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The Chieftain/Praetor is finished!


























I hope you like how he turned out :tu:





Just did a double take and saw the rest of the decals. You have a good eye for subtlety :wink: makes looking at your models multiple times rewarding. Amazing work as always!

Thanks bro! Between the rider and the bike there are 18 decals in total... 








Amazing, possibly the best SoH I've seen. The sculpted additions look stock and add so much character.

Very interesting basing tutorial, too. Cool to see how the sausage is made, so to speak.


Thanks bro, that means a lot! Glad you like the added details and the tutorial as well :)






Thanks for looking ;)

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That is by far, by far, the coolest looking space marine biker I have ever seen. It's just simply amazing how much you continue to improve and challenge yourself. Each miniature you produce is better than the previous, and this guy is just nuts. 




I am talking, by the way, about the guy with the bare face and the top-knot - he breathes a level of character that simply isn't matched by the other barefaced guy. The helmet guy to meis a definite nono - I just don't think he does the rest of the ensemble miniature justice. Stick to the first topknot face!! 

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Oh my, that biker is just incredible -- I normally dislike the Horus Heresy era bike designs, but the way you have used a mix of heraldry, decals and battle damage to turn the bike into a perfect little slice of the 30k universe just sells it. Fantastic work!


The biker himself is, of course, brilliant as well, although I find my earlier misgivings about the topknot actually even stronger for the finished piece: While I still love the grizzled, haughty face, the topknot just doesn't work for me. Like, at all. But it seems I am clearly in the minority here. I also have to admit the helmet does at least work better than anticipated.


All things considered, however, truly smashing work! :)

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Thanks for the feedback, everyone! :)



WOW! These guys are a real source of inspiration! Awesome work, would love to see a shot of the whole army put together.


Are you doing a Long March force?

Thanks, bro! Glad you like him. At the moment the "army" only has twelve models, but I'll see what I can do. I'm not really working towards a particular Rite of War, but The Long March could definitely work.


Just jaw droppingly amazing. Such inspirational work

Thanks a lot! Glad you like him.


That is by far, by far, the coolest looking space marine biker I have ever seen. It's just simply amazing how much you continue to improve and challenge yourself. Each miniature you produce is better than the previous, and this guy is just nuts. 




I am talking, by the way, about the guy with the bare face and the top-knot - he breathes a level of character that simply isn't matched by the other barefaced guy. The helmet guy to meis a definite nono - I just don't think he does the rest of the ensemble miniature justice. Stick to the first topknot face!! 

Wow!! Thanks a lot for the kind words, bro. Very much appreciated! Yeah, I definitely feel like I'm steadily improving as I get used to the airbrush and using new techniques. 

Personally I love the helmet, but I'd already glued the bare head in when I took the photos (I took the pictures with the helmet and bionic head before I took the others) so don't worry.


I love the golden symbols on the black plates.

Thanks bro! They were a lot of fun to add.


Oh so good! Anything else planned for the SoH?

Thanks a lot! There will be much more coming for the Son of Horus, but I'm not sure what I'll be working on next. I've just ordered Alpharius from Forge World, so he'll jump to the top of my painting list as soon as I get my hands on him.


Oh mama, that is awesome! The pose and the paintjob is otherworldly!


Are you going to keep the top knot head and save the others for his fellow SoH underlings yet to be built?

Thanks a lot bro! Glad you like him. Yeah, I've glued the topknot head in and I'll probably use the other heads at some stage.


Love them bikers, the Cthonic script bits are the icing on a cake made entirely of icing :smile.:

Mmmmm, icing cake! Glad you like the Cthonic runes.


as always amazing job and always helmet

Glad you like him!


Oh my, that biker is just incredible -- I normally dislike the Horus Heresy era bike designs, but the way you have used a mix of heraldry, decals and battle damage to turn the bike into a perfect little slice of the 30k universe just sells it. Fantastic work!


The biker himself is, of course, brilliant as well, although I find my earlier misgivings about the topknot actually even stronger for the finished piece: While I still love the grizzled, haughty face, the topknot just doesn't work for me. Like, at all. But it seems I am clearly in the minority here. I also have to admit the helmet does at least work better than anticipated.


All things considered, however, truly smashing work! :smile.:

Thanks a lot bro! Really glad you like how he turned out. I wasn't really a fan of space marine bikes in general, but since I started working with the Outriders I've definitely learned to appreciate them a lot more. 

Sorry to hear that you don't like the topknot, but it's definitely here to stay. 







Thanks for looking ;)

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I love painting bare heads. So much more fun than helmets!



Jesus Christ, are you some sort of masochist?


In all seriousness though, I've read through all of your SoH stuff and it's all amazing. I'm with everyone else here, helmetless smirk head is very fitting and it helps that it's beautifully painted

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Thanks, everyone! 



Well, a bit late to the party but those SoH are marvellous!

The Apothecary is grand, the balance between green/white with gold as a spot colour is just spot on, and the preator.. Great conversionwork and a very well executed paintjob, I have always liked the Justaerin-scheme with black, gold and arterial red. :smile.:

Thanks a lot, bro! Glad you like the Apothecary and the Praetor. Both were a lot of fun to build and paint. I wasn't too sure about the colour scheme at first, but I was pretty happy with how it turned out in the end.


He looks so cool! Specially the helmet version looks like a really badass SoH praetor, you really outdid yourself with this one.

Thanks a lot, dude! Yeah, I'm pretty happy with how he turned out. The helemet was a lot of fun to paint, but I decided to go with the topknot-mini Abaddon head.


Amazing. You never fail to impress and inspire. I need to get my bum in gear.

Thanks a lot, bro! Means a lot :)



I love painting bare heads. So much more fun than helmets!

Jesus Christ, are you some sort of masochist?

In all seriousness though, I've read through all of your SoH stuff and it's all amazing. I'm with everyone else here, helmetless smirk head is very fitting and it helps that it's beautifully painted


Hahahaha, nah, I love the challenge and freedom that comes with painting faces. They're more difficult to paint than helmets (in general), but when they turn out the right way they look so much better. They're also a great opportunity to mix and blend colours to try out new skin tones and their organic nature usually sets them apart from the rest of the model, especially in regards to space marines.


Plus I love painting eyes...


You absolute madman!

Hahaha, glad you like him :)


Well that didn't turn me on to do Sons of Horus at all...

Woops... :whistling:  They'd be perfect allies for some traitor Vth Legion...






Thanks for looking ;)

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This latest guy turned out amazing. I particularly like the golden runes all over him. Great decision with the top knot IMO. They are so well painted and fit the theme of the Sons of Horus so well.


Your thread is also a great resource for the community, I've been using the index to find your tutuorials. Great stuff.

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Time for a challenge!






I've just started working on my second Primarch mini. I had a lot of fun painting Fulgrim and I'm really looking forward to the quite different challenge of painting Alpharius. 

So far I've just been working on the metallic pre-shade that will form the base for the clear blue and green to create the metallic-blue look of the Forge World Alpha Legion colour scheme. I've never painted the Alpha Legion scheme with an airbrush before so I'm a bit nervous to see how it turns out (using a Primarch as a test piece for a new technique is a bit unusual...). 


Hopefully I'll have some more pics to share soon.



Your new colour scheme for the Sons of Horus is fantastic, really gives texture to their ceramite & contrasts fantastically with the basing


As per, all your conversion work is sublime, and you've captured the feel & aesthetic of the SoH perfectly :thumbsup:

Thanks a lot, bro! Glad you like the Sons of Horus colour scheme and the conversion work. Much appreciated :)


This latest guy turned out amazing. I particularly like the golden runes all over him. Great decision with the top knot IMO. They are so well painted and fit the theme of the Sons of Horus so well.


Your thread is also a great resource for the community, I've been using the index to find your tutuorials. Great stuff.

Thanks, dude! Really glad you like the Sons of Horus Praetor. It was a lot of fun adding the Cthonian rune decals all over him. Also, I'm glad to hear that the index in the first post has been helpful :tu:





Thanks for looking ;)

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-laughs- dude, after completely nailing the III and XVI legions, seeing your take on the master of the XX'th has me salivating.  Doing a primarch as a testbed for a new colour method might be a bit unorthodox, but what better tribute to the Alpha legion?  And it's an awesome motivational piece. Seriously dude, can't wait!  


Oh, and thanks a ton for that base tutorial for the Sons of Horus, eh!  I may very well have to steal it for some mechanicum and Orks in the near future.  


Keep on being awesome, man. Cheers!

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