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Here are some pics from my game against a Talons of the Emperor list (Custodes and Silent Sisters). Thanks to Richard H for the pictures and to Elliot for the game. 


The game was played using the Legendary Mission: Apex Predator (from book seven) with Fulgrim and Constantine Valdor facing off in the middle of the table (12 inches apart) and the respective armies deployed along opposite short board edges. The primary mission objective was to slay the opponent's warlord and have your own warlord survive the battle.


My opponent won the roll to decide who would deploy and go first and decided to give me the first turn and rely on his re-rollable 4+ chance to seize the initiative. Unfortunately for the Emperor's finest my opponent failed to seize the initiative and Fulgrim took full advantage of the situation taking Valdor's head in two rounds of combat. The sire of the IIIrd Legion went on to slay Jenetia Krole and ended up surviving the battle largely unscathed to secure victory. 


The Palatine Blades and Legion Champion descend on the battle field to assist their isolated Primarch.WdvcTI0.jpg


Fulgrim and the Palatine Blades clash with the Sisters of Silence Vigilators and their Knight-Commander Jenetia Krole as the Custodes Jetbikes move to intercept the IIIrd Legion Spartan that had just arrived via Outflank as part of the 'killing cut' of the Maru Skara.



A Talon of Legion Contemptor Dreadnoughts from the 'killing cut' of the Maru Skara Outflank the Custodes grav-tanks and the elite Hetaeron Guard as the Lightning Strike Fighter prepares to unleash its deadly payload of Kraken Penetrator Missiles.



A squad of IIIrd Legion Tactical Marines deploy from their wrecked Rhino transport and prepare to engage a unit of Sisters of Silence as the Emperor's Children Sicaran Venator moves to engage the Custodes grav-tanks.



Fulgrim and the Legion Champion face down the Custodes Jetbikes as the Emperor's Children Terminators deploy from their Spartan to engage the Hetaeron Guard. The Contemptor Dreadnoughts rush past the wrecked hulls of the grav-tanks as the Legion Tactical Marines remain locked in combat with the fearless Sisters of Silence. 




The Legion Terminators unleash a barrage of combi-plasma and melta fire before clashing with the Hetaeron Guard. Thanks to the shear weight of power axe attacks and some fantastic Feel No Pain rolls courtesy of the Primus Medicae the Terminators over-power the Custodes in combat and cut them down as they attempt to fall back.b1qOZ7S.jpg


Fulgrim and the Legion Champion fail a 3 inch charge...





Well in heresy games Fulgrim chopped plenty of iron hands, his duels with manus ended in draws due to the turn limit.

Amazing gold in the tanks. Cool scenario I might do an Isstvan V minicampaign if time allows, replacing fulgrim (sold) with angron. Also your conversion of the phoenician is one of the few that are out there and undubitabily the best one.

Thanks a lot bro, much appreciated! Yeah, the campaign missions in the black books make for a nice change from the regular Age of Darkness missions. They play pretty differently and can lead to some fantastically cinematic moments.






Thanks for looking :wink:

Edited by Kizzdougs
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I've started working on a bit of a distraction piece... I should be working on more cultists or building the Dreadclaws that I need to finish my Alpha Legion army, but after my games with the Emperor's Children on the weekend I just had to paint something for the IIIrd Legion.






Still plenty of work to do and I haven't even started working on the power-pack yet.




A bit of a lopsided game valdor stood no chance.
Glad to see that custodes aren't that overpowered, i won 6/6 games to my father (playing thousand sons) but he is too old to care.

Yeah, my opponent gambled on seizing the initiative, but it didn't pay off. He was hoping to run Valdor away from Fulgrim and then waste the Primarch with his whole army's firepower. Luckily for me he failed to seize and Fulgrim made Valdor pay. 


The Custodes are still the most powerfully army in the Heresy (and seriously undercoated in my opinion), but my opponent brought a list that wasn't completely maxed out with all of the most powerful choices (Telemon Dreads, 'un-killable' HQs etc). He brought three units of Sisters and although he had a powerful unit of Hetaeron Guard they were on foot. 


Both armies are well-painted and assembled. My compliments to yours and your opponent's skills (or good taste, if your opponent hired someone else to assemble and paint the models).

Thanks a lot bro! Both the Custodes and Iron Hands were painted by their players (the Custodes player was still painting some of his minis the night before the event).


Wait, so you won an award for that biker praetor in spite of that terrible topknot? :wink:


Seriously, though -- it was high time your work was recognised like that, as yours are probably the best 30k models out there. Congratulations! Still well earned, though :wink:

Yeah, I'm not sure how that one got through. Obviously they didn't look at the mini too closely... ;)

Thanks a lot, much appreciated :tu:






Thanks for looking ;)

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Some more progress of the Emperor's Child.














Hopefully I'll get him finished this weekend :tu:



Your latest EC is a welcomed distraction!


I have an old metal champ with that pipe organs with demonic faces back pack sitting around. I would love to copy your recent EC and use that back pack on it. Looking forward to you finishing that fella off.

Thanks bro! Yeah, that power-pack from the old Emperor's Children champion would look fantastic painted up :)


That's an amazing scheme, Kizz!

Thanks a lot, bro! :)


Hmm my guess is that vs knight ot dread spam custodes would die easily, the don't have much antiair either

Yeah, those are generally tough match ups for the Custodes, but the Telemon and Achillus dreadnoughts would be pretty decent against Knights and other dreadnoughts. Solarite Power Gauntlets are also pretty good against Knights and Dreadnoughts with S10 AP1 and Master-Crafted.




Thanks for looking ;)

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The Traitor Emperor's Children legionnaire is finished! 


Up until now I'd only built and painted Loyalist and pre-Heresy Emperor's Children, so this was a bit different for me. I'm pretty happy with how he turned out, but I would like to try to use some more garish colours if I try painting another Traitor EC.






















Looking brilliant already.

Thanks a lot bro! Glad you like it :)





Thanks for looking ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Over the last couple of days I've had the pleasure of attending the Cult of Paint course down here in Melbourne. I'm always looking to improve my painting and learn new skills, so the last couple of days have been fantastic! Last year I attended an airbrushing course to learn how to use the airbrush, this year I'm in the brush skills class to learn some of the more advanced techniques.


Day one was focussed on blending, glazing and directional lighting. We used Primaris marines as the test minis because of their larger size. After a year with the airbrush it was great to take one some more technical challenges with the traditional bristle brush.


This was the finished result on the legs.



And this was the process.

















Today we worked on NMM. This was the first time that I've really attempted the techniques as I've always been pretty intimidated by it in the past. Over all I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, although the colour could do with a bit more saturation and I need to learn how light reacts with different shapes and textures. 



No! Why! You were a beacon of hope...

In all seriousness, your work is an amazing example of how crisp painting and nuanced weathering blend seamlessly.

Hahaha, the loyal IIIrd will always be my favourites, but I'm also happy to experiment. Glad you like the mix of weathering and painting.


Solid work; I do think it would have been nice if the vials on his pack had been painted as if they were transparent and holding some wildly coloured stimulant cocktails, perhaps an opportunity to introduce some garish colours, as you mention.

Yeah, that would have looked pretty cool, but I wasn't confident that I could make it work with the more 'realistic' look of the rest of the model (copper coils on the pistol instead of a crazy colour). I was worried that it might look a bit too cartoony. If I was to paint the model as a display piece I'd probably give it a go though. 


He looks fantastic! I’d love to see you take on more Traitor EC!

Thanks a lot bro! If GW ever give us some new Emperor's Children models I'll be all over them. I'd love to do a Traitor force, but at the moment it looks like too much work.


WOW, the EC looks so impressive!! Really enjoy looking at your minis - and with an envyous eye too ^^ Always looking forwards to more!

Thanks a lot! Really glad you like the EC.


The noise marine looks super sinister :ohmy.:


Though, I will admit to being more partial to your non-metallic EC scheme 

Thanks bro, that's the look I was going for.






Thanks for looking ;)

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Yesterday was my last day on the Cult of Paint course. We worked on worn leather and NMM silver. I had a fantastic time of the course. It was awesome to learn some new skills and techniques and to try to develop some new hobby habits and approaches to painting. These days I never really put my full effort into painting a miniature, even a Primarch, so it was actually a lot of fun to work as hard as I could to learn the new skills and replicate them on the test minis. I'm feeling re-energised to paint some really nice looking models, but painting the rest of my army suddenly seems like a bit of a chore.


This was one of my attempts at the NMM. I even tried adding a bit of reflected colour to the bottom of the disc.






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I forgot to post some pics of my rebased Legion Veterans and Techmarine... woops.










I think the stealth squad looks much better with the new bases. They help to bring out some of the subtle greens and blues on their black armour.








The NMM looks stunnning, great to see you adding some more tools to the armoury.

Thanks a lot! Yeah, it was fantastic to push my skills and to learn some new techniques. Definitely really rewarding :tu:





Thanks for looking ;)

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Cool report on the game vs the Iron Hands. I'm impressed by the Blood Angel and your first attempts at NMM, that course must have been fantastic to attend. 


And EHRMAGEHRD do your Alpha Legionnaires look great on their new bases! Much better! I'm not a XX Legion fan at all, but your painting made them look interesting to say the least. I never thought those metallic bases did them justice, though, so seeing them on those fantasticall contrasting martian red dust bases is a treat to the eyes! Excellent decision.



Fulgrim was always a disappointment to me, unlike Horus he never did anything

What? Fulgrim is the only Primarch to have killed two Primarchs (that's even better than Horus' tally) thereby affecting the course of history greatly. If he hadn't killed Robot Girlyman, things would have been very different after the Scouring. He's the first Primarch to go full dedication to a chaos God, too. '...never did anything'... Pff! How about the fact that he ran a moonshining operation from Venus, with which he got both the Khan and Vulkan drunk, after which he made them sign documents forfeiting all their possessions to him in the event of their deaths? Huh? How about the fact that he always beat Horus, Sanguinius, and the Lion at the weekly poker game they held? Huh? How about the fact that he coined Dorn's infuriating nickname of 'Sticky', because he thought that Dorn had a stick up his butt? Well? And last but not least: how about the fact that he was the only Primarch whose mandatory dolphin tattoo on the shoulder blade faced outward? HUH?? What, Sir, do you have to say about all of that? 

Edited by Augustus b'Raass
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The Leviathan has a new base to match the rest of the army! :)
























Cool report on the game vs the Iron Hands. I'm impressed by the Blood Angel and your first attempts at NMM, that course must have been fantastic to attend. 


And EHRMAGEHRD do your Alpha Legionnaires look great on their new bases! Much better! I'm not a XX Legion fan at all, but your painting made them look interesting to say the least. I never thought those metallic bases did them justice, though, so seeing them on those fantasticall contrasting martian red dust bases is a treat to the eyes! Excellent decision.



Fulgrim was always a disappointment to me, unlike Horus he never did anything

What? Fulgrim is the only Primarch to have killed two Primarchs (that's even better than Horus' tally) thereby affecting the course of history greatly. If he hadn't killed Robot Girlyman, things would have been very different after the Scouring. He's the first Primarch to go full dedication to a chaos God, too. '...never did anything'... Pff! How about the fact that he ran a moonshining operation from Venus, with which he got both the Khan and Vulkan drunk, after which he made them sign documents forfeiting all their possessions to him in the event of their deaths? Huh? How about the fact that he always beat Horus, Sanguinius, and the Lion at the weekly poker game they held? Huh? How about the fact that he coined Dorn's infuriating nickname of 'Sticky', because he thought that Dorn had a stick up his butt? Well? And last but not least: how about the fact that he was the only Primarch whose mandatory dolphin tattoo on the shoulder blade faced outward? HUH?? What, Sir, do you have to say about all of that? 

Thanks for the kind words bro! Glad you like the NMM, the course was fantastic. Yeah, I'm really happy with how the desert bases have turned out for the Alpha Legion. They're a definite improvement.


Excellent works.

Thanks a lot!








Thanks for looking ;)

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