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Lovely pics and lovely armies. Looks like you had a whale of a time. Great stuff! :thumbsup:

Thanks a lot bro! Yeah, it was fantastic! I've got so much bobby inspiration now :)


I couldn't agree more. Beautiful armies on all sides, and the games look like they've been fun!

Thank! Yeah, I had a lot of fun with the games :)


The force looks great on the table, as do the other armies; seems like a cracking event.

It was a fantastic! All of the armies were fully painted and the tables were great :)


Looks like fun, love the new jump pack SoH bloke you've done.

Thanks a lot, bro! Glad you like the Son of Horus character :)





Thanks for looking ;)

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I was pretty excited when I saw this piece of art from the Weekender, so I decided to see if I could get a similar effect on a mini. I recon it'll look much better once I add the rest of the detail and give it all an oil wash.




"How do you do, fellow Loyalists?"







Thanks for looking ;)

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Some more progress on my "White Scars" test mini. He's mostly done, but I still need to do the sponge chipping and add the weathering powder.






And the inspiration, again. I can't wait to get the new Black Book. It'll be my first FW purchase since the ridiculous regional pricing debacle... some White Scar decals would be nice too.










Thanks for looking ;)

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Awesome man! I wanted to do this a while back for a 40K Alpha Legion Kill Team, but with Ultramarines instead. You really nailed the subterfuge theme... like there was ever any doubt you wouldn't, lol.

Thanks a lot bro! Really glad you like how it turned out. I am tempted to try some other 'Alpha Legion' schemes... Ultramarines would definitely be a bit more subtle because of the blue on blue.


Thanks, I hate it and love it. So conflicted!

Hahahaha, sorry bro :P


Really nicely done, swift too!

Thanks! Glad you like it :)





Thanks for looking ;)

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Three flavours of hydra...
















One of these White Scars is not what he seems...





this looks strange but i like it very much

Thanks, bro!


Damn alpha sneaks!

Hahaha, we're everywhere! 




I see what you did there and it is awesome.

Hahaha, glad you approve :)


That white scar seems a bit...sneaky to me.

Love it!

Hehehe, I don't know what you're talking about...


That's a really nice White Sca-


Anyway fantastic paintjob! Did you use chipping effects on it?

Hahahaha, that's a great image. Yeah, I use Heavy Chipping fluid from AK Interactive.







Thanks for looking ;)

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One of these White Scars is not what he seems...

Hidden Content



I bet it's the guy with the beekee helmet. Everyone thinks he's dead. But in reality he's just lying in his murder hole, waiting patiently to spring his finely planned trap!

Edited by Augustus b'Raass
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Thanks for the kind words, everyone! :)





Awesome three heads of the Hydra.


The White Scars impersonator could use a XX somewhere.

Thanks a lot! Glad you like them. I didn’t want to make his true allegiance too obvious… well more obvious than blue armour showing through the White Scar colours. If I decide to take this project further and paint up some ‘White Scar’ allies for my Alpha’s I’ll probably try out some different ways of indicating their hidden allegiance.



Thanks! Glad you like it!





One of these White Scars is not what he seems...




I bet it's the guy with the beekee helmet. Everyone thinks he's dead. But in reality he's just lying in his murder hole, waiting patiently to spring his finely planned trap!


Hahaha, busted! He’s been laying there in Sus-an Membrane induced suspended animation for years, just waiting to be activated.


if you will do a squad of these i recommend to use a different amount of blue chipping and probably most chipping on the squadleader

Thanks for the suggestion.


Fantastic work on white scars! And my I point out how amazing the terrain looks on ^^D

Thanks a lot! Yeah, I was lucky enough to play on some fantastic tables.


Silky smooth. :yes:

Thanks a lot, bro! Also, welcome back!



Hot damn, that is sublime! Fantastic work, as usual! :smile.:

Thanks a lot! Much appreciated.








Thanks for looking ;)




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