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The metallic Emperor's Children mini looks solid, but I'm not feeling it as much as the non-metallic mini. Though I know that sometimes the metallic minis don't photograph as well, and show way more contrast in person.


Also, can I ask what clear you used? Is that Eidolon Purple, a mix of Tamiya clears, or something else? Metallic EC is something I'd love to see work, and a project I've been really tempted to start for a while now.

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Hey everyone, today I finally decided to start and Instagram account for my hobby work. I'll be uploading a choice selection of my work, mostly 30k and 40k, but with a dash of WHFB/AoS on the side. So if you want to check out the best of my work all in one place, have a look at my account "raptorimperialis" :tu:









The Son of Horus looks great. That green is winning me over and the freehand is superb! Hope he will be getting some more battle brothers soon.


If you try the metallic again with the line highlight I'd love to see it. Mine are going to look quite flat compared to yours but I like looking at perfection.:wink:

Thanks a lot, bro! Glad you like the freehand and the green.

Yeah, if I paint some more metallic Emperor's Children I'll definitely add some edge-highlights before I coat the mini with the clear purple. I recon it'll add a lot of detail and character to the mini, which the current test mini is lacking :)


Really great colors on that SOH ...You make me want to see more of theme in your thread ..like right now.

Love the green !

Thanks bro! Personally I really like the green as a colour, but I just don't think that it's the perfect SoH green that I'm after. I want to try 'Lupercal Green' from Forgeworld, it has a bit more blue in it and recon it could be the perfect colour :)


The metallic Emperor's Children mini looks solid, but I'm not feeling it as much as the non-metallic mini. Though I know that sometimes the metallic minis don't photograph as well, and show way more contrast in person.


Also, can I ask what clear you used? Is that Eidolon Purple, a mix of Tamiya clears, or something else? Metallic EC is something I'd love to see work, and a project I've been really tempted to start for a while now.

Yeah, the non-metallic EC is finished to a much higher level, so that might have something to do with the metallic mini looking pretty average by comparison. And yes, metallics are a pain to photograph :P

The purple is just the clear purple from Forgeworld, Eidolon Purple. Next time I might try adding a drop or two of Scale-75 Inktensity Violet to really make it pop :tu:





Thanks for looking ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I managed to get a bit of hobby done today. Nothing too exciting, but I tried out a couple of potential schemes for the Emperor's Children. One metallic scheme and one flat scheme.




The metallic scheme



The flat scheme




Let me know what you think, and which scheme you prefer :tu:




Thanks for looking ;)

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Out of the Rhino testers, I'm digging the metallic a lot more. Although the flat scheme here doesn't look like it's been pushed as far as that gorgeous infantry tester from the course. Or my eyes are just unworthy. 


Did you use a dab of inktensity in either of these?

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Thanks for the feedback, everyone! :)



Metallic, no contest. :biggrin.:
The Son of Horus looks fantastic by the way.

Thanks bro, glad you like the Son of Horus too!


The metallic by a long distance, the colour is so much richer.

Thanks mate! The Eidolon Purple is a really nice and rich colour.


I like both equally!


If you plan to ally the new EC with the above SOH I think the matt coloring with tie better aesthetically.


Metallic is unique too!


I don't know. :biggrin.:

Hahahaha, thanks for the help... I think I might try a metallic Sons of Horus scheme to see how it looks. It would definitely look a bit strange to have a flat army and a metallic army standing side by side.


Both are excellent form an execution standpoint but I gotta go with the metallic.

Depends what era you’re doing though - late Heresy might be better in the flat scheme if you want to start introducing more vivid colours as their senses go haywire.

Any other era, my vote is metallic. :smile.:

Thanks bro! I could always do the other colours using metallics as well. That would avoid a weird clash between flat and metallic colours, although weird clashes kind of suit the late Heresy EC.


Out of the Rhino testers, I'm digging the metallic a lot more. Although the flat scheme here doesn't look like it's been pushed as far as that gorgeous infantry tester from the course. Or my eyes are just unworthy. 


Did you use a dab of inktensity in either of these?

You're right regarding the flat scheme. On the Rhino I did the edge-highlights during the pre-shading stage, so they aren't as extreme as they are on the marine. I think it looks better and a bit more 'natural', but I'd probably try to push them a little bit further if I painted the same scheme again.

No Inktensity in either scheme.


Both look very nice, but I think the Flat scheme looks better.

Thanks for the feedback, bro!


I was in love with the non-metallic...but damn does your metallic purple just trump it. I love both but I'm rooting for metallic just a wee bit more.

Hahaha, glad you like them both, and thanks for the feedback!


The metallic one will pop out more but won't mesh well with other colours in case you want late-heresy colour crazy EC, but otherwise I'd vote for the metallic.

I could paint the other colours as metallics too... I recon garish metallic colours could be perfect for a traitor EC force.






Thanks for looking ;)

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  • 1 month later...

Well, the second half of 2017 has been pretty quiet for me unfortunately. Life has been much busier and I just haven't had the time to do all of the painting and hobby that I would have liked to. Being between projects and not sure what to start on next has also effected my productivity, although I have been able to catch up on a bit of Black Library reading, which has been great. The Primarchs series of books and ADB's Black Legion have been particular favourites this year. 


I'm looking forward to 2018 and I'm cautiously optimistic that I'll be able to find some time to get a bit more hobby done (once I settle on a project). Since I attended the MKA course in October I've been able to add airbrushing and a few other techniques to my hobby arsenal, so what ever project I got with I'm confident that it'll be my best one yet as far as quality is concerned. I'm also looking forward to playing some more games in my local 30k campaign series throughout 2018.



While I haven't had much time for new hobby projects I've been able to regularly post on my hobby Instagram account. Hopefully I'll have some new content to share soon :)



I hope everyone has a great new year and I'm looking forward to seeing everybody's hobby progress in 2018 :wub:





Thanks for another great year on the B&C and thanks for looking ;)


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I'm looking forward to seeing what great things will come out of this thread the coming year.

Thanks a lot bro! Hopefully I'll be able to get to work on some more hobby soon :)


Happy new years to you & yours... Hope you have a very successful 2018 and look forward to seeing your airbrushing skills in action

Same to you mate! All the best for the new year :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey everyone, here is a little test piece that I did recently. I'm trying to get a Sons of Horus colour scheme similar to that shown in the Forgeworld black books. Please let me know what you think :thumbsup:




And the Forgeworld art for reference.



I'd love to hear what you think of the test colour on the Rhino. Obviously I haven't added any of the serious weathering yet but you get the general idea. If you have any colour/paint suggestions that would be great to :smile.:



Happy New Year, kizz!


I'm just wondering why you want to make ECs in a different scheme from your EC army? 

Thanks mate, and same to you!!

I thought it would make sense to start a new army now that I've finally bought an airbrush and learned how to use it, and every time I try to decide which Legion to paint next I always come back to the Emperor's Children because they're my favourite. I've also been thinking about a couple of other Legions, mostly the Sons of Horus, but I'd probably end up painting some more Emperors Children as either allies or part of a Shattered Legions force. :smile.:


look forward to seeing what new things you have to show off soon!

Thanks a lot bro! :smile.:






Thanks for looking :wink:

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