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They look amazing, can't wait to see them finished. 

Thanks bro! Glad you like them :)


The blue is honestly mesmerising, great work. 

Glad you like the blue, I'm pretty happy with how it turned out :)




When you decide you want a new army and these aren't wanted any more, I call first dibs!

Hahahaha, I've already had someone else claim them... I'll be doing an MKA airbrushing class at the end of the year, so who knows :P


The look amazing. Not sure what else to say.

Thanks dude, glad you like how they're looking :)


Quick work my friend, can't believe you can keep up that pace and standard of painting! What paint did you use for the bronze shoulder pads?

Got to keep the momentum going! The bronze is Balthasar Gold, washed with Agrax Earthshade, and highlighted with Stormhost Silver :)


Lovely job on these, really liking the finish you have on them 

Thanks a lot bro! :)





Thanks for looking ;)

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I've just finished off the Veteran Tactical squad. Can you say Machine Killers?
































I hope you like them!





Thanks for looking :wink:



Again it look amazing ! It's like all you do is perfect to me.
Love the poses, the painting style and the atmospher you get on your models. Those alpha legionary are one of the best I've seen !
Keep on this way :wink:

Thanks a lot, bro! Really glad to hear that you like them :smile.:

Edited by kizzdougs
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Good lord, they're beautiful. I think when my Ksons are done my next stop are AL. Your models have inspired me, especially your paint scheme for metallic Thousand Sons.


Speaking of, I ordered 2 cans of Tamiya Metallic red, and I just wanted to ask... would you spray the red directly on, or spray a base coat of black first?

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How good is this!!!

The cover for the upcoming Fulgrim novella in the Primarchs series (by Josh Reynolds). 

Checkout the artist's Instagram and website.



I seriously love this picture and it's got me pretty inspired to work on some more Emperor's Children (hopefully I'll get the Alpha Legion finished first).




Damn, I love the III Legion...





Fantastic. The blue armour is as mesmerising as when I first saw it. :thumbsup:

Thanks a lot, bro! Glad you like the blue.


Gorgeous unit, the blue is perfect, as well as the decals! You can certainly say they're Machine Killers, anything short of armored ceramite will fall to this (and they have a rule which certificates the title :tongue.:). Seeing this army grow has been amazing so far, one of the best AL around!

Thanks a lot bro! Alpha Legion Machines Killers can be even better if you give them Tank Hunter... and Dynat helps as well.


Absolutely fantastic!

Thanks a lot!


They are stunning, that blue though! It's beautiful...


Glad you like the blue!


Nice work mate, were the tactical squad done via airbrush or by hand? I love the little hints of green you can see coming through at times it really gives a nice depth to the armour. What are you planning next? What does you zone mortalis list look like?

Thanks mate! All of my Alphas are painted using a Tamiya Light Metallic spraycan. I own an airbrush but I haven't set it up yet. Next up I'll be working on another Saboteur.

This is the original ZM list that I started with:



Fantastic work. really like the blue and the combi meltas are awesome... look forward to seeing more :smile.:

Thanks dude! Glad you're liking them.


Oh yeah! Those veterans look fantastic!

This makes me want FW's mkVI armor. It looks much better than the plastic. Especially the helmet as FW looks more lean and GW looks puffed up.

Yeah, the new MkVI is really nice. The only complaint I have is that the legs are a little too dynamic (the opposite problem to most other marine kits).


Really nice work! Lovely blue colour, the black panels work beautifully, and the subtle OSL from lenses and scopes is great.

Great work as always!

Thanks bro! Glad you like how they've come together.


I am really envious of the speed and neatness you have with your work, its almost post-human Kizzdougs! :biggrin.:

Hahaha, post human painting for post human minis... 


Good lord, they're beautiful. I think when my Ksons are done my next stop are AL. Your models have inspired me, especially your paint scheme for metallic Thousand Sons.

Speaking of, I ordered 2 cans of Tamiya Metallic red, and I just wanted to ask... would you spray the red directly on, or spray a base coat of black first?

Yeah, the metallic scheme has been a lot of fun to paint. I'd love to see you have a go at some Alphas.

I'd recommend a black undercoat before applying the metallic red. Let me know how it turns out.





Thanks for looking :wink:

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Yeah, that covers pretty great. Josh Reynolds did a great job with the Fabius Bile book so I have high hopes for that one! Stunning veterans, the blue is phenomenal. Looking forward to some more EC too!

Yeah, I haven't read the Fabius Bile book, but I've only heard good things about it. The pre Heresy Emperor's Children are my absolute favourite faction, so I'm over the moon. After reading Fulgrim by Graham McNeil I never thought that we'd get a book detailing the Emperor's Children before the specific events of that book. I think I'm more hyped for this novella than I've been for any other HH release/book/mini :P

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Yeah, I haven't read the Fabius Bile book, but I've only heard good things about it. The pre Heresy Emperor's Children are my absolute favourite faction, so I'm over the moon. After reading Fulgrim by Graham McNeil I never thought that we'd get a book detailing the Emperor's Children before the specific events of that book. I think I'm more hyped for this novella than I've been for any other HH release/book/mini :P

Very exciting times for the IIIrd - so glad Fulgrim is reasonable early in the series, I was dreading the book being towards the end of the series!!


Am looking forward to seeing you do some more EC, I'm always looking to rip off your ideas! Haha

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Fantastic work on the Alpha Legionnaires, kizz. Also, congratulations on reaching your 100th page - although I realize this post will start the 101st. ;) It truly is a tome of inspiration for me. During the time I started following it, you have always been a source of motivation for me to up my paint game, and continue to improve myself without so much sacrificing my speed. Your tutorials have been extremely helpful with that. Thanks!


Also also, I'm very happy to read about your renewed inspiration to pain Emperor's Children! I admire your Alpha Legion, but crips purple and creamy white is where you shine the brightest, in my opinion. :d


Carry on, buddy!

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Yeah, I haven't read the Fabius Bile book, but I've only heard good things about it. The pre Heresy Emperor's Children are my absolute favourite faction, so I'm over the moon. After reading Fulgrim by Graham McNeil I never thought that we'd get a book detailing the Emperor's Children before the specific events of that book. I think I'm more hyped for this novella than I've been for any other HH release/book/mini :tongue.:

Very exciting times for the IIIrd - so glad Fulgrim is reasonable early in the series, I was dreading the book being towards the end of the series!!


Am looking forward to seeing you do some more EC, I'm always looking to rip off your ideas! Haha


Hahaha, fingers crossed that I've hopefully still got some good ideas...

Yeah, I'm super keen for the novella. I'm reading the Leman Russ novella at the moment and really enjoying it. It's great getting a pre Heresy/Great Crusade perspective of the Primarchs, before the Chaos Gods got too involved...


Excellent work, as always, Kizzdougs. I'd also like to mention that I'd seen people discussing your work on FB a couple of days ago (one person even uses your multi-Legion image as their phone background). Had to mention you, of course, give you the proper credit. :wink.:




Thanks a lot bro! It's always flattering to hear that someone is enjoying my work.


Fantastic work on the Alpha Legionnaires, kizz. Also, congratulations on reaching your 100th page - although I realize this post will start the 101st. :wink: It truly is a tome of inspiration for me. During the time I started following it, you have always been a source of motivation for me to up my paint game, and continue to improve myself without so much sacrificing my speed. Your tutorials have been extremely helpful with that. Thanks!


Also also, I'm very happy to read about your renewed inspiration to pain Emperor's Children! I admire your Alpha Legion, but crips purple and creamy white is where you shine the brightest, in my opinion. :biggrin.:


Carry on, buddy!

Thank you very much, bro! It means a lot to hear you say. I hope you know that the sentiment is reciprocal :)

No definite plans for what to work on next for the Emperor's Children, but I'll definitely be getting back to them. If there was plastic MkII available from GW I'd start a Great Crusade III Legion force today.


Love this blog. Thank you for the legion tutorials.

My pleasure! I just had a look at your true scale Death Guard thread, awesome work bro.







Thanks for looking ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

The second Saboteur is finished! I actually finished him two days ago, but Photobucket was playing up...













I hope you like how he turned out.



Also, I just received an email from FW to say that my next order has been posted :)




Thanks for looking ;)

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