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That terminator looks very cool, but when i compared it with the artworks, i think that a blood angels symbol or somethig like a wing should be on his chest or one of his shoulderpads. I still think that "less is more" concept works on this model but i feel like a wing would pop this model even more. Also could you do a Night Lords terminator next or are you already working on something else?

Love the look of the destroyer terminator.


I never knew there was such a thing :D


Black armour is cool, as the destroyer cadres work with the most toxic of weapons, their armour blackened and damaged by the radiation and chemicals given off. This would obliterate the original legion colours and armorial markings of the bearer, thus further distancing the destroyers from their legion brethren, who already see them as tainted because of their use of proscribed weaponry.

  On 9/3/2018 at 7:07 AM, Kizzdougs said:








Excellent work! How'd you make the red strip chipped like that? Did you paint black marks over red?

Almost finished with the Blood Angel Destroyer :tu:
















  On 9/3/2018 at 5:42 PM, Pearson73 said:

Regardless of the accuracy, the black armour looks superb with the red and gold. Really clean work on that axe as well.

Thanks a lot bro! Glad you like how it's looking.


  On 9/4/2018 at 1:00 PM, Deathcrow said:

That terminator looks very cool, but when i compared it with the artworks, i think that a blood angels symbol or somethig like a wing should be on his chest or one of his shoulderpads. I still think that "less is more" concept works on this model but i feel like a wing would pop this model even more. Also could you do a Night Lords terminator next or are you already working on something else?

Thanks bro! I'm not sure which Legion I'll be working on next. I haven't thought about it too much.


  On 9/4/2018 at 2:12 PM, hushrong said:

The Blood Angel looks phenomenal! I'm pretty sure you can forge your own background for him and why not? He looks rad as hell already and he doesn't even have a head on yet!

Thanks a lot bro, really glad you like him!


  On 9/4/2018 at 4:35 PM, Dantay VI said:

Love the look of the destroyer terminator.


I never knew there was such a thing :biggrin.:


Black armour is cool, as the destroyer cadres work with the most toxic of weapons, their armour blackened and damaged by the radiation and chemicals given off. This would obliterate the original legion colours and armorial markings of the bearer, thus further distancing the destroyers from their legion brethren, who already see them as tainted because of their use of proscribed weaponry.

Thanks bro! There isn't such a thing... I just thought it made sense and would look cool. 

Destroyers in the IXth Legion are a bit different. They only serve in the Destroyer units for a limited amount of time.


  On 9/4/2018 at 7:28 PM, fire golem said:

Loving the Blood Angels terminator. Frankly, when it looks that good, accuracy be damned.

Thanks a lot bro!


  On 9/4/2018 at 9:29 PM, Shovellovin said:


  On 9/3/2018 at 7:07 AM, Kizzdougs said:



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Excellent work! How'd you make the red strip chipped like that? Did you paint black marks over red?


Thanks dude! The chipping is achieved with AK Interactive Heavy Chipping Fluid.






Thanks for looking ;)

Damn, that head's not what one expects on a Blood Angel, very grim, very chilling, almost an evil look. I think it suits the nature of the Destroyer cadres and those serving within them very well.

The paint job is phenomenonal and the model looks really cool, but imo it doesn't really scream destroyer. Some rad grenades could have helped, maybe a phosphex bomb instead of the bloodletter head. I think it's just the lack of identifying weapons with how you tried to infuse the blood angels aesthetic into it; without the destroyer symbol is guess a chaplain 99% over destroyer. Edited by SkimaskMohawk

I'm almost finished with the crew for a Sons of Horus Javelin that I'm building at the moment (just the weathering to do).








I haven't decided how to paint the Javelin yet, but hopefully I'll make a start in the next few days. I'm also working on the base for the Terminator Destroyer.





  On 9/6/2018 at 4:52 PM, Cadmus Tyro said:

Fantastic work mate, looking forward for more, keep the Heresy rolling!


Thanks a lot bro!


  On 9/7/2018 at 12:30 AM, Blindhamster said:

I'd been following the destroyer on facebook, lovely execution, very characterful model and I have to say, the use of decals is excellent.

Thanks bro! Glad you like how the Destroyer is looking. Yeah, I love using the decals. They're a great way to add some character and detail.


  On 9/7/2018 at 5:32 AM, GrandMagnus said:

That guy looks grim, love it!

Thanks bro, that was the aim!


  On 9/7/2018 at 6:43 AM, Supe robot gangster #1 said:

That blood angel is simply gorgeous! Great work mate! Keep em’ coming!

Thanks a lot, bro! Will do.


  On 9/7/2018 at 9:13 AM, Pearson73 said:

Damn, that head's not what one expects on a Blood Angel, very grim, very chilling, almost an evil look. I think it suits the nature of the Destroyer cadres and those serving within them very well.

Yeah, It's definitely a bit different. I might end up paint a more 'standard' BA Terminator as well. 


  On 9/7/2018 at 2:06 PM, KrautScientist said:

That Destroyer is really something! The combination of the rounded shoulder silhouette and that stylised facemask really sell the model. Fantastic work! :smile.:

Thanks a lot, dude! Glad you like how he turned out.


  On 9/7/2018 at 9:14 PM, sockwithaticket said:

NIce. Think your scheme suits the Destroyer mantle a lot better than red + the right markings.

Thanks bro! I'm looking forward to seeing how Forge World depict the Blood Angel Destroyers.


  On 9/8/2018 at 10:00 PM, Vairocanum said:

Ok wow. That is the coolest destroyer I've ever seen, love the head and glowing eyes in particular, looking forward to seeing the whole thing completed!

Thanks very much! I always have fun painting the eyes of a mini. Glad you like how they turned out.


  On 9/9/2018 at 3:24 PM, SkimaskMohawk said:

The paint job is phenomenonal and the model looks really cool, but imo it doesn't really scream destroyer. Some rad grenades could have helped, maybe a phosphex bomb instead of the bloodletter head. I think it's just the lack of identifying weapons with how you tried to infuse the blood angels aesthetic into it; without the destroyer symbol is guess a chaplain 99% over destroyer.

Thanks for the feedback bro :tu: Yeah, I don't have any rad grenades or phosphex bombs unfortunately. The silver death-mask is a big part of the Blood Angels Destroyer aesthetic, but some specialist weapons would have definitely helped.


  On 9/10/2018 at 10:10 AM, MagicMan said:

Really digging that Destroyer! The black is beautiful, and i love the red shoulder markings.


Also, thanks Kizz for the help finding your metallic black armour tutorial. 

Hey bro, no worries. Hope the metallic black scheme works out for you.



  On 9/8/2018 at 7:09 AM, Augustus b'Raass said:

Fantastic work on a very original concept.


Given that he's just cut off that bloodletter's head - shouldn't there be some blood on his axe as well? :smile.:

Thanks bro! Yeah, I considered some blood on the axe. It would definitely look pretty cool, but I imagine that the power field on the axe would just burn away any blood from the Daemon.
  On 9/10/2018 at 6:21 PM, hushrong said:

That Blood Angel just knocks it out of the park! I know he is part of your March of the Legions but I would l love to see a squad of those bad asses!

Thanks a lot bro! I'd probably paint a red armoured Destroyer before I painted a whole squad of these guys...


  On 9/13/2018 at 2:58 PM, Deathcrow said:

hey thats awesome dude!!! you could use the same helmet for an alpha legionare termonator

Yeah you definitely could. They don't look quite as good as the Sanguinary heads, but they're definitely much easier to my hands on.







Thanks for looking ;)

That BA is a thing of beauty, brother. What really does it for me, besides the amazing paint job, is the death mask. Really gives him callus, uncaring feel. Almost inhuman. Stunning! More!

The crew look awesome. Interested in seeing how you paint the vehicle.


I've always wondered if a mostly black painted vehicle with the SoH green painted into recessed panels would look good for their vehicles. Then just pick out trim in gold.

Sorry man I'm not really helping with those sharp comments but as always this is great ;) 

As I said on IG, this Blood angels destroyer terminator is really cool ! I like when model explore some details in the lore. This one alone make me want to do an all in Blood angles destroyer army. I look forward to see your work on the Atramentar or the Deliverers !


Keep on ! 



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