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Another boring update...


Almost finished the first Dreadclaw. I'm trying to decide whether to add some decals. There isn't a very good place to put any decals and I'd probably need to buy a new sheet of decals...




I've also started on the Dreadnought Drop Pod.


Dreadclaw is looking good. I simply have a fear of FW quality on bigger models although I have gotten marines that were terribly aligned when cast too. Then after getting and building a storm eagle I never wanted to test the bounds of my sanity ever again.

Also, is that how the Tamiya light metallic blue (TS-54 I think) comes out before the clear green (x-25)?

No, that's with the green :)





Thanks for looking ;)

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Ace bro! Having a similar issue with my own Dreadclaws, the fins seem like the only place to fit iconography but then that leaves you with the issue of doing a handful or doing symbols on every single fin...something like ten medium sized symbols which might be pushing the transfer sheet to its limit.


Keen to see more!

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I see the green now. Looked at the top fins and can see it. 


Must say it is looking good! The chipped metal on the edges add a nice, well-used look. Decals will also look good and I must ask, how do you get them on so well? Whenever I had tried putting them on you can see the sheen of plastic on paint.

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I have another dumb question on your Alpha Legion painting recipe: I bought the same tamiya Primer but after coating the models with it any follow up paint would not stick the models at all - it was like trying to paint unwashed (therefore still greasy) resin/metal. Any tips on how to solve this issue?


Thank you a lot in advance and keep the absolutely amazing work up!

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Thanks guys :)


Ace bro! Having a similar issue with my own Dreadclaws, the fins seem like the only place to fit iconography but then that leaves you with the issue of doing a handful or doing symbols on every single fin...something like ten medium sized symbols which might be pushing the transfer sheet to its limit.

Keen to see more!

Yeah, you're right, the fins look like the way to go. I'm might also try to add some of the 'chain' decals on other areas. It's going to be much easier with the Dreadnought Drop Pod, thanks to it only having three sides. I should probably order another sheet of decals anyway, I'm just not looking forward to having to wait for them to arrive from the UK.


I see the green now. Looked at the top fins and can see it. 


Must say it is looking good! The chipped metal on the edges add a nice, well-used look. Decals will also look good and I must ask, how do you get them on so well? Whenever I had tried putting them on you can see the sheen of plastic on paint.

Thanks bro! Glad you like the chipping. 

When I'm applying the decals I use Vallejo decal medium. There are other brands, but my local store had Vallejo, so that's what I went with. Once the decals have dried I give them a coat of matt varnish from a spray can. This will stope the decals from looking too shiny and will allow you to paint/weather over the top.


I have another dumb question on your Alpha Legion painting recipe: I bought the same tamiya Primer but after coating the models with it any follow up paint would not stick the models at all - it was like trying to paint unwashed (therefore still greasy) resin/metal. Any tips on how to solve this issue?


Thank you a lot in advance and keep the absolutely amazing work up!

When you say primer are you referring to the Light Blue Metallic spray paint? It can be difficult to paint over, but it's definitely not impossible. When I paint the silver or bronze over the top of the metallic blue I tend to keep the paint a little bit thicker than I usually would, and I always apply a second coat. It you really cant get it to work you could try spraying the mini with a coat of matt varnish. That should make it a bit easier to work with :)


You can also put a Legion symbol on only the right fin of every segment, and a vehicle number on every left. Or something like that. 

That's actually a pretty good idea. I'll still need to by another decal sheet regardless, but that idea would definitely lessen the pain.



Thanks for looking ;)

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I've made a start on the Dreadnought Drop Pod. Just the base colours done at the moment. Hopefully I'll get the washes done tomorrow.








Thanks a lot! Going to try that one

No worries, hope it works out for you :)


How about transfers either side of two fins opposite eachother?

That might work :)




Thanks for looking ;)

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Been lurking your thread for years now and wow: What an all around awesome thread you got here, such a great clean style and speed. How long does it take you to paint a marine? 'Cause it sure feels like you pump them out by the dozens. I'd say keep up the good work, but there seems to be no stopping you anyway!




Edited by Jüffös
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  • 2 weeks later...

Are you still trying to decide? My vote: World Eaters


1. A selfish reason. I love this blog and was so inspired by your Alpha Legion I've started some of my own. And that means I put aside my World Eaters - you'll inspire me to get back to them!


2. Unselfish reason. I really like what they are trying to do with the 'Centurion' rules you linked, and so armies fitting that theme will be good. I know not many people are nostalgic for 2nd edition, but I really prefer 40k with dense terrain.


3. The test mini was awesome.

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  • 3 months later...

Hey everyone, sorry about the lack of progress in this thread :tongue.: I've been pretty busy outside of the hobby and I've also been holding off until I learn how to use an airbrush at the MKA course. 


I've been playing a little bit of Zone Mortalis with my Alpha Legion, which has been great fun. I'm lucky enough to have a decent group of Heresy enthusiast and an excellent gaming venue, relatively close to home, so I've gotten involved in a monthly Zone Mortalis narrative campaign event. 


Unfortunately I couldn't find any good pictures of my games (I'll be sure to take some at the next campaign day), but I found this pic on one of the FB groups. This pic was taken a couple of months ago, and shows my Alpha Legion Terminators clashing with a rival XXth Legion force. Very 'Coils of the Hydra'. Sorry about the poor picture quality :( 




Anyway, I just wanted to touch base and let you know that I'm still alive. The MKA course is only a few weeks away, so time permitting, I should be able to get back to painting and building more regularly :smile.:



Ps. I couldn't decide which Legion to paint for the course so I decided to stick with my one true love, the Glorious IIIrd! Once I've learned the airbrushing and weathering techniques the plan is to start a new Emperor's Children army, bigger and better than the first. I'm really keen to push my painting abilities and to try to create something much better than what I've previously managed.


Now I just need to decide on a theme for my Emperor's Children. I've had a few good ideas floating around...







Are you still trying to decide? My vote: World Eaters

1. A selfish reason. I love this blog and was so inspired by your Alpha Legion I've started some of my own. And that means I put aside my World Eaters - you'll inspire me to get back to them!

2. Unselfish reason. I really like what they are trying to do with the 'Centurion' rules you linked, and so armies fitting that theme will be good. I know not many people are nostalgic for 2nd edition, but I really prefer 40k with dense terrain.

3. The test mini was awesome.

Hey dude, sorry about the super late reply... I've only just checked back on this thread...

Thanks for the suggestions and the kind words! I'm sure I'll work on some World Eaters at some stage (I have a nice stash of bits put aside for them, but at the moment it looks like my next project will be more Emperor's Children.





Thanks for looking :wink:

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"Don't be so coy, what are you planning with the EC?!"



I've got four main ideas at the moment.



These are full blown Traitors in the style of Eidolon's warriors in The Path of Heaven and The Soul Severed. They've started dabbling in Daemonology and are pretty far down the path of damnation.

  • Probably a 3rd Company Elite or Army of Dark Compliance.
  • An Army of Dark Compliance could be a Fabius style army with a lot of Ogryns representing his 'enhance' Terrata warriors. These could be converted from Rat Ogres/DE Grotesques/VC Vargheists.
  • Alternatively it could feature a horde of the cultists/slaves that the Emperor's Children love to collect.
  • Maybe even some Slaaneshi Daemons further down the track.

Traitors/for the Warmaster:

This army would be a force of Emperor's Children that have decided to serve the Warmaster more directly than their brother legionaries. The IIIrd Legion served with the Luna Wolves for a decade after Fulgrim's discovery, and I image that both Legions would have retained close ties since then. I expect that in the aftermath of Isstvan V there were elements of the Emperor's Children that became disillusioned by Fulrim's precipitous fall from grace and the associated corruption of the Legion. For these warriors the natural place to turn for leadership would be Horus. After all they were the Emperor's chosen warriors, so it is only natural that they should assume their rightful place as the chosen warriors of this new age of humanity.

  • These guys are definitely Traitors, but they haven't fallen as far as most in the Legion.
  • Slaaneshi influence would be kept fairly subtle and instead they would adopt some of the more savage characteristics of the Sons of Horus.
  •  Aesthetically, trophy weapons could be a feature of the force, especially those taken from the slain of Isstvan V, both Traitor and Loyalist. Skulls and pelts in the style of the Sons of Horus could look good too.
  • They would probably keep the Palatine Aquilla but surmount it with the Eye of Horus.

Loyalists/Death Eagles:

These are the warriors of the 38th Millennial of the Emperor's Children. Known as the Death Eagles the 34th Millennial are one of the forces given as an example of Loyal warriors from a Traitor Legion in book IV Conquest. There isn't too much information about these warriors except that they continued to wear their tradition Legion colours and fought a number of conflicts against their traitorous kin.

  • These guys are a bit of a blank slate, so there is plenty of room for creativity, but there is also an absence of guidance. 
  • I'm not sure if I'd run them as a Blackshields force or use the standard Legion list. I can't imagine that Loyalist Emperor's Children would deviate too far from standard Legion structures and composition. 
  • A big part of this project would be deciding how badly the force had suffered from attrition. This would help shape both the force composition and the aesthetic finish.

Loyalists/Palatine Crusade:

This army would be a bit of a DIY force. My ideas is that when the Emperor names Horus Warmaster, and announces his intention to leave the Great Crusade and return to Terra, Fulgrim declares that his Legion will continue to carry the Palatine Aquilla in the Emperor's stead. And so, Fulgrim launches the 'Palatine Crusade', a single Millennial of Emperor's Children and their accompanying fleet and Imperial Army elements. The crusade carries the fleet far to the galactic east and so they are beyond contact when the Legion is gathered for the purge at Isstvan III.

The first the crusade forces know of the Heresy is when they are set upon by a splinter force of the shattered VIIIth Legion in the wake of the Thramas Crusade. After fighting off/escaping from the Night Lords ambush the crusade attempts to make contact with Imperial Command/the Legion, but the Rune Storm makes communication/warp travel almost impossible. The crusade is forced to make hazardous and short warp jumps in an attempt to reach the nearest outpost, but salvation seems impossible until the fleet's Navigators stumble upon the light of the Pharos beacon...

  • Like I said this would be a DIY force, so there is plenty of scope for where to take it.
  • I'm not sure if I'd make this a pure Emperor's Children list or if I'd go with the Shattered Legions list to represent survivors from other Legions that have banded together and joined the forces of the Palatine Crusade.



These are my main ideas at the moment :smile.:





Please go Kakophoni. Please go Kakophin. PLLEEEAAAAAASEE...


Good to see you still kicking around. Regardless of which route you go I look forward to see your new Emperor's Children.

We'll see, they're definitely an option. The main problem with a Kakophoni heavy army is that there are only six post Isstvan V Emperor's Children models... the five Kakophoni marines and Eidolon. I suppose Eidolon could be considered Isstvan III though. I'd either have to do a lot of conversion work, or I'd have an army that was very mono-pose/boring. 

At the moment, most Traitor Emperor's Children armies look just like Loyalists armies, unless the player includes Eidolon and/or some Kakophoni, and even then the rest of the army still look like Loyalists.

If GW released a range of 40k Emperor's Children models in the same style as the recent Thousand Sons and Death Guard that would make a corrupted/Kakophoni style army much easier to build. Mixing some plastic and resin kits together could look fantastic if we ever get plastic Noise Marines/40k EC.


Good to see you are still alive! Hopefully I'll catch you on the MKA course - it'll be a great learning experience!


Don't be so coy, what are you planning with the EC?! I've gone total opposite with dirty nasty DG!

Yeah, for sure! Are you locked in for the MKA course? 

I'm looking forward to seeing your new Death Guard. Loyalists or Traitors?


Glad to hear your HH community is doing well and having games.

Looking forward to see what you come up with next.

Yeah, I'm lucky to have a good Heresy community nearby. We usually have a few narrative events every year and we're in the middle of a monthly ZM campaign.

Hopefully I'll be able to get some work done soon :smile.:






Thanks for looking :wink:

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I love your EC but I think they need to look in the mirror darkly. You have a force of pure EC so why not leap onto the other side of the spectrum. With that in mind I will keep campaigning for the Kakophoni.:happy.:


Your idea for that army very much opens up one of my favorite scenes of the EC after they go full-Slaaneshi, where they meet with the Iron Warriors in Angel Exterminatus. They are no longer the disciplined and proud warriors of humanity. They are everything but as their rabble of headache inducing music, eye-watering clash of colors, twisted astartes and deformed pets make their way to greet the fourth legion.


I think it will be great to see you take marines and convert them with leather straps and rings holding up their trophies of gold-dipped skulls. Bolts hammered onto their armor to stretch out pelts of flesh bearing their deity's mark. Adding vox casters and sonic shriekers to their armor with tubing to warped amplifiers. And as for the terrata and the mutilated mortal of the Third Legion, the sky is the limit. Sure you will need more sonic weapons but with your converting skills I highly doubt your army will be boring.

*the only reason my noise marines are so monopose is because my conversion work is glacial at best.


I like your other ideas and they have great support. I just really like Kakophoni so please bear with me haha.

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Another EC force, thats balsy!


The Kakophoni is awesome if you feel like converting things.


You are right about the their bodies tho, you'll have to invest time to make them feel different but its worth it I think.


The conversions!! lol



I also like the EC attached to the Warmaster's forces idea. Something like a proto Black Legion, those guys could be under Abaddon's command after the grand failure on Terra.


Paint parts of their armor Black?


This leaves space for possible SOH allies as a bonus. Really nice.



I love those 2 options the best! Looking forward to see what you decide! :wink:  

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Hey everyone, sorry about the lack of progress in this thread :tongue.: I've been pretty busy outside of the hobby and I've also been holding off until I learn how to use an airbrush at the MKA course. 



Hey dude, sorry about the super late reply... I've only just checked back on this thread...

Thanks for the suggestions and the kind words! I'm sure I'll work on some World Eaters at some stage (I have a nice stash of bits put aside for them, but at the moment it looks like my next project will be more Emperor's Children.


Hey, no worries! For a tiny moment I did wonder if something dreadful had happened. Then I figured you probably just started a new thread and you were all having fun at a party without me.  Looks like I had better get a move on my with Alpha Legion before you make me fall in love with Emperor's Children.


All your ideas are great - after what you did with those Breachers I would love to see your take on some other units we don't usually associate with IIIrd Legion.  (Counts as) Destroyers? Artillery? Praevian with a maniple of robots? In fact, I think you'd better keep going until you have at least one of every infantry, bike, jetbike, dreadnought and smallish vehicle in the army list.  We'll lap it up.

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Hey Kizzdougs, I've got a question about your Armillus Dynat conversion: did you use his arms or get them from somewhere else?


I want to put the MK IV two handed chainsword on him, but I'm worried the slope of his shoulders will mess with the chainsword arms, cause they're sculpted to fit a normal torso.



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