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The Destroyer in TDA is finished! I hope you like him :tu:
















I've also been considering rebasing my Alpha Legion to match my Sons of Horus. What do you think?






Of course it'd look a bit better with the weathering powder added to the lower legs.





  On 9/14/2018 at 10:11 AM, PowerHungryMonkey said:

That BA is a thing of beauty, brother. What really does it for me, besides the amazing paint job, is the death mask. Really gives him callus, uncaring feel. Almost inhuman. Stunning! More!

Thanks a lot, bro! Really glad you like the death mask. 


  On 9/14/2018 at 12:32 PM, hushrong said:

The crew look awesome. Interested in seeing how you paint the vehicle.


I've always wondered if a mostly black painted vehicle with the SoH green painted into recessed panels would look good for their vehicles. Then just pick out trim in gold.

Thanks bro! I've just started working on the speeder but it's pretty early days at the moment.


  On 9/14/2018 at 1:35 PM, Pearson73 said:

Looking sharp!

Thanks a lot!


  On 9/14/2018 at 10:32 PM, malcharion said:

Sorry man I'm not really helping with those sharp comments but as always this is great :wink:

As I said on IG, this Blood angels destroyer terminator is really cool ! I like when model explore some details in the lore. This one alone make me want to do an all in Blood angles destroyer army. I look forward to see your work on the Atramentar or the Deliverers !


Keep on ! 



Thanks a lot! Really glad to hear that you like the Destroyer. I've got some good ideas for the other Legion Terminators, it's just a matter of finding the right bits and the time to build and pain them.


  On 9/16/2018 at 11:29 AM, Deathcrow said:

Hey can you do a tutorial on how to do the spiky shoulder pads? nice marines btw.

The spiky shoulder plates are from Master Crafted Miniatures.







Thanks for looking ;)

That destroyer is fantastic! I love the helm you used and it makes me think I need to start looking at using some stormcast bits. Again, every surface of that TDA destroyer is perfect!


As for basing, I liked the industrial bases you made. If I am not mistaken you did that since those termies were your ZM force right? I just thought it was cool that it would look like they were aboard a ship fighting for control or in the confines of a bunker. Don't get me wrong, the stone work looks great and gives them some height but I like the bases you made already.

I've been doing some work on my SoH Javelin.










  On 9/18/2018 at 12:28 PM, hushrong said:

That destroyer is fantastic! I love the helm you used and it makes me think I need to start looking at using some stormcast bits. Again, every surface of that TDA destroyer is perfect!


As for basing, I liked the industrial bases you made. If I am not mistaken you did that since those termies were your ZM force right? I just thought it was cool that it would look like they were aboard a ship fighting for control or in the confines of a bunker. Don't get me wrong, the stone work looks great and gives them some height but I like the bases you made already.

Thanks a lot bro! The Stormcast also have some good bare heads that work well with marines. 

Yeah, the bases were for ZM, but I've started painting up the Dreadclaws and I'm wondering whether to rebase the infantry to look like they're operating outside. 


  On 9/18/2018 at 5:24 PM, GrandMagnus said:

I knid of like the metallic bases for the alpha legion.

Thanks for the feedback, bro! 






Thanks for looking ;)

The destroyer looks brilliant. Excellent work. This is the first installment of your terminator March of the Legions, no? I am looking forward to all the others!


  On 9/17/2018 at 9:53 AM, Kizzdougs said:


I've also been considering rebasing my Alpha Legion to match my Sons of Horus. What do you think?

Hidden Content



  • 3 weeks later...

Welcome back, everyone!



Since the site has been down I've managed to re-base some of my Alpha Legion and finish the Sons of Horus Landspeeder Javelin.


I still need to rebase the two Veteran Squads, the Forgelord, and the Leviathan. This what my Alpha Legion look like now.










Demi-Squad Delta



Demi-Squad Gamma



Demi-Squad Alpha





Yes, the omega is upside down...







  On 9/21/2018 at 7:12 AM, Augustus b'Raass said:

The destroyer looks brilliant. Excellent work. This is the first installment of your terminator March of the Legions, no? I am looking forward to all the others!


  On 9/17/2018 at 9:53 AM, Kizzdougs said:


I've also been considering rebasing my Alpha Legion to match my Sons of Horus. What do you think?

Hidden Content



Hahaha, glad you like the new base idea :tu:


  On 10/11/2018 at 3:29 PM, Deathcrow said:

Thx a lot for the link. rly need those shoulderpads. Would you try to make your own spiky shoulderpads?

No worries bro. You could try to make your own, I just preferred to buy some pre made ones.





Thanks for looking ;)

And the Javelin Landspeeder. I don't really enjoy painting vehicles, and this was no exception, but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. I'm not looking forward to painting up the second Javelin though...


























Thanks for looking ;)

  On 10/12/2018 at 12:36 AM, Kizzdougs said:

And the Javelin Landspeeder. I don't really enjoy painting vehicles, and this was no exception, but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. I'm not looking forward to painting up the second Javelin though...



What's wrong with you dude!! Did you learn nothing at MKA

I've just finished a test model for some cultists/bolter fodder to accompany my Sons of Horus (the base is just a stand in for the moment). I'm planing to add some broken shackles to the other cultists to show that they've thrown off the oppressive yoke of Imperial rule and joined the cause of humanity's rightful ruler, Horus Lupercal.










  On 10/12/2018 at 3:21 AM, Lord Commander Eidolon said:


  On 10/12/2018 at 12:36 AM, Kizzdougs said:

And the Javelin Landspeeder. I don't really enjoy painting vehicles, and this was no exception, but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. I'm not looking forward to painting up the second Javelin though...

What's wrong with you dude!! Did you learn nothing at MKA

The first ten flesh sacks are finished! The bases are built and just need some paint on them :tu:














  On 10/20/2018 at 11:54 AM, noigrim said:

Love the carapace combi, simple yet effective

Thanks bro! The carapace combi gets a lot of love :)


  On 10/21/2018 at 9:32 PM, Deathcrow said:

Hey if you are going to do a night lords terminator then you can use their claws instead of regular hands which will look awesome

The ghoul's hands?


  On 10/22/2018 at 1:34 AM, hushrong said:

Great updates!! The javelin looks fantastic as do the rebased Alpha Legionaires!

Thanks a lot :)






Thanks for looking ;)

Fulgrim appreciation post!


I attended the 'Legends of the Heresy' event today, and used Fulgrim for the first time. He was an absolute beast... In the first game against a Head of the Gorgon list he took the head of the Gorgon in personal combat (we played the Legendary Mission: Blood of the Primarch). In the second game he slew both Constantine Valdor and Janetia Krole in the 'Apex Predator' mission. I was really surprised by just how lethal he was and his 3++ in combat meant that he survived both games in good health. His bodyguard unit was slaughtered by shooting in both games, but they did their job and kept him from having to make too many 5++ saves against shooting attacks.


I was lucky enough to come away with awards for Best Conversion (for my Sons of Horus Praetor on bike) and Best Overall (a combination of painting/converting, sportsmanship and gaming).










I'll share some pics of the games as soon as I can get my hands on them :smile.:


This was my army in the game against the Iron Hands.



The Phoenician about to take a run at the Gorgon!



The Emperor's Children spring their trap!



IIIrd Legion air support screams overhead as the Phoenician leads his warriors into the heart of the Iron Hands' formation.



Fraternal love turns to bitter enmity!








This beautiful piece of art is by the the talented d1sarmon1a  

Instagram @thesunlessworld




Thanks for looking :wink:

Edited by Kizzdougs

Here are some pictures from yesterday's event (thanks Rhichard H. for the pics). 


My first game was against an Iron Hands force and we played the book two 'Legendary Mission: Blood of the Primarch'. It played out true to the established lore with the Phoenician besting the Gorgon in personal combat. Thanks to Sam for the fantastic game.


The mailed fist of the Iron Tenth prepare for the IIIrd Legion onslaught.



The Emperor's Children launch their assault with the coordination and precision for which the Legion was lauded.













The Illuminator bestrides the sands of Isstvan V (his Spartan was immobilised...).





The erstwhile brothers clash as the Palatine Blades and IIIrd Legion tactical marines converge on the remnants of the Iron Hands' formation.





  On 10/27/2018 at 3:36 PM, noigrim said:

Fulgrim was always a disappointment to me, unlike Horus he never did anything

The Sublime Swordsman special rule was fantastic against Ferrus and Valdor. Against Ferrus, Fulgrim had 9 attacks on the charge and against Valdor he had 8. They just couldn't deal with the weight of attacks. I definitely agree that Horus is a more powerful unit, but Fulgrim definitely has his place, especially considering that he is 120pts cheaper than Horus and only un-transfigured Lorgar is cheaper.


  On 10/28/2018 at 4:40 AM, Pearson73 said:

Some great photos of your IIIrd in action, cracking that you could recreate the events of Isstvan. Well done with the awards too, certainly well deserved.

Thanks a lot bro! It was actually a bit strange replaying one of the most poignant scenes of the Heresy. It was a great game and lots of fun, but at the same time it made me think about when I first read Fulgrim and in particular the final confrontation between the Phoenician and the Gorgon on the black sands of Isstvan V, a very tragic scene indeed.


  On 10/28/2018 at 7:39 AM, Markus_ said:

What an awesome battle!
The prices are well deserved.

Thanks a lot bro! The battle was a lot of fun :)




Thanks for looking ;)

Well in heresy games Fulgrim chopped plenty of iron hands, his duels with manus ended in draws due to the turn limit.


Amazing gold in the tanks. Cool scenario I might do an Isstvan V minicampaign if time allows, replacing fulgrim (sold) with angron. Also your conversion of the phoenician is one of the few that are out there and undubitabily the best one.

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