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Woah don’t get disheartened tour at the early stage, see how it all comes together when you start adding the green.


Btw I following your lead, brought Horus cos he’s an amazing model and decided to build some SoH terminators from the plastic and FW kits and modifying them like you have to give them the Sons character.

Almost done with the first Son of Horus! Just the weathering left to do. The green of the armour is a bit richer than the pictures shows.




I hope you like him. Let me know if you have any suggestions :)




  On 4/5/2018 at 9:13 AM, Daemon2027 said:

Woah don’t get disheartened tour at the early stage, see how it all comes together when you start adding the green.

Btw I following your lead, brought Horus cos he’s an amazing model and decided to build some SoH terminators from the plastic and FW kits and modifying them like you have to give them the Sons character.

Thanks a lot bro! That's awesome to hear that you've started some Sons of Horus. I'm looking forward to seeing you Horus and the Terminators.


  On 4/5/2018 at 12:36 PM, Markus_ said:

Those Sons look phenomenal, great attention to detail. Looking forward to see the painted model.

Thanks a lot bro! Hope you like how he turned out.






Thanks for looking ;)

I like it a lot, really gives out a savage yet regal vibe. Only input i have would be the trim of the shoulder pads, are you keeping them black ? IMHO you could go with the gold you used on the face plate. It highlights the " Primus Inter Pares" aspect of the SOH and blends the savagery and tribalism of the battle-damage and coins with the regal nobility and elite status of the Sons of Horus.

Just finished the Son of Horus. I'm pretty happy with how he turned out, but I'll probably change a couple of things when I start batch painting the rest of the squad (hopefully tomorrow) :)


I hope you like how he turned out.










And yes, I just made a Forgeworld order to stock up on Lupercal Green before it sells out :(







  On 4/7/2018 at 2:11 PM, Chickenleg said:

Very nice! I see you didnt follow the metallic scheme? Or you just changed the recipe?


Good stuff!



Yeah, I decided to go with a matt scheme. I love how the metallic scheme looks, but I find that it's a bit more difficult to properly highlight and weather it. Plus it's more difficult to fix any issues, so I went with flat scheme instead.


  On 4/7/2018 at 2:48 PM, Checkmate said:

I like it a lot :thumbsup:


The colour does look a little blue compared to your original test though. Was that an intentional choice or was it just the way the colours came out?

Thanks bro! I decided to go with a standard 'flat' colour scheme instead of the metallic scheme that I tested on the Rhino. So that's why it looks a bit different.


  On 4/7/2018 at 2:52 PM, MrBadweed said:

I like it a lot, really gives out a savage yet regal vibe. Only input i have would be the trim of the shoulder pads, are you keeping them black ? IMHO you could go with the gold you used on the face plate. It highlights the " Primus Inter Pares" aspect of the SOH and blends the savagery and tribalism of the battle-damage and coins with the regal nobility and elite status of the Sons of Horus.

Thanks, bro! That's the exact vibe that I was going for, so I'm glad to hear that you like it. 

Yeah, the shoulders will stay black on this mini (I wanted to mimic the black trim in the Forgeworld art), but I'll probably change it up a bit on the other minis. The Sergeant will probably get gold trim and the rest of the squad will either have green shoulder plates to contrast with the black trim or steel trim to contrast with black trim.


  On 4/7/2018 at 4:40 PM, hushrong said:

Yeaaaahhhhh! Seeing that green on a marine made me swoon! Definitely awesome to see legion colors on these awesome bits!

Thanks a lot bro! Glad you're liking the green.


  On 4/7/2018 at 6:29 PM, m0nolith said:

Well, it finally happened...
You’ve officially become my favourite painter on B&C.

Hahaha... :ohmy.: Thanks a lot bro! That means a lot.


  On 4/7/2018 at 8:36 PM, DuskRaider said:

Oh man, that's the perfect color! Great job Kizz, you're doing great.

Thanks, bro! Glad to hear that you like how the green is looking.


  On 4/7/2018 at 9:09 PM, Luna707 said:

Man that is gorgeous, I would love a rundown of your process for that green if you have the time

Thanks bro! The green is just Lupercal Green shaded with some Coelia Greenshade over the black/grey/white pre-shade. I also used some Raw Uber oil paint for a pin-wash over the top.


  On 4/8/2018 at 7:17 AM, Soraf said:

That green is amazing, would you be happy to share ihe recipe sometime? Looks amazing. Cannot wait to see how the rest turn out!

Thanks a lot! The green is just Lupercal Green shaded with some Coelia Greenshade over the black/grey/white pre-shade. I also used some Raw Umber oil paint for a pin-wash over the top.

  On 4/8/2018 at 7:27 AM, fire golem said:

As I said on Facebook, fantastic! Lovely colour, and the modelling is really good too.

Thanks for the support bro! Glad you like the green and the modelling.








Thanks for looking ;)

Wow - lovely, lovely SoH there, Kizzy. I still love those bases. 


I'm also curious how he compares to the Son of Horus you did for your March of the Legions project, a couple years back. Can we get a comparison shot?

Lo and behold, the finished model is brilliant -- who could ever have predicted such a turn of events? ;)


Seriously, though: I am quite happy to see that your earlier worries seem to have been unfounded. The model is fantastic. The base also creates such a wonderful colour contrast.


The one thing I am maybe not a hundred percent sold on are the black rims on the shoulder pads.


But anyhow, fantastic work, once again! :)

  On 4/8/2018 at 3:36 PM, KrautScientist said:


The one thing I am maybe not a hundred percent sold on are the black rims on the shoulder pads.


Same here. WHy not also do them in gold, like his mask?

Thanks for the kind words everyone! I've just started working on the next three legionnaires now :)




  On 4/8/2018 at 12:42 PM, ChazSexington said:

Beautiful! Especially the eyes!

Thanks bro! Painting eyes and faces has always been my favourite.


  On 4/8/2018 at 2:54 PM, Augustus b'Raass said:

Wow - lovely, lovely SoH there, Kizzy. I still love those bases. 


I'm also curious how he compares to the Son of Horus you did for your March of the Legions project, a couple years back. Can we get a comparison shot?

Thanks a lot bro, glad you like the legionnaire and the base. Here is a side by side pic for you...



  On 4/8/2018 at 3:36 PM, KrautScientist said:

Lo and behold, the finished model is brilliant -- who could ever have predicted such a turn of events? :wink:


Seriously, though: I am quite happy to see that your earlier worries seem to have been unfounded. The model is fantastic. The base also creates such a wonderful colour contrast.


The one thing I am maybe not a hundred percent sold on are the black rims on the shoulder pads.


But anyhow, fantastic work, once again! :smile.:

Hahaha, thanks bro! Yeah, I'm never happy with my models at the start... It's not until I've got most of the base colours on that I start to feel alright with the paint job. 

Yeah, I'm not sold on the black on black shoulders either. I'll probably go with a combination of black shoulder plates with steel trim, green shoulder plates with black trim and gold trim for the Sergeant/Chieftain.


  On 4/8/2018 at 4:02 PM, Augustus b'Raass said:


  On 4/8/2018 at 3:36 PM, KrautScientist said:


The one thing I am maybe not a hundred percent sold on are the black rims on the shoulder pads.


Same here. WHy not also do them in gold, like his mask?


I'll be trying a few different things with the rest of the squad. I might save the gold for the unit Sergeant/Chieftain.


  On 4/8/2018 at 4:57 PM, Chickenleg said:

Very nice!!! Lovely colors!


I like the barren base, good contrast.


Maybe they are in combat with my Blackshields, we got similar earth colors. :biggrin.:

Thanks bro! I'm pretty happy with how the base turned out. Usually I wouldn't push the colour that far, but I'm really happy with how it went. 

Yeah, he could definitely be on clean up/Blackshield purging duty...


  On 4/9/2018 at 3:07 AM, hushrong said:

Painted marine is phenomenal! Looking forward to more of his squadmates!

Thanks, bro! Working on them now...


  On 4/9/2018 at 5:49 AM, Vairocanum said:

Just WOW, such fantastic colors on that SoH! Love the kill tally on his shoulder pad too! Looking forward to seeing more!

Thanks a lot bro! Glad you like the kill markings.


  On 4/9/2018 at 7:35 AM, GrandMagnus said:

A sea green recipe, please brother :smile.: I know of some sea elves that will need it...  :tongue.: Loooks great by the way

Hmmmm, I don't know if I can sanction a colour scheme for those abominations...

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  On 4/9/2018 at 8:08 PM, Brother Pheidias said:

Freaking love it. Great amount of detailing, painting superb, par for the course :biggrin.:

Thanks a lot bro! Glad you like how it turned out.






Thanks for looking ;)

The comparison is great. I think the newer one looks better the armour has a lot more texture and depth to it. The brighter hugh really add to it. The extra gs work and kitbashing really makes him stand out too. Amazing work all round!!!

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