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Oh, just to be clear here, I wasn't referring to the helmet's sturdiness, but rather to its shape: The helmet is a curved surface, right? And probably a smooth one. Now imagine wearing a boot that cannot bend in any way, say a ski boot or something like that, and having to rest your foot (and possibly a fair part of your body weight) on a curved surface like that: It seems like something that might work in a photo shoot, but would feel awkward, and you'd be glad once it was over.


Sorry, I sometimes get hung up on small details like these, and the old "foot on a single helmet" pose is one of my pet peeves. Do carry on! ;)

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Oh, just to be clear here, I wasn't referring to the helmet's sturdiness, but rather to its shape: The helmet is a curved surface, right? And probably a smooth one. Now imagine wearing a boot that cannot bend in any way, say a ski boot or something like that, and having to rest your foot (and possibly a fair part of your body weight) on a curved surface like that: It seems like something that might work in a photo shoot, but would feel awkward, and you'd be glad once it was over.


Sorry, I sometimes get hung up on small details like these, and the old "foot on a single helmet" pose is one of my pet peeves. Do carry on! :wink:

Don't marines have magnets in the soles of the boots? ;) :P

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Oh, just to be clear here, I wasn't referring to the helmet's sturdiness, but rather to its shape: The helmet is a curved surface, right? And probably a smooth one. Now imagine wearing a boot that cannot bend in any way, say a ski boot or something like that, and having to rest your foot (and possibly a fair part of your body weight) on a curved surface like that: It seems like something that might work in a photo shoot, but would feel awkward, and you'd be glad once it was over.


Sorry, I sometimes get hung up on small details like these, and the old "foot on a single helmet" pose is one of my pet peeves. Do carry on! :wink:

I know, I was just feeding the peeve. ;) :P 


But I always imagine that the boots of marines have a joint behind the toes, and that the ribbed surface is rubber or something - to give them grip even in slippery sloped surfaces. 

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I'm pretty sure marine boots are flexible. That's why they are segmented on top and not just smooth. Imagine trying to run properly with solid boots...


Check out the dude at the back.



And this chap.




There are a couple of other examples, but I can't get my camera to work at the moment :(

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He looks great! I always overlooked his mini as him standing about never excited the imagination.


Again, the repose and the use of a different head really make him a knock out.


I also think he found a great tool for cleaning muck under From under his boot. As for the ultra symbol I hope a XIII legionary sees him with it and Dynat replies " don't you remember me? All those campaigns we fought together, shoulder to shoulder?"

Edited by hushrong
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So I spent the last few hours catching up on the fifty odd pages I hadn't read yet. Thankyou so much for doing all the step by step tutorials. I now know how I'm going to paint up a bunch of Fallen for the ETL. Namely, your stealth Alphas but with Clear Green after the Metallic Black spray. Add checks, maybe weathering and job done.


Also, all the work is just stunning. The fact you don't use an airbrush on the Alpha Legion is mind boggling.



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The first Anvillus is built! He needed a few gaps filled, but is now finally ready for some paint...





Again, fair enough, guys. Dynat's resting his boot flat on top of the helmet, though:




But really, it's just my two cents, I don't want to take over the thread with this concern... o_O

No worries bro. Like I said, I appreciate the feedback. Your feedback is always constructive and well reasoned so I value it :)



 Imagine trying to run properly with solid boots...




I can confirm running in solid boots is close to impossible. Just walking in them is annoying.


Hahaha, I've tried to run in clogs... 


Yup, try running in ski-boots :biggrin.:

Not something I really have to worry about in Australia, but I take your point :P



Yup, try running in ski-boots :biggrin.:

It's awkward at medium speed but at some point you just start this loping run and it becomes doable.


Now back on rails: That Dynat is pure genius!

This entire thread has been such an inspiration.


Thanks a lot bro! Really glad you like Dynat and are enjoying the thread.


I guess that would be like standing on a soccer ball?

Pretty much except it would be more stable because the bottom of the helmet is flat, not round, and it's made from a lump of ceramite.


He looks great! I always overlooked his mini as him standing about never excited the imagination.

Again, the repose and the use of a different head really make him a knock out.

I also think he found a great tool for cleaning muck under From under his boot. As for the ultra symbol I hope a XIII legionary sees him with it and Dynat replies " don't you remember me? All those campaigns we fought together, shoulder to shoulder?"

Thanks dude, glad you like him! Yeah, using another Legion's icon on the Alpha Legion isn't really too much of an issue... :ph34r.:


So I spent the last few hours catching up on the fifty odd pages I hadn't read yet. Thankyou so much for doing all the step by step tutorials. I now know how I'm going to paint up a bunch of Fallen for the ETL. Namely, your stealth Alphas but with Clear Green after the Metallic Black spray. Add checks, maybe weathering and job done.

Also, all the work is just stunning. The fact you don't use an airbrush on the Alpha Legion is mind boggling.


My pleasure, bro! I'm really glad that you liked the Effrit stealth scheme. Best of luck with your Fallen :tu:

Also, I'm going to be taking some airbrushing classes latter in the year, so hopefully I'll be able to take my skills to the next level.





Thanks for looking ;)

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So, I've got five drop pods to paint and then my 2,500pts Alpha Legion army will be complete! Of course when FW gets around to releasing a mini for the Primarch I'll definitely be adding him to the army, and I'll probably add a few different units just for some variety, but until then it's time to start planning the next project...


Like most hobbyists I'm constantly coming up with ideas for new projects. Whether it's inspired by the latest Black Library release (I'm currently reading and enjoying Magnus the Red: Master of Prospero), the fluff and colour plates in a FW Black Book, a particularly impressive paint job/conversion/army blog online, or just a random thought, I'm always thinking of the next project. 


This October I'll be attending an MKA airbrushing course when they come back to Australia for the second time (check out the MKA facebook and webpage). I'm hopping that once I learn how to use an airbrush I'll be able to speed up my painting process and really take my painting skills to the next level. As such, I probably won't start painting my new project until I've completed the course, but I will aim to have a considerable collection of minis built, converted and ready for painting beforehand.


So what am I going to work on next? Who knows?...


Like I said I've had plenty of ideas, but I also love each of the Legions so a decision is never easy. Here are a few ideas that I've had.


In no particular order:


Traitor Emperor’s Children:

·      Need to wait until FW/GW release some more EC traitor appropriate kits. I don't feel that the current range is suitable for post Isstvan Emperor's Children. Hopefully GW releases some 40k Emperor's Children kits in the style of the recent Thousand Sons Rubric marines and the upcoming Death Guard range. If this was to happen I'd start a traitor EC army tomorrow.

·      Fabius Bile Terata army/unit.

·      Possible Army of Dark Compliance with Militia.


World Eaters:

·      Ideally wait for plastic MkII. MkIII/IV could work, but I feel that MkII is a better fit.

·      Infantry swarm focussing on Despoiler squads.

·      Could be a good way to start a ‘Centurion Mode’ list. 'Centurion Mode' is a different way of playing 30k being pioneered by the lads on the 'Eye of Horus Podcast'. It focusses on infantry, Dreadnoughts, and Landspeeders. It's a bit of a tribute to 2nd edition and allows gamers to play infantry heavy armies without the fear of coming up against Super Heavies and masses of high strength - low AP blast templates. Many gaming groups and campaign organisers are starting to use it at events. 

·      Alternatively could be a Zone Mortalis list focussing on Delvarus and the Triarii using Medusan Immortals and Iron Hand minis. Death Guard MkIII torsos would be another useful option.


Imperial Fists:

·      A Centurion or Zone Mortalis list focussing on Seneschal Rann and his warriors. The predecessors of the Executioners Chapter.

·      Heavy use of Breachers and Phalanx Warders.

  • Weathered, angry looking Fists.


·      The Dark Brotherhood.

·      Centurion Mode/Shadow Wars.

·      A light raider style force lead by the Nemean Reaver.


Night Lords:

·      Terror Assault.

·      It would be great if GW released some plastic MkII/IV jump packs.

·      Play up the terror theme; plenty of trophies, terror markings, flayed skin, cadavers etc. Steer clear of overtly Chaotic iconography etc., but make them complete savages.


Raven Guard:

·      Could be traitor or loyalist.

·      Maybe consider a Shattered Legions force.

·      Ashen Claws/Predation Fleet.

·      Isstvan retribution force.



·      Based on a Successor Chapter; Angels Revenant, Sons of Orar, Aurora Chapter, Black Consuls, Doom Eagles, Nemesis Chapter etc.

  • The theme/force composition would be guided by the chosen Successor Chapter.


Sons of Horus:

·      Heavy emphasis on Reavers, gang markings, trophies etc.


Hunter-Killer Mission Rite of War:

  • Obviously the army would be a collection of traitors lead by an Emperor's Children HQ (one of the restriction of the Rite).
  • This army would be best suited to 'Centurion Mode' and Zone Mortalis.


These are just a few of the thoughts that I've had and this list is most definitely not exhaustive. I'm also fairly keen of the Dark Angels and Blood Angels, but I haven't had any concrete thoughts on them yet. I'm sure this will change with the release of the next FW Black Book.


As you'll have noticed I haven't included any ideas for the Mechanicum or the Talons of the Emperor (Custodes & Sisters of Silence). This is because I have zero interest in the Mechanicum. Legion Praevians and their buddies are okay, but the actual Mechanicum as a faction has always bored me. In regards to the Custodes and Sisters I don't really think that they should be an actual stand alone army from a fluff perspective. I'm definitely not against painting a squad or two to use as allies with another force, but I don't think I could bring myself to collect an entire army of them. Having said that, I'm sure I'll paint some at some stage simply because they are such fantastic minis (except for those Jetbikes...).


I don't imaging I'll come to a decision anytime soon, but you never know. When I read Wolf King and saw the Praetor Tribune mini I knew I was going to start an Alpha Legion army.


Last time I came to you guys for help you were extremely obliging, so I'd love to hear what you guys think of my project ideas and I'd also love to hear any ideas that you might have yourselves. All ideas are welcome, especially those grounded in the fluff and background of the Horus Heresy :)






Thanks for looking ;)


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Heaps of great ideas Kizz, and I couldn't agree more on the Talons of the Emperor not being a stand alone army.


Are you interested in the more mundane armies like Militia or Solar Auxilia? Both have so much variety in terms of rules and modelling as well, and to be honest you dont see to many of them around in comparison to the Legions (or Custode spam now days). If I was to go off your list though I would vote for either Blackshields or Imperial Fists "Executioners".


I definitely feel for you though man, so many projects to pick from but so little time...I think we are all in the same boat in that respect.

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Fists! Fists. Definitely the Fists. I'd advise that you look up Hyaenidae's stuff for inspiration, brother. :happy.:

Hyaenidae never did Fists :P

I mean he did do that one model. And then nothing else. I can't remember who the guy was that did all the fist stuff... what as his name, Rohr?

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Fists! Fists. Definitely the Fists. I'd advise that you look up Hyaenidae's stuff for inspiration, brother. :happy.:


Hyaenidae never did Fists :tongue.:




You're quite right. It was you and Darth Potato Tyrannicide that did Fists. Hyaenidae was the Iron Warriors. And, conveniently, the link for it is in your sig. 

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So you're looking to have a considerable amount of troops built by October, before the course?


I totally get you're a huge fan of the Emperor's Children, but would suggest waiting until they receive the Thousand Sons treatment in 40k. You know GW is going to deliver. With DG around the corner it only makes sense that the EC and Slaanesh are next in line. Chances of them coming out before October are probably pretty slim, though.


Honestly, I would love to see you tackle a loyalist legion. There's something about the loyalists that have always been a challenge in my mind. For whatever reason I feel like they lack that unmistakable aesthetic quality that many of the traitors possess.


I'll put my vote behind the Imperial Fists boarding force or Raven Guard survivors. Either would be killer to see in your style. The fact that you have one of the simplest recipes for yellow, and how amazing the end result is should be a consideration. I tried to replicate it and failed miserably, lol.


Any idea when you'll be starting your next project?

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