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Well, I will gladly adore and praise which ever kind of terminator you churn out for the March of Legions v2.

I am pretty excited because your new painting style has been such eye candy.


And the new praetor is sweet! Interested in seeing what you do to replace that power arm and for the final pose. One thing is in the third pic I like how the tabard on the leg bit mimics the way the cape is flowing.

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Terminators would be awesome. Even more so if you do the special unit ones that are known. At least I think so. So Justaerins, Atramentar, Skehmet, and so on. The elite of the elite!


It would be cool to see you paint some colors differently. Like the blue of an Ultramarine to a Night Lord's or a Justaerins black to an Iron Hands Gorgon.

I'm not sure if I'm going to go with 'regular' Legion Terminators or the Legion specific variants. It might come down to cost in the end. Obviously it'd be a bit cheaper to use the plastic kits with a few conversion bits here and there. I would like to try converting some of the named Terminator units that don't actually have minis yet, such as the Atramanetar and Imperial Fist Huscarls though.



I'd def Love to see your take on doing "Special" Legion Terminators for each Legion.

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My contribution to the ETL this year was pretty modest model and point wise, but I'm very happy with how each of the minis turned out :)






Those are three different sets of legs, no? As he looks like he's pointing, not hacking with the sword, don't like the top set. I'd be interested to see how the middle set would look if he'd be watching towards what he's looking at. 

Yes, that's correct. I've got a spare set of Phoenix Guard to choose from and I felt that those three sets of legs were the most suitable.


I agree that the advancing pose doesn't quite work with the pointing sword arm. I'm a fan of pose 2, though either pose 2 or pose 3 works best I think.

Thanks for the feedback, bro!


Thanks for the quick reply! The Bronze from your Sons of Horus is the one I'm looking to copy ^^

Also for the pose of the Preator, I would go with the third pair of legs.

looking forward to seing more

On the Sons of Horus it's Decayed Metal, Victorian Brass, and Elven Gold from Scale 75 (Scalecolour), washed with Druchii Violet and highlighted with Stormhost Silver.


Well, I will gladly adore and praise which ever kind of terminator you churn out for the March of Legions v2.

I am pretty excited because your new painting style has been such eye candy.


And the new praetor is sweet! Interested in seeing what you do to replace that power arm and for the final pose. One thing is in the third pic I like how the tabard on the leg bit mimics the way the cape is flowing.

Thanks a lot bro! Yeah, I'm pretty excited to see what I can do with the different colour schemes now that I've learnt to airbrush. 



Terminators would be awesome. Even more so if you do the special unit ones that are known. At least I think so. So Justaerins, Atramentar, Skehmet, and so on. The elite of the elite!


It would be cool to see you paint some colors differently. Like the blue of an Ultramarine to a Night Lord's or a Justaerins black to an Iron Hands Gorgon.

I'm not sure if I'm going to go with 'regular' Legion Terminators or the Legion specific variants. It might come down to cost in the end. Obviously it'd be a bit cheaper to use the plastic kits with a few conversion bits here and there. I would like to try converting some of the named Terminator units that don't actually have minis yet, such as the Atramanetar and Imperial Fist Huscarls though.



I'd def Love to see your take on doing "Special" Legion Terminators for each Legion.


Thanks bro, I'm still collecting ideas for the Terminators. I had a whole list of ideas written down, but I seem to have misplaced it...


What about doing an example of the "iconic" Astartes for each legion? I can definitely get behind the terminator idea but I think it could be fun to see you do a more varied representation of each legion. You could even pull from the middle of the heresy and get into fun stuff like the Gal Vhorbak. (spelling?)

That would definitely be fun and I have considered it (I'd love to convert up an Iron Havoc for the Iron Warriors), but the benefit of the Terminator theme is that it gives the project a bit of structure and makes the different Legion miniatures more easily comparable.


The third image takes it for me, as hushrong mentioned, the cloak and tabard align well.


He's looking very regal, absolutely right for a proud member of the IIIrd. I think the power fist works really well with his pose,however I appreciate the need to keep him useful for gaming purposes.

Thanks for the feedback! Yeah, I like the power-fist too, but I've since replaced it with a Volkite Charger.


Looking good already mate, I would go with the first image, it’s got more movement in the stance because of the flex on the right leg. It also makes the power glove look more poised to attack which I think ties it more into the over all movement of the pose.

Looking forward to seeing it built!

Thanks a lot bro, and thanks for the feedback!


I can't express my admiration of your work properly but be aware that I love it.

Hahaha, thanks a lot bro, really glad that you're enjoying my work.


The Allarus Terminator head fits amazingly well on Blinged out TDA Bodies...saving that idea for later use..

The helmet is actually from the Jetbike squad, but the Allarus Terminator heads would probably work even better. I also thing they'd be great as the base for a converted Fulgrim helmet.






Thanks for looking ;)

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Thanks for the colour recipe! Will imediately try washing bronze with purple. It apealed to me somehow, bus wasn't sure if it would work - now I know for sure ;)

Also compliments to the awesome minis, I could never finish so many high class minis in such a short time, even if I were unemployed ^^

Alsways looking forward to seeing more!

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Whenever I see stunning armies like that I am sad that I live in Germany and won't have the chance to play against those armies.

You live in the same country as many fantastic painters - KrautScientist among them. Plus, your Western neighbours' capital houses a certain madman that is currently working on a sizable Death Guard army. ;)

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Thanks for the kind words, everyone :)



Hve you attended Golden Demon yet? :biggrin.:
Stunning work is all I can say.

Thanks bro! We haven't had Golden Daemon or Games Day in Australia for several years now... I enter local painting competitions whenever I get a chance, but to be honest I would need to lift my game quite a lot to even have a chance in an actual Golden Daemon event.


I'm reasonably sure those four models had more work put into them than the 3000-odd point army I painted for the ETL. They're absolutely stunning!


Thank you very much! And congratulations on your 3k points! That's a major achievement :tu:


Whenever I see stunning armies like that I am sad that I live in Germany and won't have the chance to play against those armies.

I've been to Germany a couple of times (beautiful country) so I'm sure I'll be back again. Germany has some fantastic painters anyway, I've always been a big fan of KrautScientist and Poom's work.


A brilliant ETL contribution! However, GAH! That topknot is back! :wink:

Hahaha, thanks a lot bro! Grongrats on your ETL Artificer badge, it was richly deserved.


Thanks for the colour recipe! Will imediately try washing bronze with purple. It apealed to me somehow, bus wasn't sure if it would work - now I know for sure :wink:

Also compliments to the awesome minis, I could never finish so many high class minis in such a short time, even if I were unemployed ^^

Alsways looking forward to seeing more!

Thanks a lot bro! Don't go too heavy with the purple wash it should subtly alter the colour, not completely change or dominate it.


Problem with your PM Kizz? :ermm:

Sorry about that bro, all sorted now. 


Oh wow - all you recent peices are amazing mate - well done your ETL! Really difficult to pick a fave, though if pushed I am going to go for the SoH Chieftain, simply brilliant. He hits all the right tones.

It’s all brilliant though!


Thanks a lot bro! Glad you like how they've turned out. It's pretty difficult for me to pic a favourite, but I definitely love the SoH Chieftain too.

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Hey everyone, just a reminder to go across and vote in the ETL Artificer poll. There are a bunch of fantastic entries from a wide selection of the different factions and it's a nice way to finish off another fantastic ETL. What's even better is that you can vote for as many of the entries as you want! That's right, if you can't choose a favourite you can vote for all of them :tu:






I was lucky enough to be nominated this year. I couldn't choose a favourite miniature to enter so I put together this little collage with each of my ETL minis :)




In other news I've made a start on my Emperor's Children Terminator character. At this stage I've only started with the pre-shade for the armour. I've airbrushed the metallics and now I need to black-line and highlight the silver before I spray the clear purple. I'm hoping to get some more done on it today.













Thanks for looking ;)

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So, I was lucky enough to be voted 'Master Artificer' for this year's ETL... wow! I just wanted to thank everyone that voted (for my entry and for all of the other fantastic entries) and to offer my congratulations to all of the other Artificers. The level of everyone's work was really fantastic and inspirational. And of course a massive thank you to Captain Semper for running such a fantastic ETL yet again :wub:




I managed to make some more progress on the Praetor today. The bulk of the work is done on the legs, with only the decals, oils, final highlights and weathering left to do (might sound like a lot, but they're all pretty quick steps). I'm pretty happy with how the purple looks now that it has been given a coat of matt varnish.





You’re work is such an inspiration. Every time I circle back it gets better and better.

Still crossing my fingers for your take on a Relictors space Marie

Thanks a lot bro! Yeah, I've had an interest in the Relictors ever since I read about them in a small story/feature in a White Dwarf back when Codex Daemon Hunters was released (the Grey Knights had come to destroy them for their Radical ways). I don't have any plans for a Relictors marine at the moment, but never say never.



You’re work is such an inspiration. Every time I circle back it gets better and better.

Still crossing my fingers for your take on a Relictors space Marie

THIS! loved the Relictors. Also you got my vote already .


Thanks you very much!


Awesome work as usual, all exceedingly lovely!

Thanks, glad you like it!


Congrats on winning! I voted for you and, well.. most every entry. But still! You won in a field of incredible paint jobs. :biggrin.:

Hahaha, thank you very much! There were so many fantastic entries. Very inspirational.


Congratulations on the Master Artificer Award, mate! Very well deserved, obviously! :smile.:

Thanks, bro! Means a lot coming from you.


Also congrats from me for the award! very curious how the EC Preator will turn out! 

Thanks you very much! I've made some progress on the Praetor and hopefully I'll be able to do some more tomorrow.






Thanks for looking ;)

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