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Thanks for all of the feedback and comments :tu:




Consider your ideas stolen! MUHUHAHAHAHA!


And its awesome to see you put more of these guys tacked together! More so since you have that sweet, sweet eye-gut armor in the mix! I also want some of those Thousand Sons helms now too for some of my guys.


I also like the skull cups. I may be stealing that too! Will they be gold dipped trophies of worth, slain foes?

Go for it bro! Yeah, the skulls will be a combination of gold dipped trophies and regular skulls.




Dude you're really knocking it out of the park with these. They look so, so, SO GOOD!!!

Thanks a lot bro! Really glad to hear that you like them.



I've added chains, coins, and skulls to some legs :smile.:



Crotch skulls are almost as weird as crotch dragons :wink:


A couple of blu-tack legionnaires showing off the new legs.



MKIV helmets with lop knots look cool, the other ornaments as well.



It looks like you used a chaos raptor jump pack here. Was it difficult to remove the chaosy bits? Helmet and pack remind me of the Rocketeer.


The Raptor jump pack was relatively straightforward to clean up. The most challenging part was removing the fangs/spikes from inside the turbine intakes of the jump packs.


These are looking great. Defo tempted by the chains, they are a great scale and look the part. Eagerly looking forward to seeing how these come on.

Thanks a lot bro! Glad you like the chains, they've been a lot of fun to work with and I'll probably add at least some chains to most of my future projects.


Oooh man, those Sons of Horus are astounding! I want to do a small diorama featuring some SoH, and I'm definitely going to steal some of these designs to save me some money on FW bits! Can't wait to see some paint on them :biggrin.:

Thanks a lot dude! Good luck with the diorama.


Loving how these SoH are turning out, cannot wait to see some paint on them! Any thoughts on converting a contemptor to match Forgeworld's initial concepts for the SoH legion dread?

Thanks bro! I've got some Blood and Skulls Contemptor-Cortus legs to convert one of the terrible Calth dreadnoughts, but it's definitely not a priority at the moment.


Do you glue the entire chain to the model? Looks fantastic!

Yeah, the entire chain. I glue the ends down first. Then I move the chain into the position that I want it to end up in. Next I trace a thin line of glue where the chain in going to lie. Then I lay the chain on the glue and let it dry. Afterwards I go back and add some glue to any loose links that I might have missed.


Brilliant work on the kitbashed Sons! I'm glad I am not the only one addicted to turning each and every 30k Marine into an individual, even when uniformity seems to be the popular approach with 30k legions.

Hahahaha, yeah, once I got on a roll it was pretty difficult to slow down with them. Glad you like how they're looking bro!


Impressive, most impressive!


Great attention to detail. I do lament how you are kind of stuck with an Aquila when modelling the EC, particularly loyalist. No such dramas with the SoH. You've really managed to convey a lot of character reminiscent of the old heresy artwork. Almost makes me want to try my hand at Luna Wolves.... but alas i've too much to do already....


Looking forward to seeing these progress. I really love the chains and tokens on these guys, just enough detail to make them interesting without getting swamped!

Thanks a lot bro! Yeah, I totally agree regarding the Emperor's Children. That's why I love the Palatine Blades minis. They add a bit of variety whilst still staying true to the Emperor's Children aesthetic. 


I like this, the coins especially are a nice touch. :smile.:

Thanks a lot! Glad you like them.







Thanks for looking ;)

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I've started assembling a couple of Assault Marines and I've also added some more chains, spikes and coins (smaller coins than before :tu: ) to some new bits. 









Also, my paint and decals arrived from Forgeworld...



Those are some amazing conversions! Keep it up! :biggrin.:

Thanks a lot bro, glad you like them :tu:





Thanks for looking ;)

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A Chieftain/Sergeant and another Reaver/Assault Marine.








i hope you like them :)



Nice! Where are you getting those spikes? I'm wondering if those would look good on a shoulder pad in lieu of the normal rivet like on MK5 armor.


Also, everytime you put these guys together I just start punching the air wildly in excitement.

The spikes are from Blood and Skulls industry on eBay. I've ordered some spiked shoulder plates from Master Crafted Miniatures, so I won't need to make my own. Glad you're liking the progress.


Excellent! I second hushrong's question RE: the spikes :smile.:

Thanks a lot bro! See above.


Amazing Kizz ! You really nailed this SoH vibe. They are not even painted but they already couldn't be mistaken for another legion membres. Great job.
Keep it comming man !


Thanks a lot dude, that's exactly what I was going for. 


Good progress, love the Chaos stars in particular.

Thanks a lot bro! The stars are from the Chaos Raptors kit.





Thanks for looking ;)

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Blood and skulls, I think they did tank treads too? Well, I may have to break my 'no third party' rule because those spikes would be nice and I think I saw you post those Master Crafted pads on Brother Heinrich's 15th company log. And those looked real good!


The new reaver looks awesome and the chieftain looks real proper with the eye-gut armor! Something poetic about the leader bearing the eye of the Warmaster as he conducts his warriors.

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I've started painting the first Son of Horus! At this stage I've only painted the pre-shade for the armour.










Damn... I feel like my meagre airbrushing skills have regressed since last year... hopefully I can improve quickly because I hate feeling like a noob and it's actually pretty disheartening when things don't turn out the way I expect them to.






Oh man that second Reaver/Assault marine has to be one of my favorite horus heresy miniatures I have seen in a while :biggrin.:

Damn! Thanks a lot bro, glad you like him.


Blood and skulls, I think they did tank treads too? Well, I may have to break my 'no third party' rule because those spikes would be nice and I think I saw you post those Master Crafted pads on Brother Heinrich's 15th company log. And those looked real good!


The new reaver looks awesome and the chieftain looks real proper with the eye-gut armor! Something poetic about the leader bearing the eye of the Warmaster as he conducts his warriors.

Yeah, they do the different tank treads and Cortus legs. I've only recently started to properly make use of all of the 3rd party conversion bits out there. In the past I've mostly avoided 3rd party bits because they either didn't match the quality of Forgeworld and Game Workshop or didn't really fit with the aesthetic. These days the 3rd party bits are usually much better quality than they were a few years ago.


Good progress but where is the paint? :biggrin.:

Hahaha, it's coming, but getting the airbrush to do what I want it to do and finding the right green for the Sons of Horus is a challenge...


Those are some mean marines brother, keep them coming.


edit * When you airbrushed the coelia greenshade, did you use it right from the bottle or perhaps thicken it beforehand ? ( I am a budding airbrush accolyte )

Thanks! The Coelia was straight from the bottle. You want it to be fairly thin so that the pre-shade metallics show through.


Those assault Marines are coming along so well -- and since an assault squad is one of the next things I want to add to my 30k World Eaters, I'll just be stealing ideas left and right, if it's all the same to you :wink:

Thanks a lot bro! Please steal away! I'll look forward to seeing your Assault Marines.


So good, cant wait to see them painted!

Thanks a lot! Glad you like them.


The pose of the new assault marine is spot on.

Thanks a lot! The resin Forgeworld pieces are so much better than the plastics when it comes to dynamism and action poses. My biggest critique of the Calth and Prospero marines is that they're all pretty much in the classic 'space marine squat' pose...







Thanks for looking ;)

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Yeah, just keep on keeping on. If anything practice on some left over bits like when you were testing the colors to get your groove dialed in nice. I also want to give you all the support I can because I really need to see these marines with their legion colors. They are awesome in plastic grey and with the SoH green they are going to be otherworldly.


Also, something I like about this pre-shade is that this is close to what this XVI Legionary looked like when he was Luna Wolf. You know, those good old Great Crusade days when words like 'betrayal' and 'heresy' were laughable. Good times. 


As for third party bits I had some weird self-rule of using only GW, FW, or something I made from scratch. Really thinking about overturning that rule though.

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Man, instead of feeling unsure of yourself, you should rather revel in the fact that the preshade actually makes the converted pieces look like actual Forgeworld releases (and excellent Forgeworld releases, at that). As for being nervous about the paintjobs, who are you kidding? They'll be glorious -- as if anything on this thread so far had been less than fantastic...

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It's all about practice, practice and more practice! Plus it's just the preshade, you can pull it back and there's not a lot 'battle damage' can't fix!


As I always say to your posts 'more contrast'! Aim for stupidly dark shadows from the black - in areas around the inner leg and under arms. I'd be inclined to use very thin dark grey to establish some midtone. How thin was the white?! It normally takes me about 3 coats to build the layers, that allieviatea the need for 'greys' in the grey scaling, just use the white over black.


There is the option of brush painting the final final white highlights to get control, not that I bother on troops.


If you are feeling brave base coat and shade as normal, then hit the hightights again with thin white. Then glaze over with your highlight colour and tidy up with a midtone glaze across the transitions. I do that to make my EC extra pink!!

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Thanks for the kind words, everyone! :tu:


I've done quite a bit of work on the test mini since the last update, but at the moment the mini is covered in gloss varnish and so won't photograph very well. I'll take some pics as soon as it's looking a bit more presentable.



Yes! I cant wait to see the first one finished!

Stunning work!

Thanks a lot bro! Glad you like it.


This is just the primer, that you've airbrushed on, right? Why would you let yourself be disheartened by that? Your painting skills are excellent and so far all you've airbrushed is base colours. You'll get right in that with a tester and it'll be like no time has passed since the last time. Onwards!

Yeah, just the pre-shade. I guess I just expected it to be a bit better... It's looking much better now that I've added some colours. I'm still pretty new to airbrushing so it can still be a bit frustrating when it doesn't turn out exactly how I want it to.


Yeah, just keep on keeping on. If anything practice on some left over bits like when you were testing the colors to get your groove dialed in nice. I also want to give you all the support I can because I really need to see these marines with their legion colors. They are awesome in plastic grey and with the SoH green they are going to be otherworldly.


Also, something I like about this pre-shade is that this is close to what this XVI Legionary looked like when he was Luna Wolf. You know, those good old Great Crusade days when words like 'betrayal' and 'heresy' were laughable. Good times. 


As for third party bits I had some weird self-rule of using only GW, FW, or something I made from scratch. Really thinking about overturning that rule though.

Thanks bro! Yeah, when I painted the pre-shade I instantly saw the Lunar Wolf likeness as well. 


Man, instead of feeling unsure of yourself, you should rather revel in the fact that the preshade actually makes the converted pieces look like actual Forgeworld releases (and excellent Forgeworld releases, at that). As for being nervous about the paintjobs, who are you kidding? They'll be glorious -- as if anything on this thread so far had been less than fantastic...

Thanks for the kind words, bro! It's looking a bit better now, but I'm still trying to get used to the airbrush.


It's all about practice, practice and more practice! Plus it's just the preshade, you can pull it back and there's not a lot 'battle damage' can't fix!

As I always say to your posts 'more contrast'! Aim for stupidly dark shadows from the black - in areas around the inner leg and under arms. I'd be inclined to use very thin dark grey to establish some midtone. How thin was the white?! It normally takes me about 3 coats to build the layers, that allieviatea the need for 'greys' in the grey scaling, just use the white over black.

There is the option of brush painting the final final white highlights to get control, not that I bother on troops.

If you are feeling brave base coat and shade as normal, then hit the hightights again with thin white. Then glaze over with your highlight colour and tidy up with a midtone glaze across the transitions. I do that to make my EC extra pink!!

Thanks for the feedback bro, and the excellent suggestions! 


I may have been gone for a while but I'm back to check what I've missed - I am not disappointed, brother. Glorious work! :thumbsup:

Thanks a lot bro! Glad you enjoyed it.


The shading looks good, I don't see why you are not happy with it?

Thanks bro! I'm just struggling to master the airbrush at the moment and it's not doing exactly what I want it to. Maybe I'm being a bit too harsh with myself or I'm expecting a bit too much...





Thanks for looking ;)

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