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Getting there with my Alpharius mini! Still plenty of work to do :tu:














I love your alphas and now they have an Alpharius! Very excited to see how your paint job comes along for him.

Thanks a lot, bro! Hope you like how he's looking :)


-laughs- dude, after completely nailing the III and XVI legions, seeing your take on the master of the XX'th has me salivating.  Doing a primarch as a testbed for a new colour method might be a bit unorthodox, but what better tribute to the Alpha legion?  And it's an awesome motivational piece. Seriously dude, can't wait!  


Oh, and thanks a ton for that base tutorial for the Sons of Horus, eh!  I may very well have to steal it for some mechanicum and Orks in the near future.  


Keep on being awesome, man. Cheers!

Thanks, bro! Glad you like the basing tutorials and I hope you like how Alpharius is looking so far :)


Looking great already mate, it outshines my attempt! Your airbrushing techniques continue to impress.


Thanks a lot, bro! :)


Well, if someone can pull testing a colour scheme on a primarch, I am certainly betting on you!

By the way, if I may say, your thread title is certainly confusing right now :biggrin.:

Hahaha, thanks for the vote of confidence! Yeah, I thought about renaming it, but I thought it might be even more confusing if I suddenly changed it :P






Thanks for looking ;)

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Almost finished Alpharius now! Just some areas to neaten up the base to build/paint :)















You are one of the very few people that iv seen do the AL colours right, and out of those you’re by far the best.
Absolutley Fantastic!
Can’t wait to see him finished!

Thanks a lot bro, that means a lot! Glad you like how he's turned out.


I have to echo what m0nolith has said - that's incredible.

Thanks a lot, dude!


WOW! For a test in new painting style that is jaw dropping! he seriously looks fantastic!

Thanks, bro! The new scheme was pretty straightforward to apply once I got the hang of it.


Looking jawdropping, even if it is your first attempt at the technique it looks espectacular!

Thanks a lot! Glad you like it.


Excellent work on Alpharius, you've caught the shimmering blue-green transition just right, even more impressive considering this is your first run with the scheme.

Thanks a lot, bro! I used the Tamiya Clear Blue and Green for the armour. It was pretty easy to apply with the airbrush.


It looks great Kizz, but I think you need some black in there to break up the blue / green. Where, I don't know. Still... quite impressive.

Thanks a lot, dude! I hope you like the black of the cloak etc.


Its beautiful =O

Thanks a lot!


Its been a while that I've posted but I've always been lurking and my only reaction to this, besides setting all my painting stuff on fire, is:



Hahaha, thanks a lot and glad you like him.


Wow that is taking your Alpha legion scheme to a whole new level.

Thanks! I might have to try it on some Lernaeans.





Thanks for looking ;)

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The Primarch is finished! He was a lot of fun to paint :smile.:

























Hot damn does that look good! Seriously, Alpharius looks awesome!


Please tell me we will be seeing some army shots with him and all of your XX operatives.

Thanks a lot! Unfortunately I don't really have the set up at the moment for a full army pic, otherwise I'd definitely take one for you...


Splendid stuff, just really really good. Your Sons of Horus have inspired me to start my own SoH army, and I'm looking forward to trying out washes over preshaded armour. 

Thanks! Glad to hear that you're starting some Sons of Horus! They're a lot of fun to paint. Just incase you were wondering my Sons of Horus aren't painted with washes over a pre-shade. I airbrush regular airbrush paint over the top of the preshade, but apply it in thin coats so that the pre-shade still takes effect.


Superb work, I may have to steal the decal ideas for my version! I was thinking the cape looked a little bland!


Thanks, bro! Yeah, there are a lot of great decals on the Alpha Legion sheet perfect for the cloak.


Oh dude ! This is awesome ! 


This SoH capten is nothing short of breathtaking and I think it is my favorite model on this entire thread (full of beauty) :wub:

Alpharius is also looking great and the way you paint him convey all the darkness of this character ! I Love it !



Thanks a lot bro! Yeah, the Sons of Horus Captain is a favourite of mine too. I'm really happy with how he turned out. Glad you like how Alpharius is looking too.


Swear out loud (is that a thing), that is what your alpharius made me do!


It is immense. Bravo.

Hahahaha, glad you like it, bro! Much appreciated.





Thanks for looking :wink:

Edited by Kizzdougs
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Absolutely lovely. Good job!



Splendid stuff, just really really good. Your Sons of Horus have inspired me to start my own SoH army, and I'm looking forward to trying out washes over preshaded armour. 

Thanks! Glad to hear that you're starting some Sons of Horus! They're a lot of fun to paint. Just incase you were wondering my Sons of Horus aren't painted with washes over a pre-shade. I airbrush regular airbrush paint over the top of the preshade, but apply it in thin coats so that the pre-shade still takes effect.


Thanks for the info! Am going to try out the wash method, just to see how it turns out. 

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