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I'd have a hard time identifying the parts you used if you hadn't shown the pre-paint pic. Your TS terminator is a true work of art :thumbsup:

Thanks mate! They say that's one sign of a good conversion, so thank you :smile.:


This terminator reminds me more of a samurai than of a Thousand Son.

Yeah, I had the exact same feeling as I was building him. It started with the scale mail which was inspired by this piece of art...


The shoulder pads and helmet 'crest' might have pushed it a little too far. Hopefully the paint job will rescue the Thousand Sons theme :smile.:

Edited by kizzdougs
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Thanks for all of the encouragement guys! I've pretty much finished the Librarian now. I'll sort the base out tomorrow and post some pics :)


He looks good, but I feel the blue of the skirt (and to a lesser extent, the white under it) clashes with the rest of the colors. And not in a productive way. On the other hand, the blue of the scarabs does't, in my opinion.

Yeah, I agree with what you're saying. I was at a loss as to what colour to paint the scale-mail trim. I thought red would blend in with the armour too much, white would be too similar to the cloth and black just didn't seem right. Maybe the blue is just too light, a darker shade could work better. If I could get some of the same blue some where on the top half of the mini I think it could work. At the moment it's a bit unbalance. Hopefully he'll look more complete once he's based.

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Your Emperor's Children Palatine looks really great! Is it going to be a “true scale” marine or regular terminator? If it is a true scale than he is fine but for a terminator I would suggest that the head needs to be a bit lower and the shoulders need to be a bit broader…  But in any case – beautiful conversion!

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I think the trim would look better in red. Blue is a very nice spot colour, and works perfectly on small details an on the scarabs. But it is a bit too much on the trim. It also looks a bit brighter than the rest of the blue colours on your model. Maybe a darker blue would work even better than red? 


I'm looking forwards to see more of your Emperor's Children model. It's a great pice so far. His head looks a bit too elf-like for my taste though. 

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I think you should leave the trim blue and that palatini is awesome. How much more are you planning with the XVth or is that a slow burn project until the campaign book comes out from forge world?

Thanks mate! I haven't really got a longterm plan for the Sons. I started with them because of the awesome conversion possibilities and I built this latest librarian so that I could use a Librarian with my EC if I wanted to. I'm sure once the Prospero book comes out I'll want to do a whole force of Sons...


May need to get you to paint my kill team :tongue.:

How many minis and which Legion/s?


I think a red trim may work better as the blue pulls focus from the rest of the model imo. The Palatini is awesome.

Thanks bro, I think i'll give the red trim a go tomorrow. It'll be easy to change back if it doesn't work out.


As a self confessed member of the "OSL dislikers brigade", I love how you've done the flame. And the rest of the model too.

Haha, thanks forte! OSL isn't really something that I'm comfortable with on anything larger than eye lenses. Glad you liked how it turned out.




Awesome level of detail! making the psyker legion look just as deadly as their cc specialist brother legions! hats of to you sir!

Thanks mate! I was keen to make sure that the Librarian still looked like a warrior of the Legions, so it's encouraging to hear you say that. I'll be trying to capture the same vibe with my EC. I feel that people are too quick to label the IIIrd as effete or weak (thanks mainly to their depiction in Fulgrim). I want to show that they are still Astartes first and foremost.


Beautiful work, some of the best Emperor's Children and definitely the best Thousand Sons I've seen.

Thanks mate! Looking forward to seeing some more of your HH work.


Your Emperor's Children Palatine looks really great! Is it going to be a “true scale” marine or regular terminator? If it is a true scale than he is fine but for a terminator I would suggest that the head needs to be a bit lower and the shoulders need to be a bit broader…  But in any case – beautiful conversion!

Yeah the EC is going to be wearing Tartaros Terminator armour. The head will end up a bit lower (it's only held in by blue-tac at the moment) but the shoulders will probably stay the same. My logic is that it is a custom suit of artificer terminator armour, created for a warrior who relies on speed and skill to win the day.


I think the trim would look better in red. Blue is a very nice spot colour, and works perfectly on small details an on the scarabs. But it is a bit too much on the trim. It also looks a bit brighter than the rest of the blue colours on your model. Maybe a darker blue would work even better than red? 


I'm looking forwards to see more of your Emperor's Children model. It's a great pice so far. His head looks a bit too elf-like for my taste though. 

Thanks bro! Yeah, I'm going to give the red trim a go tomorrow, I'll post some pics once I'm done. I take your point about the head. It definitely has refined features compared to the majority of other space marine heads, but the warriors of the III Legion were noted as having finely sculpted physics and features. Hopefully it won't look too elf-like once its painted up.


Must... ngh... resist. changing. projects... argh...


tl;dr: Damn you, kizz :tongue.:

Hahaha, stay strong brother!

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Dat Palatini doe...


Dude, I'm floored. A flawless conversion that fits the Legion's identity better than the stock kits! Fulgrim would be proud. :tongue.:


Where's the cloak from?

Thanks bro! Really glad to hear you say that. The cloak is from the Death Wing kit. I picked it up on an ebay bits site.


I must steal your hands!

Steal them and put them to work painting minis for me mwuh haha


Er excuse me just then....damn fine thread this! Full of win

Thanks for sharing your work

But I need my hands... It's an absolute pleasure sharing! :)

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