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I've just finished off a Dreadclaw for my Terminators!









The new bases complement the Alphas very well, the contrast just makes all the colours stand out so much more, especially on the stealth squad.


What's the plan after rebasing is done, more traitor IIIrd?

Yeah, I'm really happy with how the new bases look. Once the bases are done I'll be painting up more Alpha Legion and some Sons of Horus. I don't have any plans for more Emperor's Children at the moment. I'm waiting for GW to bring out some new 40k Emperor's Children/Noise Marines that I can take bits from to create some 30k Traitors.


I see someone had lessons with Andy and Henry. Nicely done there too.

Yeah, I took Andy's Brush Skills class. I did the army painting with Henry last year. Both classes have definitely upgraded my skills/techniques.


Excellent work on the Leviathan.

Thanks a lot! Glad you like it.


Could you post up a pic of the leather you said you worked on? I've been using the same leather scheme for years now and id like to see what one with high end techniques looks like.

It's a warn leather look. Plenty of blending and then some fine 'texture' added at the end.


Sorry about the blurry picture...


Excellent work, the red sands really makes the Alpha's pop! Really glad you've rebased them to go with the SoH!

Thanks a lot bro, really glad you like the new bases!


I would be honoured to have my teeth thuroughly kicked in by forces so beautiful. 

Hahaha, I could try, but no guarantees. I lose as many as I win.


As always it is an absolute treat to see your Alpha Legion, brother. They remain my hands-down favorite I've laid eye on and that's saying something.

Damn bro! That means a lot considering all of the fantastic Alpha Legion armies that are out there.


Did you resculpt and pose the dead IH Marine on the Levi Base? If not, where did he come from?

The dead marine is from Fulgrim's base.


Stunning work, as always!

Thanks a lot bro! Glad you like it.


awesome leviathan 

Thanks a lot!







Thanks for looking ;)

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No progress to show at the moment. I'm batch paint Dreadclaws so it's a pretty laborious process.




pictures do not show.


Nevermind it just took ages for some reason. The Dreadclaw looks amazing.

Thanks a lot, bro! Glad you liked how it turned out :)


Very nice weathering but i think there should be a little more scratches on top parts

Thanks for the feedback :tu:


That’s such solid weathering, man! Well done

Thanks a lot, dude :)





Thanks for looking ;)

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Here's a little thing that everyone is doing on Instagram. These are my nine most 'liked' pictures of 2018.


Thanks to everyone on the Bolter and Chainsword for the ongoing support and interest. I haven't produced too much quantity wise, but I feel like the quality has been slowly improving. I'm looking forward to 2019 :)









Thanks for looking ;)

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Well, no surprise there: Your models are spectacular, so they are super-popular on Instagram as well :wink: Just out of interest, how many comments did you receive, vis-à-vis those 118.2k likes?


As always, keep up the amazing work!

Thanks bro!


I'm not sure what the average number of comments per image would be, but it would be equal to or greater than on a forum (like the B&C). Sometimes I get 20+ comments on a picture, sometimes I don't get any. I just had a quick look and my last 10 pictures on Instagram have averaged 10.6 comments and 1073.3 'likes'. Of course this isn't representative of the whole year as my numbers have increased as I've gained more followers. If you looked at my first 10 post of the year the numbers would be much lower.


The distribution of 'likes' and comments also really depends on the subject matter. Typically, my 40k and 30k content does pretty well, whereas my WHFB/AoS and non-GW posts are far less popular. For example my rebased Leviathan got 23 comments and nearly 2,800 'likes' compared to my Valten which has 10 comments and 434 'likes'. The Leviathan was a 're-post' of sorts because all I had done was change the base. Valten was painted to a higher standard, hadn't been posted yet, and I was really proud of the mini. Subject matter really matters :tongue.:


According to the App that I used to generate that nine image collage of my most popular work, I've averaged 600-700 'likes' per post in 2018. 




Edit: I also receive more private messages on Instagram asking about colour schemes/techniques etc.

Edited by Kizzdougs
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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for the kind words, everyone :)



Alpharius is well done. Is that a dying/dead Imperial Fist at his feet?

Thanks a lot! No, it's an Iron Hand marine.


Looks like an Iron Hand to me.

And yes Alpharius looks amazing.

Yep, definitely an Iron Hand. Glad you like Alpharius.


Gorgeous army! 

Thanks a lot! Glad you like the army!



Looks like an Iron Hand to me.

I thought, 'Imperial Fist?' because the dead Marine's pauldron is marked "7".


The '7' is just a squad marking :tu:





Thanks for looking ;)

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