesses instead of what seems like black lining here and there would help

*looks at model*

*looks back at your post*

*looks back at model*

*notices two different highlight colours for the purple panels, notices smoke weathering etc*


I guess our taste really differs then, because what you named is already done on the model

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Yeah but still there's large surfaces of pruple. But that really will not be helped by any of the techniques suggested. It's just the way the model is, and kizz did it awesome justice with his crisp paint style. Weathering or airbrush shadows would break the large flat surfaces up, but as his army is super crisp, that'd make the tank fall out of tone. So I totally understand the choice :)

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Medusa looks ace.


Large flat panels are the complete bane of a modeller. The purple is nicely done and the small details really do make it stand out.


The only critique, I think I caould add would, be that it could do with a little white panelling somewhere on the armour, just too breakup the purple a bit.

It would also bring it more in line with say the Spartan, which has some white in it. 

Maybe the recessed areas with the wee vents at the front or back?

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I've done some more work on my White Scar legionnaire (although he could easily be a Luna Wolf at this stage).







That is one nice big gun! And yeah, total witchcraft on that instrument panel.

Thanks, bro! Glad you like the control panel.


Cool I thought t might but wasn't sure if it was an oversight. Look perfect mate, agree the panal is outstanding.

Thanks, bro! Glad you like how it turned out. In the end the matt varnish didn't completely get rid of the glossy area around the decal, so I painted over it with the background colour.


Emperor's Children; bringing the bling to artillery since M31. :tongue.:


Looks good!

Hahaha, yeah the amount of gold is actually a bit ridiculous...


Daaannngggggg. That looks amazing.

Thanks bro!


The loader in that medusa. He laughs went gym apes ask if he even lifts.

That is a fine artillery piece!

Haha, the magic of power armour/genetic engineering.


BOOM! Beautiful vehicle, kizz. What's next?? :smile.:

Thanks, dude! As you can see by the pic I'm working on the White Scar legionnaire that I started a while ago.


I'm personally not a fan of the medusa. Your purple needs something more than a single highlight on such large panels as it still looks very flat; a second highlight or more of a wash in the recesses instead of what seems like black lining here and there would help

Thanks for the honest critique, I appreciate it. Vehicles with large flat areas are a bit of a challenge for me, especially without an airbrush to add some easy shading and even more so because I don't do much/any weathering on my Emperor's Children. It looks a bit better in person, but you make a valid point in you critique :) 


Yeah but still there's large surfaces of pruple. But that really will not be helped by any of the techniques suggested. It's just the way the model is, and kizz did it awesome justice with his crisp paint style. Weathering or airbrush shadows would break the large flat surfaces up, but as his army is super crisp, that'd make the tank fall out of tone. So I totally understand the choice :smile.:

Thanks, bro! I agree that many of my vehicles look pretty plain and would definitely benefit from some shading, but as you correctly identified, I've pigeon holed myself with the clean/crisp style that I've used on my infantry. I really should get my hands on an airbrush.


Medusa looks ace.


Large flat panels are the complete bane of a modeller. The purple is nicely done and the small details really do make it stand out.


The only critique, I think I caould add would, be that it could do with a little white panelling somewhere on the armour, just too breakup the purple a bit.

It would also bring it more in line with say the Spartan, which has some white in it. 

Maybe the recessed areas with the wee vents at the front or back?

Thanks, bro! I considered some white, but I couldn't find a good area to paint it on. I also want to limit the white to elite vehicles and units.






Thanks for looking ;)

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The White Scar is looking good.


I think Luna Wolves would be a pale grey with black trim (or atleast to look at on the cover of the HH novels), so you are good on that count :) )


Once you get the legion symbol on him and maybe some of the dags, he will look boss.


Pelt looks like it needs a wee bit more of a drybrush to make it look like fur though

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@augustus: a painter of kizz' skills can easily create contrast in their tones similar to an airbrush, though they have to be a bit closer to the original colour when you do it by brush. @AO108: there's only one highlight on the purple; despite the three shades of purple present the main colour dominates it to make the rest irrelevant. I agree standards are different, but sometimes you have to change techniques up on vehicles to make them look properly, infantry techniques don't always transfer over
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Haha, chill brothers, he is still a WIP :P


Some more progress




I was wondering when you were going to finish that guy off! He does look like a Luna Wolf, but get some red slash markings on him and he'll be fine. Medusa looks great as well :smile.:

Thanks bro! I was really lacking motivation last time I tried to paint him, but after painting the Praetor, Palatine Blades, Anvillus, Lightning, and Medusa one straight after the other I was keen to have a go at something a bit different.


Really cool white scar, brother.

Thanks a lot bro!



The White Scar is looking good.


I think Luna Wolves would be a pale grey with black trim (or atleast to look at on the cover of the HH novels), so you are good on that count :smile.: )


Once you get the legion symbol on him and maybe some of the dags, he will look boss.


Pelt looks like it needs a wee bit more of a drybrush to make it look like fur though


Honestly it's a nice white scar but it's missing something... it just doesn't scream 5th legio to me maybe it needs tribal markings? I'm just not 100% on this guy like I have on some of the other models



Beautiful Scar! You're just missing the tribal markings ;p



Needs some nice red dags/Mongolian markings in red and it's perfection as per :happy.:



Loving your latest marine! I need to learn to pay white like you. All the things you have painted white are so crisp and dare I say perfect!



Don't worry brothers. He is still a WIP, so I'll be addressing all the issues that you raised. Thanks for the suggestions :tu:





Thanks for looking ;)

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