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Thanks for the kind words, everyone! :tu:




The Primarch is finished! He was a lot of fun to paint :smile.:




Aren't you a bit tall to be Alpharius?


Awesome paintjob.


Thanks a lot bro! 


S.i.m.p.l.y s.t.u.n.n.i.n.g.........

T.h.a.n.k y.o.u! 


Absolutely lovely. Good job!



Splendid stuff, just really really good. Your Sons of Horus have inspired me to start my own SoH army, and I'm looking forward to trying out washes over preshaded armour. 

Thanks! Glad to hear that you're starting some Sons of Horus! They're a lot of fun to paint. Just incase you were wondering my Sons of Horus aren't painted with washes over a pre-shade. I airbrush regular airbrush paint over the top of the preshade, but apply it in thin coats so that the pre-shade still takes effect.


Thanks for the info! Am going to try out the wash method, just to see how it turns out. 

Sounds good bro! Good luck with your Sons of Horus.


Beautiful, just beautiful.

Thanks a lot bro! Glad you like him.


Glorious and seeing him with his terminator elite is awesome enough.

Thanks dude, and yeah it was nice to see him with some of the Terminators.


AMAZING.....  :thumbsup:

Thanks you!


That was fast! Fantastic work there, Kizz. I like how he's impressive, let toned down at the same time. :smile.:

Painting special minis such as Primarchs is always inspiring. I had to keep telling myself to slow down and take my time to get everything right. I wanted to rush ahead get him finished. Glad you like how he turned out.


Wow this has been ages since I last logged in but damn kizz great stuff

Thanks a lot!


Great stuff.  These have to be my favourite Alpha's.

Thanks for the kind words! Glad you like how he looks.


That Alpharius is a work of wonder, probably even better than the FW paint job!

Thanks a lot, dude! I like my colour scheme for Alpharius better than FW's scheme, but the actual paint job doesn't really come close to the FW mini.





Thanks for looking ;)

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Thanks for the kind words, everyone!



I've been doing some work on an Emperor's Children Centurion. He's still very WIP at this stage and looks a bit strange because of the gloss varnish. I'm hopping that I'll get a chance to start working on the weathering tomorrow.


The purple is Eidolon Purple (discontinued by FW) over a silver base coat.












amazing job as always. do you have plans to paint the special alpha legion terminator squad? it would be nice

Thanks a lot! At the moment I don's have any plans to paint the Leraean Terminators, but I might get to them sometime in the future. They definitely look like they'd be a lot of fun to paint. :)


I have to admit I'm not always a fan of the metallic colors, but you do them SO well.  He really looks great. The whole army does.

Thanks a lot, bro! Glad you like how the metallic scheme looks on Alpharius :)


Just caught up on 5 pages or so.


Absolutely phenomenal stuff. Love the basing and will be using that as inspiration for sure!


The SoH are so perfect is hurts and Alpharius is something else altogether... In short...


Hidden Content

:jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop:

Thanks a lot bro! Really glad that you like the bases, Sons of Horus and Alpharius :tu:







Thanks for looking ;)

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Almost done now! I still need to fix up the vexilla pole a bit, finish the base, and neaten up a few small areas.


At this stage I'm planing to paint the dead marine as an Iron Warrior.








Oh my word, that is stunning! Every little thing about that Emperor's Children centurion is on point and glorious already!

Thanks a lot, bro! Glad you like the Centurion. It's been a lot of fun painting an Emperor's Child after all of the Alpha Legion and Sons of Horus.


Great to see some more EC on this thread! I've been saving that head for a rainy day too! Love how you've used the Kakophoni legs to give it a bit of bling!

The metallic scheme looks great!!

I'll keep my eye out to see when you use the head. It definitely fits the EC aesthetic perfectly :thumbsup:





Thanks for looking ;)

Edited by Kizzdougs
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Yeah. Oh yeah! He is just getting better and better! Also, is that a Raven Guard emblem in his little shield? Curious as to why and how did you do that?


I used Tamiya PS-18 in my EC to try and do a metallic armor, after copying your AL recipe. I’m wondering if there is a way to brighten up the metallic purple to try and mimic yours.

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The Aquilifer Centurion is finished!



His Voice

Owing... to their singular character and mien, the Emperor also used members of the IIIrd Legion as aquilifers and equerries in situations of hazard and utmost danger, a responsibility the Legion was proud to carry. Bearing the palatine eagle standard of the Emperor, members of the IIIrd Legion accompanied diplomatic missions and emissaries as bodyguards and agents into the heart of the foe, and in battle bore the standard and commanded the armies of the newly conquered as instruments of the Emperor's will and judgement if needed. The sight of the Emperor's symbol carried by one of his favoured warriors was enough to keep many wavering new ally in line. These standard bearers, and the honour guards that accompanied them, symbolically coloured their armour with lacquer of imperial purple to mark their rank and mission.


So arrayed none could doubt that they were the chosen of the Emperor, and such was the record and esteem with which they functioned that for a time it became common for them to bear the Emperor's wishes and orders to other Legions and military forces scattered across the new-born Imperium. The nature of the IIIrd Legion's psychology meant that they would carry the precise meaning and intent of any order without deviation and with their last breath if needed. In this role the IIIrd Legion took on the mantle of the Emperor's will - no other Legion was so honoured. Others bore his words, but at this time the IIIrd were his voice. (Alan Bligh, The Horus Heresy Book One: Betrayal, 2012, p. 103).





















I hope you like how he turned out :smile.:


Yeah. Oh yeah! He is just getting better and better! Also, is that a Raven Guard emblem in his little shield? Curious as to why and how did you do that?

I used Tamiya PS-18 in my EC to try and do a metallic armor, after copying your AL recipe. I’m wondering if there is a way to brighten up the metallic purple to try and mimic yours.

Thanks, bro! The 'raven' symbol on the shield is a reference to the 'Death Eagles,' the 34th Millennial of the Emperor's Children. They stayed loyal to the Emperor and fought several battles against the traitor EC. I used the 40k Death Eagles Chapter badge as inspiration (there is no evidence that the 40k Death Eagles have anything to do with the EC Millennial of the same name, but I just wanted to hint at the possibility).


Death Eagles Chapter icon



Absolutely stunning! The skin and hair is maybe the best I've ever seen! What's your method and paint recipe? 

Wow! Thanks a lot, glad you like the hair and skin. They're both really simple. The hair is just a mix of Steel Legion Drab and white with a pure white highlight. The skin is a mix of Kislev Flesh and white with more white added for each highlight. The final highlight is pure white. Colour wise it's really simple. The trick is to keep it extremely neat and as smooth as possible. I've also moved away from some of the more extreme highlighting and shading that I used to use when painting faces. These days I try to keep it pretty simple as I feel that smooth transitions create a more natural look.


Brilliant stuff! Did you sculpt the chest phoenix yourself?


Also... is that a Death Eagles link I spy on the tilting shield?

Thanks a lot! Excellent work spotting the Death Eagles reference :thumbsup:

The chest piece is one of the Ultramarine torso upgrades. I cut the torso in half (front and back) and attached the front to the cloak from the 40k Dark Angels Interrogator Chaplain.







Thanks for looking :wink:

Edited by Kizzdougs
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That is remarkably awesome. I am going to go home and show my standard bearer this and tell him he needs to get his act together...before I take him apart and try to rebuild him.


That is sincerely a fantastic mini all around bud. The armor, that face, the paintjob. It's superb. Makes me proud to have some EC (though nowhere near this standard) even if they are the kegger party, loud music types.


Also neat to learn about the Death Eagles. That is a nice tie in for background.

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Absolutely stunning! The skin and hair is maybe the best I've ever seen! What's your method and paint recipe? 

Wow! Thanks a lot, glad you like the hair and skin. They're both really simple. The hair is just a mix of Steel Legion Drab and white with a pure white highlight. The skin is a mix of Kislev Flesh and white with more white added for each highlight. The final highlight is pure white. Colour wise it's really simple. The trick is to keep it extremely neat and as smooth as possible. I've also moved away from some of the more extreme highlighting and shading that I used to use when painting faces. These days I try to keep it pretty simple as I feel that smooth transitions create a more natural look.



You didn't use any shades? Also, it's not just the skin and hair that's amazing - I love the metallic purple! 

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Thanks for the kind words, everyone :tu:




That is remarkably awesome. I am going to go home and show my standard bearer this and tell him he needs to get his act together...before I take him apart and try to rebuild him.


That is sincerely a fantastic mini all around bud. The armor, that face, the paintjob. It's superb. Makes me proud to have some EC (though nowhere near this standard) even if they are the kegger party, loud music types.


Also neat to learn about the Death Eagles. That is a nice tie in for background.

Thanks a lot for the kind words! Yeah the potential Death Eagles tie in is pretty cool.


Sublime work, the tilt shield icon and neatness of the parchment writing really stand out to me. Very nice work on the eyes too.

Thanks a lot! Glad you like the little details.




Absolutely stunning! The skin and hair is maybe the best I've ever seen! What's your method and paint recipe? 

Wow! Thanks a lot, glad you like the hair and skin. They're both really simple. The hair is just a mix of Steel Legion Drab and white with a pure white highlight. The skin is a mix of Kislev Flesh and white with more white added for each highlight. The final highlight is pure white. Colour wise it's really simple. The trick is to keep it extremely neat and as smooth as possible. I've also moved away from some of the more extreme highlighting and shading that I used to use when painting faces. These days I try to keep it pretty simple as I feel that smooth transitions create a more natural look.



You didn't use any shades? Also, it's not just the skin and hair that's amazing - I love the metallic purple! 


Yeah, I find that shades and washes are little imprecise for painting something as detailed as a face. I use washes on just about everything else, but when it comes to faces I prefer to have complete control.


**breaks paintbrushes**

Welp, I may as well just quit now :biggrin.:  Astounding work. I was hoping that the shield on his armor was hinting at the Doom Eagles.

Hahaha, don't you dare! Glad you like the Death Eagles detail on the heraldic shield.


Just out of curiosity, where does the info about the 34th millennial come from? I swear I’ve read in multiple sources that the third only had 30 millennials!

It's in Horus Heresy Book Six:



I've never seen the 30 Millennial reference before.


Also. The emperors children aqualifier looks siiiiiick! It’s always nice to see the third represented in any capacity. Not many people (that I’m aware of) play them, which is a shame.

Glad you like them. The IIIrd definitely aren't as popular as the XX, IV, or XII etc. but I see more of them than the X, XIX, XVIII, I, and V (but yes, there should always be more EC).


An absolutely stunning miniature and a wonderful conversion, Kizz. Wow. I'm a bit at a loss for words. And so quickly done, too. Is that actually Fulgrim's head?

Really glad you like how he turned out! No, the head is from the Stormcast Vanguard kit. It's much smaller than Fulgrim's head.




Thanks for looking ;)

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