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Oh nice spot! Goes to show I should read all the black books more thoroughly! Any plans for more of the third for the future?

I'm not sure at this stage. I'm really happy with how the metallic colour scheme turned out, but I'm not sure if it's worth trying to paint too many more EC with only one pot of Eidolon Purple. If I had more Eidolon Purple (or found a good alternative) I'd probably go for it :tu:


Beautiful work, Douggy. I never commented on your finished Alpharius but he turned out perfect, I never should have doubted you! Your IIIrd Standard Bearer is also great, is that Fulgrim's head on him or another?

Thanks bro, glad you like how Alpharius turned out! The head on the Standard Bearer is from the Stormcast Vanguard kit. Fulgrim's head is much bigger :)

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While was at the art shop yesterday, I bought some black paper to use as a background for some pictures. I'm still getting used to the different lighting and exposure, but I'm pretty happy with how they've turned out.

I've found that the black background is much better when it comes to the metallic colour scheme (the white background washes out/bleaches the colours a bit) :thumbsup:














Check Reaper Malvernian Purple or Vallejo Airbrush Violet. They may not be exact, but should be pretty close. Even if I'd rather you paint something red. :wink:

Thanks for the suggestion, I'll look into those colours :smile.:


Holy sneck! Best herald ever, where is the head from?

Thanks a lot, bro! Glad you like the Herald. I had a lot of fun painting and building him. The head is from the Stormcast Vanguard kit.


Oh man do I love your alpharius, but I can't quite decide if his armour is more green than your normal alphas, or if it's the scales making me think that

Thanks, mate! Yeah the armour has a little be more green on it, especially the scale. Because I used an airbrush for Alpharius (but not the rest of the army) I had a bit more control when it came to the colour choices. Adding the clear green was much easier through an airbrush. 




Thanks for looking :wink:

Edited by Kizzdougs
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I've redone the 'March of the Legions' collage with black backgrounds. I think it looks much better now :)


Click on the image to see it at full size :tu:






Damn do they look fantastic! They're works of art, bud!


I am ready to go Indiana Jones on you and claim that these belong in a museum!

You're too kind bro! Now excuse me while I construct my weight activated rolling boulder trap...


Man, another delightful potpourri of hobby excellence! And did you get rid of the topknot on the SoH praetor, after all? Like I said before, the face works much better without the exalted hairdo!


Keep up the amazing work! :smile.:

Thanks bro! No, I didn't get rid of the topknot... it fell off :P




Thanks for looking ;)

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Man, another delightful potpourri of hobby excellence! And did you get rid of the topknot on the SoH praetor, after all? Like I said before, the face works much better without the exalted hairdo!


Keep up the amazing work! :smile.:

Thanks bro! No, I didn't get rid of the topknot... it fell off :tongue.:


Listen to the universe -- it doesn't want that topknot there! ;)


The March of the Legions never fails to impress, of course!

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Thanks for the kind words, everyone! :smile.:


I'm actually thinking about redoing the project, but with Terminators rather than power armoured legionnaires. Is that something that people would be interested in seeing? I was thinking that I could even try out some alternative colour schemes such as the Imperial Fists Templars and Sons of Horus Justaerin. Alternatively, I could give the miniatures a more mid Heresy vibe. The current March of the Legions is pretty much set just before the Heresy kicks off (except for the Word Bearer with his red armour) and there's no real difference between the Traitors and the Loyalists. It could be fun to model up some of the Traitors to look a  bit further down the path of corruption. Let me know what you think.



Here are the individual images of the Legionnaires.


Dark Angels: Combined arms and multi-spectra warfare, Exterminatus and purgation campaigns, extended independent void operations.



Emperor’s Children: Combined arms warfare, the use of complex manoeuvre and discursive tactical planning, asymmetrical assault.



Iron Warriors: Siege warfare, coordinated mass-theatre warfare, armoured assault, planetary decimation, attrition, retribution and counterinsurgency campaigns.


White Scars: Shock assault, high mobility warfare, harrowing actions and extended unsupported operations within hostile domains.


Space Wolves: Shock assault, search and destroy, pursuit operations, punitive and excoriation campaigns.


Imperial Fists: Ship-borne assaults and boarding actions, defensive and fortification operations in extremis, stronghold assaults, the conquest and forced compliance of void-fairing civilisations.


Night Lords: Punitive actions, decimation, enforced pacification, terror assaults, psychological warfare.


Blood Angels: High intensity warfare, strategic decapitation strikes, planetary interdiction campaigns, multi-vector and sub-orbital attack.


Iron Hands: Armoured and high intensity warfare, line breaker attacks, planetary pacification and suppression campaigns, anti-materiel operations.


World Eaters: Shock assault, planet-killer and Exterminates operations, close-quarters actions (space hulk purgation, boarding operations, line breaker attacks, ‘forlorn hope’ objective assaults).


Ultramarines: Mass assault, targeted decimation, planetary interdiction, liberation and limited theatre compliance campaigns.


Death Guard: Heavy infantry assault, attritional warfare, hazard/death zone warfare, xenos eradication and purgation operations.


Thousand Sons: Psychic warfare, precision assaults, misdirection, lore culling, macro-coordination multi-theatre campaigns.


Sons of Horus: Shock assault, harrowing actions and strategic decapitation strikes.


Word Bearers: Mass assault, policing actions, gnoetic purgation, suppression of ideological revolt.


Salamanders: High intensity or asymmetric warfare, zone mortalis engagements, planetary interdiction, liberation and defensive operations.


Raven Guard: Rapid deployment operations, strategic interdiction operations, reconnaissance in force, guerrilla actions, low-collateral damage imperative compliance operations.


Alpha Legion: Surprise assault, sabotage, infiltration, insurgency and counter-insurgency warfare, multi-vector attack, interplanetary pursuit and decimation campaigns, and deep-range raiding operations.


My god, I love these minis. The whole collage is just the bee's knees. :wub:

Thanks a lot, bro! Really glad you like them. I'm pretty happy with how they look on the black background.


Can you make hay collage into a Calendar and sell it to me

No plans to make a calendar or poster, but a few people have mentioned it now...


*throws painting gear into nearby fire*


Well, if you send this to the GW/FW community team and they dont feature it in some way, I'd be very surprised.

*Catches Slips' painting gear and extinguishes the nearby fire*

Thanks for the suggestion. I've sent the pic through to the FW team. We'll see if anything comes of it :smile.:


Oh my, that is satisfying. That’s gonna appeal to the collector in all of us.

Really enjoying the character of each legion being displayed on the various models.

EC herald looks the part too. That head looks like it was made with him in mind.

Glad you like how they've turned out! I had a lot of fun building and painting each of the legionnaires so it's very satisfying to hear that people like them. 



Man, another delightful potpourri of hobby excellence! And did you get rid of the topknot on the SoH praetor, after all? Like I said before, the face works much better without the exalted hairdo!


Keep up the amazing work! :smile.:

Thanks bro! No, I didn't get rid of the topknot... it fell off :tongue.:


Listen to the universe -- it doesn't want that topknot there! :wink:


The March of the Legions never fails to impress, of course!


Hahaha, to be honest even though I've glued it back on there is a roughly 100% chance that it will fall off again...


Damn. I am not fast enough to out run the boulder. Ironically I'd probably trip on a tiny rock and then get splatted. Stupid, evil rocks and their teamwork..


You might have to start working on the 2019 edition calender. Your painting has definitely changed for three of those legions...so why stop there :whistling:

Yeah, I'm seriously thinking about redoing the project but with Terminators rather than power armoured legionnaires... My new airbrushing skills would definitely make things a bit different and I'm sure that I could achieve a better result with pretty much every Legion.






Thanks for looking :wink:

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Terminators would be awesome. Even more so if you do the special unit ones that are known. At least I think so. So Justaerins, Atramentar, Skehmet, and so on. The elite of the elite!


It would be cool to see you paint some colors differently. Like the blue of an Ultramarine to a Night Lord's or a Justaerins black to an Iron Hands Gorgon.

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absolutely stunning work - all the minis in your log are really well painted and great conversion and a big inspiration! really like the way you nailed the description of the legions specific way of warfare! love power armour and how you made all the individual legion marines and would be glad to see the terminator version of that!

p.s. could you please give a short explanation of how you do your bronze?

Edited by Gang Zu
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I've just started working on an Emperor's Children Praetor in Terminator. He's a combination of Phoenix Guard, Custodes, and Tartaros bits and I'm pretty happy with the overall aesthetic, but I can't decide which legs/pose to go with... What do the good people of the B&C think?


Ps. I was reminded after I took the pictures that Praetors wearing Terminator Armour can't have both a power-fist and paragon blade, so I'll be swapping the fist for a ranged weapon. Most likely a volkite charger.













The terminators would be a great idea.


You already have some of the legions done, so would you do a new terminator for those, or use the existing ones?

I recon I'd redo all of the Legions. My painting has improved and my style has changed quite a bit since I painted the Terminators for my Emperor's Children and Alpha Legion. 


Terminators would be awesome. Even more so if you do the special unit ones that are known. At least I think so. So Justaerins, Atramentar, Skehmet, and so on. The elite of the elite!


It would be cool to see you paint some colors differently. Like the blue of an Ultramarine to a Night Lord's or a Justaerins black to an Iron Hands Gorgon.

I'm not sure if I'm going to go with 'regular' Legion Terminators or the Legion specific variants. It might come down to cost in the end. Obviously it'd be a bit cheaper to use the plastic kits with a few conversion bits here and there. I would like to try converting some of the named Terminator units that don't actually have minis yet, such as the Atramanetar and Imperial Fist Huscarls though.


Mid-heresy Terminators? Yes, please! :smile.:

I'll see what I can do ;)


Absolutely amazing miniatures. Best March of the Legions I've ever seen. 

Thanks a lot, bro! Much appreciated. 


absolutely stunning work - all the minis in your log are really well painted and great conversion and a big inspiration! really like the way you nailed the description of the legions specific way of warfare! love power armour and how you made all the individual legion marines and would be glad to see the terminator version of that!

p.s. could you please give a short explanation of how you do your bronze?

Thanks a lot bro, glad you like the minis! The descriptions of the Legions' preferred ways of war are taken straight from the FW Black Books so I can't claim any credit there.

Which bronze (on which mini) were you wondering about? I've used Balthazar Gold, washed with Reikland Fleshade and highlighted with Runefang Steel.






Thanks for looking ;)

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