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The Leviathan is finished and so is my Zone Mortalis Alpha Legion strike force.




















  On 12/27/2016 at 8:59 AM, Spaced Hulk said:

Considering how often I check this thread, I'm actually ashamed that this is the first time I've commented ☺.

To put it bluntly kizzdougs, your work is beyond awesome (or excellent, or any of my usual platitudes ☺), it's inspirational. Your March of the Legions may be my favourite project I've seen on the forum.

A quick query about the Tamiya Metallic Black you used at the start of your Effrit tutorial. Is it a spray paint or did you apply it by brush? If the former, what's the coverage like and do you have any tips to avoid overspraying/clogging up details (something I'm always wary of when I use spray paints).

Welcome, and thanks for the kind words! It's always really encouraging to hear that people like what I'm doing.


The metallic black is a spray paint (TS-40). I always apply it over a black undercoat so I've never had any coverage problems. Because of the black undercoat you can go fairly lightly with the metallic black if you want to and still get great coverage.


  On 12/27/2016 at 9:28 AM, Lord Commander Eidolon said:

I might have to get myself some of those apples!!


I am seriously impressed with that Leviathan! You've managed to make the bland nondescriptness of the Alpha Legion look inspiring; especially difficult given relatively large flat surface area of the torso! I'm still pondering how to EC a Leviatan up!!


The whole Alpha Legion ZM force is impressive; really think you need to expand them more....

Thanks a lot bro! I got the 'apples' from Branch Line model train shop in Croydon (Dorset road). You might be able to find them closer to you though.

I just got myself a set of the Custodian Guard decals and I recon they'd be perfect for and Emperor's Children Leviathan (probably more suitable for loyalists though). Otherwise I'd try to add some reenforcing bonding studs to an EC Leviathan if I built one.

I'm planing to expand on the AL, just trying to decide which direction to take.


  On 12/27/2016 at 1:07 PM, Svartmetall said:

Try Tamiya Titanium Silver for highlighting the Balthasar Gold, it's a great metallic :smile.:

Thanks dude! I'll check it out next time I'm at the hobby shop.


  On 12/27/2016 at 2:36 PM, GrandMagnus said:

Oh my goooooood, that is a great looking dread.

Thanks a lot!


  On 12/28/2016 at 4:05 AM, hushrong said:

Oh that Leviathan is a beauty!

Glad you like him!


  On 12/28/2016 at 9:43 AM, Mango Polo said:


Brilliant :smile.:
Out of curiosity, how did you trim the decal around the frag launcher squares?


Thanks mate! I just put the decals on, waited for them to dry and then cut away the sections that were covering the frag-launchers.







Thanks for looking ;)

Hi Kizzdougs, I felt compelled to post not just to congratulate you on the quality of your models (they are lovely), but also to thank you for the quality of the thread. The step by step guides and your willingness to answer modelling and painting questions are an absolute inspiration and make this thread an incredible hobby resource. I appreciate the hard work - I've used several of your guides to paint my own models!

Currently on a break from marines (working on some lovely fatansy ogres), but those marines are making me consider the alpha legion for whenever I eventually return to the grim darkness of the far future. Top work.

  On 12/24/2016 at 11:55 AM, kizzdougs said:


  On 12/23/2016 at 10:08 AM, Isengrin said:

The first seeker was already a nice paint job, but the second one steals the shows. How much did you water down the Clear Blue, and did you apply it with a normal brush or airbrush?

Thanks a lot bro! Really glad you like the second scheme. I watered down the blue quite a bit using some Tamiya thinner. I applied it with a regular brush. I don't own an airbrush unfortunately.

Many thanks! I'll have to give it a try for my budding Iron Hands squad. Your finished AL force looks absolutely wicked, nice work with the leviathan's split decal on its front.

Thanks for the kind words, everyone!




  On 12/28/2016 at 1:38 PM, Marshal Rohr said:

Amazing army and very well executed concept Kizz. Looks right at home with your EC. Now the real question is what will you build with your Mark 3 kits from all those BoP boxes :tongue.:

Thanks a lot bro! Glad you like how they've turned out. I actually bought the Tartaros units from an ebay store, so I don't have any of the plastic MkIII. Now I just wish they produced a full squad set of MkVI marines...


  On 12/28/2016 at 1:53 PM, Captain Taelos said:

Hi Kizzdougs, I felt compelled to post not just to congratulate you on the quality of your models (they are lovely), but also to thank you for the quality of the thread. The step by step guides and your willingness to answer modelling and painting questions are an absolute inspiration and make this thread an incredible hobby resource. I appreciate the hard work - I've used several of your guides to paint my own models!

Thanks mate! I love sharing my ideas and work with the community and it's great to hear that you've tried some of the guides. I get so much joy from the hobby and the feedback I receive from the community always inspires me to keep working, so I'm always happy to give something back :)


  On 12/28/2016 at 3:06 PM, AlphariusOmegon108 said:

How many points actually?

The army is 1,200pts.


  On 12/28/2016 at 6:19 PM, GrandMagnus said:

Currently on a break from marines (working on some lovely fatansy ogres), but those marines are making me consider the alpha legion for whenever I eventually return to the grim darkness of the far future. Top work.

Yeah, they're a lot of fun to paint. Plus you could pick just about any scheme and have it work for the Alpha Legion.


  On 12/28/2016 at 6:22 PM, Isengrin said:


  On 12/24/2016 at 11:55 AM, kizzdougs said:


  On 12/23/2016 at 10:08 AM, Isengrin said:

The first seeker was already a nice paint job, but the second one steals the shows. How much did you water down the Clear Blue, and did you apply it with a normal brush or airbrush?

Thanks a lot bro! Really glad you like the second scheme. I watered down the blue quite a bit using some Tamiya thinner. I applied it with a regular brush. I don't own an airbrush unfortunately.

Many thanks! I'll have to give it a try for my budding Iron Hands squad. Your finished AL force looks absolutely wicked, nice work with the leviathan's split decal on its front.


Thanks bro, glad you like them!


  On 12/28/2016 at 10:44 PM, The Traitor said:

Great army, they look inpressive all together! But I can't help to notice that Omegon's squad isn't there... Are they going to be part of a whole different army?

Thanks dude! The Effrit marines are for a Tactical Strike force. I'll be working on some more soon :)




Thanks for looking ;)

The Leviathan is, once again, breathtaking, as is the rest of the army! I kept going back to that decal on the Dread's chest, because it somehow seemed rather bold for an AL member -- but then I suppose that, given the sheer size of the war machine, every notion of subterfuge goes out of the window anyway, huh? ;) Plus the way you have matched that decal to the lines of the Leviathan's armour is nothing short of marvelous!


Hope to see much more from you - *cough* especially some 30k World Eaters *cough* - in 2017. Also, GW should hire you, because looking at your delicious models should make everyone hungry for some Horus Heresy ;)

Jesus, that is a gorgeous force. Just lovely. Not exactly subtle once you see them, but I suppose once you see them it's irrelevant as to whether they look subtle or not as they'll just take you out ASAP.

Three more Effrit/Seekers/Veterans that I'm working on. Please excuse the poor picture quality. I haven't given them a spray with matt varnish yet so they're still super glossy and difficult to photograph.










  On 12/30/2016 at 8:11 PM, Knight of the Raven said:

I think these are my favorite Alpha Legionaries, and the competition is stiff.

Thanks a lot!! You're right, there are some amazing Alpha Legion armies out there.


  On 12/30/2016 at 8:14 PM, Togusa-san said:

I look at these then I cry a little when I see my own Alpha Legion...

Hahaha, don't be like that bro.


  On 12/31/2016 at 1:56 PM, KrautScientist said:

The Leviathan is, once again, breathtaking, as is the rest of the army! I kept going back to that decal on the Dread's chest, because it somehow seemed rather bold for an AL member -- but then I suppose that, given the sheer size of the war machine, every notion of subterfuge goes out of the window anyway, huh? :wink: Plus the way you have matched that decal to the lines of the Leviathan's armour is nothing short of marvelous!


Hope to see much more from you - *cough* especially some 30k World Eaters *cough* - in 2017. Also, GW should hire you, because looking at your delicious models should make everyone hungry for some Horus Heresy :wink:

That's it bro, all of the subterfuge is done behind the scenes. When it's time for the Hydra to show its fangs it is all about shock and awe.

I'm looking forward to seeing some more Heresy work from you. And don't worry, I've been building up a supply of World Eater bits...


  On 1/1/2017 at 8:16 AM, The Psycho said:

Jesus, that is a gorgeous force. Just lovely. Not exactly subtle once you see them, but I suppose once you see them it's irrelevant as to whether they look subtle or not as they'll just take you out ASAP.

That's it! Once they've teleported onto your command bridge subtle is thrown out the window. It's all about the Harrowing.


  On 1/1/2017 at 11:28 AM, Midnight Runner said:

Oh my, your Alphas are beautiful, they really are. Massive kudos :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

Thanks a lot!


  On 1/1/2017 at 5:35 PM, Ada said:

These Alpha Legion look amazing, great work

Thanks! Glad you like them.


  On 1/1/2017 at 6:33 PM, GreyRavenC said:

  Reveal hidden contents

They look magnificent!

Hahaha, thanks!


  On 1/1/2017 at 6:54 PM, The Hydra said:

That Levithan is ace, and I've just seen the one by Augustus to, really want to paint up my own.

Yeah, Augustus' Leviathan is ace! He has done a great job with it.







Thanks for looking ;)

They look really good. They are how I imagine the legion looked before it was reunited with Alpharius (if you ignore the hydras and alpha-omega).


Thanks for the base tutorial to, I came close to basing my IW like that, but decided on rubble instead, but I might go back and debase my Inq team now (which will be the 4th time, and they haven't even been finished yet

Great work mate, I really like the hint of blue to the black, it really does set these guys apart! Really like what you are doing with the Alpha Legion; you really must do a normal tactical squad!!

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