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Yeah, new marine looks phenomenal! The hues in the purple on places like the shoulder pad and the edges are sublime. I also think a Martian dust covered base would be sweet.


Definitely interested in seeing the army you make with these new skills.

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And the base is finished. I decided to keep the weathering powder pretty light with only a little bit around the feet. I also added some static grass which is a bit different for me. I usually don't like to use static grass on 30k/40k bases as I feel that most battles would be fought in urban or devastated wastelands, but I wanted to try something a bit different for this mini.














I hope you like how he turned out!



Yeah that’s quality. Your not supposed to keep getting better. It’s not fair!

I think a dusty red will contrast nicely.

Hahaha, always trying to get better, always striving for perfection! Glad you like it, bro :)


Very nice models! Good weathering.


I vote for dust base, looks good!


These colors on the marine look like the old school Alpha Legion scheme lol, if it wasn't for the gold!


Maybe give turquoise eye lenses a spin? It should clash well with the darker armor. It's a test model after all.


Still looks good as it is, just some ideas. :thumbsup:

Thanks, dude! Glad you like him. I've got two more Emperor's Children that are only a couple of steps behind, so I might give the turquoise lenses a try. 


That purple is beautiful Kizz! Glad to see you posting again, and that I’m not competing with the same legion project anymore :wink:

How did you achieve the dust effect over the lower portion of your rhino? The tone really complements the purple.


Hahaha, glad you like how he is looking! The 'dust' on the Rhino is airbrushed on.


For some reason the I can't see the pics :sad.:

I'm not sure why that would be, but I relinked the picture just in case. Hopefully you can see them now.


Very nice! Can't see the pics here but I can see them on FB and you knocked it out of the park. Excellent choice to move from a cool blue-purple to a brighter red-purple/magenta on the infantry model. It looks gorgeous.


I'd say the "baby poop" dusting they teach you might be perfect. I think you did it on the Rhino already, too? The yellow-ish/beige tone works really well with purple. That with some urban or industrial rubble? If they're Traitor Emperor's Children the Slaanesh way, they'll be sweeping urban environments like that for slave "materials." If they're alongside the Sons of Horus, same, they'd likely be closely deployed alongside their Cthonian brethren in short, violent, spear-head assaults at high-value targets. 


Well, whichever way you go it's always an inspiration to follow :smile.:

Hopefully the picture is fixed now.

Glad you like the purple. I've always struggled to find a purple that I liked, but I think I might have found it now. 

Yeah, I used the "baby poop" mix on the Rhino, but I decided to go with a similar coloured weathering powder for the infantry,


Ehm, i can see this on fb? How?

Have a look at the 'Horus Heresy Painting And Modelling Group' :)


Yeah, new marine looks phenomenal! The hues in the purple on places like the shoulder pad and the edges are sublime. I also think a Martian dust covered base would be sweet.

Definitely interested in seeing the army you make with these new skills.

Thanks a lot, bro! Glad you like the shade of purple. Yeah, I'm looking forward to trying some new techniques and working on a new project.


How is your painting now even better!? Fantastic work.

Hahahaha, there is always room for improvement ;)





Thanks for looking ;)

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So with a certain image hosting site holding all of it's customers to ransom ($400 a year) I thought I better have a look to see the status of my own account... and it turns out that I have less than two weeks until I'm either charged $400 dollars a year for the privilege of hosting all of the pictures in this 107 page thread or all of the image links will be cut...


So I'm looking for a new image hosting site and I'd love to hear your suggestions! Which sites have you tried and have they worked for you? I've tried the B&C gallery, but I've always found it a bit clunky (if I can't find anything else it'll have to do).


Either way I'm pretty gutted to lose the images in this thread, but with my new airbrushing skills maybe it's time for a new start anyway :smile.:






Thanks for looking :wink:


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I much prefer flickr. At least it uploads all my images in chromnological orderetc


I found Imgur an absolute ball ache to use. Pisctures kept jumping about, random order of images, wouldn't scroll properly. I do not use mobile apps so I find Flickr much easier to use.


But maybe its because I am a techno dinosaur being dragged into the 21st century :D

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Thanks for the replies, everyone! :)



Imgur yo, do it!

Thanks, I'm going to give it a try.


Yeah, after having my pictures held for ransom, I've instantly switched to imgur. No clunky design, no lagging, free and easy to use.

Yeah, it's pretty disappointing... I'll be especially annoyed to see the tutorials go. 

I'm trialling Imgur to see how it goes.


I suggest the B&C gallery.

I've used the B&C gallery a few times, but I'm generally not a fan. I've found it a bit clunky compared to other image hosting platforms.


I much prefer flickr. At least it uploads all my images in chromnological orderetc


I found Imgur an absolute ball ache to use. Pisctures kept jumping about, random order of images, wouldn't scroll properly. I do not use mobile apps so I find Flickr much easier to use.


But maybe its because I am a techno dinosaur being dragged into the 21st century :biggrin.:

If Imgur doesn't work out I'll have a look at Flickr. I know that you can have the images displayed in chronological order on Imgur. We'll have to see how I go.


I use DeviantArt

Huh, I never thought of that. If I can't find another site that I like I might have a look at using my DeviantArt account.


Imgur for me.

Thanks for the tip!


Deviantart. Pretty much every other site rescales your images & compresses them in a manner.im not keen on.

Often times im lazy and just use facebook if its a quick upload but thats just a bad habit that i wouldnt recommend falling into.

Whatever the case keep up the good work.

Yeah, I post most of my work on various fb groups, but I've never really used it as a place to store my pictures. 

I've had a DeviantArt account for a few years, but I've never actually uploaded anything to it so it didn't even cross my mind as a possibility when I was looking for a new image storing site.


Imgur definitely. Made the move after the photobucket debacle and it’s actually easier to use

I'm still trying to get used to it, but hopefully it'll be a good move.


Personally I made the jump to the gallery here. It was easier once I worked out a workaround for the occasional 'picture is too big' error.


Yeah, I've used the B&C gallery a few times, but I'm not the biggest fan.


Six+ years on Imgur, love it. I don't use the mobile version and it may have issues bit the PC version is a breeze to use.

That's encouraging and good to hear. I post all of my work using a PC so that suits me fine :)





Thanks again for the suggestions ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've also tried my hand at a Son of Horus test mini. I'm really loving the SoH at the moment and I'm considering starting an army of them or at least adding some shattered Legion/allied SoH to my Emperor's Children.










I'm not completely happy with the green on the armour. I think that it looks a bit too bright, and could use some more blue. I might try some of FW's Lupercal Green if I can get my hands on some. It looks like it would be a much better shade of green for the SoH.


Let me know what you think! :)






Imgur works well enough for me.
The Emperor's Children both look fantastic though I'm partial to the metallic scheme myself.

Yeah, I'm using Imgur now. I just got an email from photobucket to say that I had 30 days left to sign up to a new payment plan if I wanted to keep my account... not going to happen.


I love the metallic colour, just need to improve the execution. I'll try to make some time to have a go at another metallic EC test mini :)




Thanks for looking ;)

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The metallic purple looks great! I wish mine could even come close to yours. However, I just love your first tester awhile back as it showed off more depth/range in color that I think the metallic paint job can't provide.


I would also love to see you do some SoH! I like the test marine but maybe after some weathering he would lose some of that brightness? I always like the seasick green they usually have but I like the test mini's color as well.

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Some more work on the Son of Horus.


















That is a very tasty SoH marine.


Completely my personal opinion but I think the light areas are too light. But the Green is pretty varied across everyones interpretation of it so top notch! :thumbsup:

Thanks a lot mate! Yeah, I agree that the green is too light. I'm going to get some 'Lupercal Green' from FW. It's darker and has a bit more blue in it. Hopefully it'll look better :)


The metallic purple looks great! I wish mine could even come close to yours. However, I just love your first tester awhile back as it showed off more depth/range in color that I think the metallic paint job can't provide.


I would also love to see you do some SoH! I like the test marine but maybe after some weathering he would lose some of that brightness? I always like the seasick green they usually have but I like the test mini's color as well.

Thanks, bro! I didn't line highlight the Emperor's Child before I painted the purple. I think edge highlights could really add some extra depth and detail to the metallic scheme :tu:






Thanks for looking ;)

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