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Some more work done on Dynat! I was originally planning to paint the shoulder pads black like on the rest of my force, but I'm really enjoying the rich and vibrant colour that they are now (the photo doesn't do the colours justice). I'm not entirely happy with the face, but it's not too bad. I considered adding the hydra tattoo, but I feel that it would clutter up the face and make it look like a bit of a mess.






Still a bit of work to do. I hope you like him so far.



Head to the left is most natural given how the hammer's being held, your inclination is correct Nice start on the paint.

Thanks bro! I'm going to fully paint everything before I make a decision on the head. At the moment the head, hammer, and power pack/cloak are separate from the main figure.





Thanks for looking ;)

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Head to the left is most natural given how the hammer's being held, your inclination is correct Nice start on the paint.



Looks awesome, Kizz! I can't wait to see him alongside the others in a group photo.


Left is the direction the Hammer would be swung given the grip. The left leg being the planted one is the most stable and thus the pivot on which any motion would be based., so your head would be more or less in line with the left foot.

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Armillus Dynat is finished!! Next up, drop pods...
















I hope you like him :)



He looks great! The metallic paint job looks spot on. I do like the extra use of brass on his armor.

Love the bare head too. The rich, more copper-tanned tone is nice and I think no tattoo is better.

Thanks a lot bro! I hope you like how he looks now that he's finished. 



Head to the left is most natural given how the hammer's being held, your inclination is correct Nice start on the paint.


Looks awesome, Kizz! I can't wait to see him alongside the others in a group photo.


Thanks a lot dude! Hope you like him now.







Thanks for looking ;)

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He looks fantastic, kizz. Nice work. I'm nt sure how I feel about the Imperial Fist helmet under his boot, but I'll let that slide because you did such a good job with his reposing. :p His face looks neat - although I have to say I expected you to at least do some facial tattoos on him... 


And yeah, what the hell is up with that inverted toilet seat? ;)

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Hrm, Dynat is looking fantastic, except for one teeny, tiny thing: It seems to be like it would be *really* uncomfortable to rest that massive foot of his flatly on that relatively small helmet. Now if there were two helmets or a bit of rubble around the helmet or what have you, it would be a different story. But as it stands (or rather, as he stands), if you take a moment to imagine what the pose would actually feel like, it seems slightly problematic.


Sorry for being *that* guy, mate o_O

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Thanks for the feedback and kind words, everybody! They're greatly appreciated.




Awesome stuff, as usual! I really like the reposing of Dynat, a bold move, but it paid off handsomely. Everytime I look at this thread I feel the urge to have a bash at some AL myself, as I really like beakies! Alas, I've enough to do with EC and 1kSons, but boy it is tempting!!

Thanks a lot bro! Glad you like him. Maybe just try a single mini or a small squad of the Alpha Legion. That might be all you need to satisfy your AL needs.


NICE! But what's up with the ultima symbols? :tongue.:

Thanks! Yeah, I stuffed up and I feel bad...


Armillus Dynat is amazing, the face looks so real and the scales on the armor. Top notch to say the least! 

Thanks a lot! I've always really enjoyed painting faces, so I always put a bit more effort into them.


He looks fantastic, kizz. Nice work. I'm nt sure how I feel about the Imperial Fist helmet under his boot, but I'll let that slide because you did such a good job with his reposing. :tongue.: His face looks neat - although I have to say I expected you to at least do some facial tattoos on him... 


And yeah, what the hell is up with that inverted toilet seat? :wink:

Hahaha, I've got nothing against the Fists (I quite like them), but after the travesty of Praetorian of Dorn petty revenge is all I can hope for. I was thinking about painting the tattoo, but I don't think I'd be able to do it to a standard that I'd be happy with. 

Yeah, I stuffed up with the Omega. I feel bad...


Dynat looks like quite a big lad compared to the other Astartes in that last photo...almost like...:ph34r.: :wink:

Awesome work as always. 

I had the same thought when I lined them up for the photos... very suspicious...


He looks excellent Kizz, the repose is very nice :thumbsup:

However, aren't those omega the wrong way round?

Thanks! Glad you like the repose.

Yes, I stuffed up. I feel bad...


He looks amazing! I'm inclined to say however that I think the head would look better with the Tattoo, perhaps even a simplified version of it. At present it looks sort of... smooth. It's very plain.

Yeah, I just don't think I'd be able to get it right. If FW can't paint a good hydra tattoo, what chance do I have? Also, 'smooth' and 'plain' isn't so bad for a Legion that surgically alters their facial features to all look the same.


I see your alphas and then I want to repaint mine... I think I have way too much green in the mix.

Personally I think my Alphas are a little too blue, but achieving a good balance can be pretty challenging.


Awesome model, the face expression looks a little bit odd, I don't know why, but everything else is perfect!

Thanks a lot bro!


Lovely. Agree that an electoo would be awesome!

Thanks! I like said earlier, I think the tattoo would be a step too far for my painting skills.


Damn, man the Dynat looks amazing! Always been one of my favorite models, especially of the character series. I have yet to get to mine, so this is really cool to see for some inspiration! Keep it up dude!

Thanks a lot bro! Glad you like how he looks. Looking forward to seeing your Dynat painted up.


Cracking Dynat, brother. Admirable standard as always. :thumbsup:

Thanks a lot!


As ever, stellar work on your Dynat. Much better looking than stock pose!

Thanks bro! Glad you like the changed pose.


Great paint job as always ! The eyelences are particulary good and he really give the impression of feeling nothing as on the picture of him in the black book.
Gg mate !


Thanks dude! I started off painting High Elves as my first army back in the day, so I've always enjoyed painting faces and gems. It's a rare treat when I get to paint a face on a space marine, so I always put in a bit more effort.


Just to echo everyone else, Dynat looks amazing, great work! :cool.:

Thanks a bro! Glad you like how Dynat turned out.


Hrm, Dynat is looking fantastic, except for one teeny, tiny thing: It seems to be like it would be *really* uncomfortable to rest that massive foot of his flatly on that relatively small helmet. Now if there were two helmets or a bit of rubble around the helmet or what have you, it would be a different story. But as it stands (or rather, as he stands), if you take a moment to imagine what the pose would actually feel like, it seems slightly problematic.


Sorry for being *that* guy, mate o_O

Thanks dude! I get what you're saying and I appreciate the feedback. I don't agree with you, but I'll definitely keep what you said in mind next time a build a mini.





Thanks for looking ;)

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Actually I take great offence at Kraut's comment. I am still grumbling about the fact that the helmet is under Dynat's foot, but if anything Imperial Fists helmets are totally sturdy enough to hold a marine - let alone a small one like Dynat! Imperial Fits craftsmanship is second to none, and I can't think of a more comfortable helmet to rest my feet on than one of the VII. :p




A shame about the omega. Any chance that's fixable? Or is this just Dynat during a covert XIII Legion operation?

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