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I think he needs some more tribal markings.....



Only joking, he looks fantastic. I think he's one of the best you've done so far, and if your considering another Legion then I would suggest you look no further then the Vth.

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The scar is looking fantastic -- no surprise there, really ;) Was not giving him any kind of topknot an intentional choice, though? Because I just cannot stop looking at that perfectly egg-shaped forehead without feeling that something's missing...


Apart from that, he's perfect. Love the drawn knife with the matching, empty sheath!

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The White Scar is done! After I took the pictures I realised that I'd missing cleaning up a few areas of the white armour, namely the right side of the helmet and on the powerpack. You can easily see were the white has been shaded with a black wash... Pretty annoying... 




Anyway, here he is













The Siege of Terra bro team






Ok, now he looks like a White Scar :smile.: Cracking job.

Thanks bro, glad you like him.


Ah, terrific! A proud son of the Khan and a testament to your skills :smile.:

Thanks, dude! 


Very nice. More please. :wink.:

Your wish is my command.


Now he's a perfect white scar. - Wait, he's not finished yet? :jawdrop:

Hahaha, he is know! There were just a few details to sort out.


Yes! Perfect White Scar. He needs an eagle though. :wink:

Yeah, he does. If I ever build a V Legion Praetor he will definitely have a pet eagle.


I think he needs some more tribal markings.....

Only joking, he looks fantastic. I think he's one of the best you've done so far, and if your considering another Legion then I would suggest you look no further then the Vth.

Hahaha, thanks bro! Yeah, I'm pretty happy with how he turned out and I actually had a really good time painting him as well.


Now I'm happy you have appeased my nerd rage and now I must return to slumber

Hahaha, glad to know that I've appeased you for now...


Still work in progress he says. Still more to do he says.


I will just be in the corner practising like mad to try make my finished work look as good as your WiP stuff.

Hahaha, there's always more to do! I could have kept going with him, but you have to stop sometime.


The scar is looking fantastic -- no surprise there, really :wink: Was not giving him any kind of topknot an intentional choice, though? Because I just cannot stop looking at that perfectly egg-shaped forehead without feeling that something's missing...


Apart from that, he's perfect. Love the drawn knife with the matching, empty sheath!

Thanks, bro! Good eye picking out the missing topknot. I was just keeping the topknot off so that I didn't get any of the red paint on his nice clean helmet. Yeah, the knife and sheath were a bit of fun, glad you like them.





Thanks for looking ;)

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Fantastic job! (As always) I've lurked this thread for a long time and it never fails to deliver!


I think you've mentioned the idea before, but have you given any more thought to a more weathered Emperor's Children model? Not so much as an addition to your EC force, but something to go with these other legion models?

Edited by Spangle
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Just working on the chap. I got hope early from football today and thought I'd have a go at a Death Guard scheme and got totally carried away by it. Hope you like him.





I've got his bolter base coated and I'll have to leave the PVA on the base to dry overnight, but hopefully I'll get him finished tomorrow.





Hah, I knew it -- it just seemed too obvious an oversight :wink:


Absolutely fantastic, once again. And it's the group pictures of three different legionaries at the bottom that I always enjoy the most :smile.:

All over it bro! Hopefully the Death Guard will be finished tomorrow and I'll make sure I take some more group pictures.


He better be careful there's an Alpha Legionnaire under his feet.

Hahaha, infiltration gone wrong... :P


That White Scar is uttlerly amazing!
How did you reposition the right arm? Did you cut it at the shoulder joint?

Thanks in advance, and keep up the great work.

Thanks a lot bro! Yeah, the arm is just cut below the should and then glued back on.


Cool stuff. I'm looking forward to the III. Legion Shield Bearers.

Thanks, bro! I'm just experimenting with some poses for the breachers now.



This is truly inspirational! Love the group shot most of all, the combination of all three color schemes together really pops!


Thanks a lot dude! Hopefully I'll have some more group shots up tomorrow.


You can see this White Scar spent more time sallying out than protecting the battlements - he's got a much less weathered armor. :tongue.:


Lovely painting and conversion.

Hahaha, you can't hit what you can't catch. Hit and run warfare is much more friendly on the laundry bill than siege work.


Great groupshot, the white scar looks amazing.

Thanks, bro!


An awesome White Scar! Great inspiration for me as I am preparing to paint some 40k Scars myself. Excellent job.

Thanks, mate! Good luck with your White Scars!


Fantastic job! (As always) I've lurked this thread for a long time and it never fails to deliver!


I think you've mentioned the idea before, but have you given any more thought to a more weathered Emperor's Children model? Not so much as an addition to your EC force, but something to go with these other legion models?

Thank, dude! I'm actually planing to do an Emperor's Child next. I'm just trying to decide which bits to use etc.


Fantastic white scar, dude. He's among the best you did (after the Night Lord and the Imperial Fist of course :wink: ) Glad the top knot is back. :thumbsup:

Thanks, bro! And thanks for the kind words on FB. The topknot is definitely back.


Do scars, do them now

Hahaha, I actually really enjoyed painting the Scar. I'll probably do another one at some stage, but I'm not sure about a whole army. I'll have to wait and see what the FW minis are like.


Gah! You keep on delivering! I love the white scar.

Thanks, bro! Hope I deliver with the Death Guard too.


That Scar! That trio! *Foaming mouth*

Haha, glad you like them.







Thanks for looking ;)

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