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Links seem to be broken for me :sad.:

Which link?


Yeah! Paint is starting on the praetor!

Yeah, I'm almost ready to add the decals and oils. I just need to paint the red cloak first.


Congrats on the Master Artificer badge! The Praetor looks to be coming on beautifully.

Thanks you very much! Glad you like the Praetor.


Congratulations on winning the Master Artifucer Badge, kizzy!

Thanks a lot bro, much appreciated :)

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Some progress on the Terminator.












Also, here are some of the ideas that I've been thinking about for the potential March of the Legions (Terminator edition).



March of the Legions: Terminators


Dark Angels

Deathwing: Cataphractii armour. Terranic/Calabanite Greatsword/Warblade.

Dreadwing: Cataphractii armour. Some type of rad-weapon.


Emperor’s Children

Kakophoni Terminator: Modified Tartaros armour. Combat drug injectors. Lightning claw. Full blown traitor.


Iron Warriors

Breacher Terminator: Cataphractii armour. Breaching shield, chain-fist, carapace-mounted combi-weapon (melta/flamer). Shield design could mimic the Iron Circle shields.


White Scars

Keshig: Cataphractii with a two handed power-glaive.


Space Wolves

Slayer/lone wolf: Two handed great axe. Brutal aesthetic. Lots of chainmail.


Imperial Fists

Templar: Sword and shield. Tabard. Chains.

Seneschal: Indomitus armour. Cloak.


Night Lords

Atramanetar: Lighting claws or chain-glaive. Nostroman lion shoulder pad. Lots of trophies (Dark Angels?).


Blood Angels

Flesh Tearer: Amit inspired terminator. Chain axe.

Open to other suggestions or I could keep it pretty simple with a regular Legion Terminator.


Iron Hands

Morlock: Lots of chainmail. Possibly base it on a Siege Tyrant miniature.

Autek Mor terminator: Lightning claw


World Eaters


Plastic Red Butcher:



Invictus Suzerain: Shield and axe. Pretty self explanitary.


Death Guard

Chem Terminator: Heavy chem-flamer. Possible back-mounted fuel reserve.

Destroyer Terminator: Discoloured armour and heaps of weathering.


Thousand Sons

Plastic Sehkmet: Tartaros armour just to differentiate between the regular FW kit. The again the plastic GW Sehkmet are plastic… Perhaps try to replicate the changing colours (red to blue) as depicted in Collected Visions.

Terminator Khenetai Swordsman:



Sons of Horus

Plastic Justaerian: Nothing two fancy, just add some spikes, a toknot, a different helmet (maybe a MkIV or Primaris conversion), some trophies etc.


Word Bearers

Ashen Circle Terminator: Flamer weapons.

Possessed Terminator: Possibly too ambitious…



Pyroclast Terminator: Similar to the Death Guard terminator. Plenty of drake hide.


Raven Guard

Carcharodons: Heavy focus on the more savage aspect of the Raven Guard. Polynesian style freehand. Chain weapon or lightning claws. Skull trophies.

Deliverers: Ravens Talons from Dark Furies.


Alpha Legion

Regular Legion Terminator but in the purple ‘Legion’ scheme.

Undercover Terminator: Painted as a Raven Guard/Imperial Fist Terminator but with Alpha Legion colours and insignia showing through.







Thanks for looking ;)

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Big grin on my face, ear to ear, seeing that praetor with paint progress. Cannot wait to see the finished product.


I love the ideas for legion terminators...and the one suzerain. For Alpha Legion would it be possible to paint it disguised as a Raven Guard  but have some heat damage or something to a shoulder pad to reveal some XX iconography underneath?

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That terminator's a thing of beauty Kizz, superb work


Incidentally, if you want some ideas for Legion-specific takes on termies, there's a few TDA concepts back in the series of Legion sketches I did over on my Heresy art thread - dunno how well they stand up nowdays, but I could collect any relevant stuff for you?

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The Terminator HQ is finished! I'm pretty happy with how the new purple scheme turned out :)





















Big grin on my face, ear to ear, seeing that praetor with paint progress. Cannot wait to see the finished product.


I love the ideas for legion terminators...and the one suzerain. For Alpha Legion would it be possible to paint it disguised as a Raven Guard  but have some heat damage or something to a shoulder pad to reveal some XX iconography underneath?

Thanks bro, hope you like how he turned out! I didn't make it clear, but the 'Suzerain' will be a Terminator armed like one of the Suzerain. With the Alpha Legion I was thinking of painting the mini as an Alpha Legion mini then giving it a coat of chipping fluid and then painting it in a regular Raven Guard scheme before scratching off some of the paint.


I do like the idea of the March of the Legion Terminators being pictured at the time of the Heresy itself. Gives you more possibilities rather than limiting yourself to depict a "standard" member of each legion.

Yeah, I would kind of be cool to see a 'standard' Terminator for each Legion, but it would be fair more interesting to work on some Terminators with a bit more character and flavour.


Wow loving the new EC terminators. Your purple gets better and better.

Thanks a lot bro! Glad you like the purple. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.


I would suggest a Night Lord atramentar terminator with a chainglave and i would have used flayed skin and bone/skulls as trophies, also i would recommend to use blood angels symbols from sanguinary squad or death company

Thanks for the suggestions bro! When you mention the Sanguinary Guard and Death Company symbols are you talking about actually bits from their 40k kits, or their general iconography etc.


That terminator's a thing of beauty Kizz, superb work


Incidentally, if you want some ideas for Legion-specific takes on termies, there's a few TDA concepts back in the series of Legion sketches I did over on my Heresy art thread - dunno how well they stand up nowdays, but I could collect any relevant stuff for you?

Thanks a lot bro! Glad you like the Terminator. I've always been a fan of your work so I'd would definitely appreciate any inspiration that you can give me :tu:






Thanks for looking ;)

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First off, my heart just melted. The praetor is fantastic!  And you have that picture of him side by side with the standard bearer *kissing finger tip gestures chefs do. Perfection!


And I gotcha now! I was thinking 'well, those power armored Suzerian are kind of sweet' and thought it was cool. Did not dawn on me he would be a terminator armored one. That idea sounds mighty fine! As for the Alpha Legion Terminator I need to see that! That sounds awesome! I tried to do an AL disguised as an Ultra where bits of the shiny, blue AL colors were showing here and there against the standard blue of the Ultramarines. That is at a 1 where your idea is at 11.

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The finished article really looks awesome - having one leg off the ground gives a great sense of weight and momentum

That terminator's a thing of beauty Kizz, superb work

Incidentally, if you want some ideas for Legion-specific takes on termies, there's a few TDA concepts back in the series of Legion sketches I did over on my Heresy art thread - dunno how well they stand up nowdays, but I could collect any relevant stuff for you?

Thanks a lot bro! Glad you like the Terminator. I've always been a fan of your work so I'd would definitely appreciate any inspiration that you can give me :thumbsup:

Okay, I want everyone to witness that you specifically asked for this haha :tongue.:

Iron Warriors:


Pretty self-explanatory, just an idea for a IW-style Tartaros termie

White Scars:


Same as above, was just working off the aesthetic of the WS infantry upgrades

Space Wolves:


You've now got the actual Varagyr minis, but the aesthetic is different enough that this might be a decent indication of what a 'line' SW termie might look like

Imperial Fists:


Really wanted to do a 30k-era take on Indomitus, and the Fists seemed like the perfect legion for it (actually made some rules / background for 'Hyperion Terminators': http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/306729-ihfs-archive-sketching-the-heresy-status-update/?p=4683166 )

Night Lords:


Not Atramentar, but just a rough doodle of how NL Tartaros might look

Blood Angels:


Again, just a loose take on BA Tartaros

Iron Hands:


This was an idea for IH TDA Destroyers - Rad-based to differentiate them from the Grave Wardens - think Irad-cleansers & Rad missile launchers (again, these also got some background / rules: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/306729-ihfs-archive-sketching-the-heresy-status-update/?p=4725295 )

World Eaters:


Okay, so the sketch turned out *awful*, but the core idea - WE terminators with twinned Lightning Claws with underslung bolters is something I still like (inspired by the old lore about the Gauntlets of Ultramar being taken from a dead Khorne champion) - also heavily inspired by this Mikhail Savier art: http://img0.reactor.cc/pics/post/Warhammer-40000-%D1%84%D1%8D%D0%BD%D0%B4%D0%BE%D0%BC%D1%8B-Space-Marine-Imperium-2491100.jpeg




I liked the idea of 'regal' Tarataros termies with duelling blades - I renamed them the 'Retentus' after the Varagyr were revealed

Ultramarines Retentus Command Cadre:

More a title of rank than a permanent formation, the Retentus are formed from the highest ranking veterans among the Evocatii chapters, those officers charged with ensuring new recruits into the Legion are forged into peerless soldiers befitting of the Ultramarines. Membership of the Retentus is a greatly regarded honour, identifying the warriors responsible for the legendary discipline for which the XIIIth Legion has become renown, each a veteran of decades of command and countless conflicts.

Whilst rarely involved in front-line duty, stationed within Ultramar or upon the largest legion warships for extended training during long-running campaigns, the Retentus can be marshalled as an elite combat force when their charges are called upon for combat duty before their tenure has begun, often acting in an intermediate command position to ensure the Legion’s strategic network is utterly unbreakable.

Upon induction into their ranks, the Retentus are granted possession of a pair of Macraggan duelling blades, amongst the finest crafted power weapons the Imperium is capable of producing, utterly deadly in the hands of warriors bloodied by decades of battle in the Imperium’s name.

Word Bearers:


These 'anointed' are my idea for Kor Phaeron's terminator elite


Figured TDA Vakrah Jal might be fun?

Raven Guard:


Rough concept for the Deliverers' aesthetic

Edited by Iron Hands Fanatic
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Dude u asked me which Blood Angels bits you should use and i prefer the 40k bits as i mentioned eearlier and i forgott to mention that you could use 40k tactical blood angels bits, but i think that most Blood Angel bits look the same. Your sketch looks awesome and there are some blood angel wings that are not attached to anything so u can just put them on your termi although i know that you mostly will use greenstuff. Anyway i cant wait for your terminators espacially the Night lords.

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Thanks for the kind words and feedback, everyone!

First off, my heart just melted. The praetor is fantastic! And you have that picture of him side by side with the standard bearer *kissing finger tip gestures chefs do. Perfection!

And I gotcha now! I was thinking 'well, those power armored Suzerian are kind of sweet' and thought it was cool. Did not dawn on me he would be a terminator armored one. That idea sounds mighty fine! As for the Alpha Legion Terminator I need to see that! That sounds awesome! I tried to do an AL disguised as an Ultra where bits of the shiny, blue AL colors were showing here and there against the standard blue of the Ultramarines. That is at a 1 where your idea is at 11.

Hahaha, thanks bro! Really glad you like how he turned out.

Yeah, I recon it would be fun to add some Ultramarine/Roman style details to a Terminator. It'll be a bit of a challenge to pull off the Raven Guard/Alpha Legion scheme, but I recon that I can make it work :tu:

The finished article really looks awesome - having one leg off the ground gives a great sense of weight and momentum

That terminator's a thing of beauty Kizz, superb work

Incidentally, if you want some ideas for Legion-specific takes on termies, there's a few TDA concepts back in the series of Legion sketches I did over on my Heresy art thread - dunno how well they stand up nowdays, but I could collect any relevant stuff for you?

Thanks a lot bro! Glad you like the Terminator. I've always been a fan of your work so I'd would definitely appreciate any inspiration that you can give me :thumbsup:

Okay, I want everyone to witness that you specifically asked for this haha :tongue.:

Iron Warriors:


Pretty self-explanatory, just an idea for a IW-style Tartaros termie

White Scars:


Same as above, was just working off the aesthetic of the WS infantry upgrades

Space Wolves:


You've now got the actual Varagyr minis, but the aesthetic is different enough that this might be a decent indication of what a 'line' SW termie might look like

Imperial Fists:


Really wanted to do a 30k-era take on Indomitus, and the Fists seemed like the perfect legion for it (actually made some rules / background for 'Hyperion Terminators': http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/306729-ihfs-archive-sketching-the-heresy-status-update/?p=4683166 )

Night Lords:


Not Atramentar, but just a rough doodle of how NL Tartaros might look

Blood Angels:


Again, just a loose take on BA Tartaros

Iron Hands:


This was an idea for IH TDA Destroyers - Rad-based to differentiate them from the Grave Wardens - think Irad-cleansers & Rad missile launchers (again, these also got some background / rules: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/306729-ihfs-archive-sketching-the-heresy-status-update/?p=4725295 )

World Eaters:


Okay, so the sketch turned out *awful*, but the core idea - WE terminators with twinned Lightning Claws with underslung bolters is something I still like (inspired by the old lore about the Gauntlets of Ultramar being taken from a dead Khorne champion) - also heavily inspired by this Mikhail Savier art: http://img0.reactor.cc/pics/post/Warhammer-40000-%D1%84%D1%8D%D0%BD%D0%B4%D0%BE%D0%BC%D1%8B-Space-Marine-Imperium-2491100.jpeg




I liked the idea of 'regal' Tarataros termies with duelling blades - I renamed them the 'Retentus' after the Varagyr were revealed

Ultramarines Retentus Command Cadre:

More a title of rank than a permanent formation, the Retentus are formed from the highest ranking veterans among the Evocatii chapters, those officers charged with ensuring new recruits into the Legion are forged into peerless soldiers befitting of the Ultramarines. Membership of the Retentus is a greatly regarded honour, identifying the warriors responsible for the legendary discipline for which the XIIIth Legion has become renown, each a veteran of decades of command and countless conflicts.

Whilst rarely involved in front-line duty, stationed within Ultramar or upon the largest legion warships for extended training during long-running campaigns, the Retentus can be marshalled as an elite combat force when their charges are called upon for combat duty before their tenure has begun, often acting in an intermediate command position to ensure the Legion’s strategic network is utterly unbreakable.

Upon induction into their ranks, the Retentus are granted possession of a pair of Macraggan duelling blades, amongst the finest crafted power weapons the Imperium is capable of producing, utterly deadly in the hands of warriors bloodied by decades of battle in the Imperium’s name.

Word Bearers:


These 'anointed' are my idea for Kor Phaeron's terminator elite


Figured TDA Vakrah Jal might be fun?

Raven Guard:


Rough concept for the Deliverers' aesthetic

Dude! I'm blown away! Thank you for the absolute mother-load of inspiration. I'd seen a few of those before, but I'd somehow missed a few such as the Blood Angel and Ultramarine designs. Thanks again for sharing your awesome work :)

Really looking forward to seeing what you do with the legion terminators but the Suzerain terminator in particular has me interested.

I didn't make it clear, but the 'Suzerain' will be a Terminator armed like one of the Suzerain.

Yeah, me too. Unfortunately the Ultramarine Terminator probably won't be one of the first simply because I need to source some Suzerain bits for him (specifically the shield) before I can make a start.

Dat Praetor, man, just WOW. Brilliant work!

Thanks a lot bro!

Outstanding stuff kizz!

Thanks bro! Glad you like him.

Dude u asked me which Blood Angels bits you should use and i prefer the 40k bits as i mentioned eearlier and i forgott to mention that you could use 40k tactical blood angels bits, but i think that most Blood Angel bits look the same. Your sketch looks awesome and there are some blood angel wings that are not attached to anything so u can just put them on your termi although i know that you mostly will use greenstuff. Anyway i cant wait for your terminators espacially the Night lords.

Thanks for the info, bro! By the way, the sketches are by Iron Hands Fanatic, not me.

Lovely work on your Praetor, as usual :smile.:

Thanks a lot! Really glad you like the Praetor.

Thanks for looking ;)

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Yeah, Ultramarines have been looking more and more awesome in my eyes these past few years. I really liked the one officer in terminator plate who had the gold/bronze facemask for a helm. That just looked sweet. The Suzerain also look righteous in my opinion. So I am very excited to see what you do for that terminator.


Same for the terminator. That paint scheme will be wicked.

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I've been doing a bit of work on this Blood Angel Terminator. Unfortunately when I was doing my research before I started on him I only found out about the silver death masks that the IXth Legion Destroyers wore, I didn't find out that they also still wore the standard Legion red. I thought I was being clever painting a Destroyer in black to create the image of some type of proto-Death Company colour scheme. I was pretty disappointed to hear that I got the colour scheme wrong, but I'll forge on and get him finished anyway :tu:














Yeah, Ultramarines have been looking more and more awesome in my eyes these past few years. I really liked the one officer in terminator plate who had the gold/bronze facemask for a helm. That just looked sweet. The Suzerain also look righteous in my opinion. So I am very excited to see what you do for that terminator.


Same for the terminator. That paint scheme will be wicked.

The Praetor from the graphic novel? Yeah, that guy looked pretty great with the the ruby eye lenses. I'm looking forward to working on the Ultramarine, but he'll probably take a while to get started as I try to source the bits that I need.


Beautiful Praetor, Kizz. I still think is stance is asomewhat weird - he seems out of balance.


Your sketches are impressive. Besides your talent for painting, you also have a knack for drawing! Is it me or do you seem to favour Tartaros plate over Cataphractii? :smile.:

Thanks a lot bro! We'll have to disagree on the stance. I like it in general , but the thing I don't like is the cloak. It doesn't have enough movement to it and looks a bit dead. 

The sketches are by Iron Hand Fanatic, not me :tu:

I don't really have too much of a preference either way when it comes to Terminator armour. I love the Tartaros because they look like mini Contemptors, and I like the Cataphractii because it has that real old school/Heresy look.





Thanks for looking ;)

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