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  • 4 weeks later...

The third squad of Tactical Marines is finished! I'll take some better pictures when I get a chance.





Your Alphas are going to be a proper Apocalypse sized army before long. Very impressed with the consistency and color of the tactical legionaries.

Hahaha, I've got plenty more to go. Glad you like how they're looking :)


Nice stuff Kizzy, brilliant as usual. :smile.:

Thanks, dude! Much appreciated :)


They’re glorious!

Thanks you very much :)



Thanks! :tu:


They look terrific. Wow. :thumbsup:

Thanks a lot :)






Thanks for looking ;)

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The third Tactical Squad is finished, so I thought it would be a good opportunity for an updated army picture :)





All of the Tactical Marines together





All of the infantry



The Legion so far. I've already started working on some new units to add.















Your Alpha Legionnaires' metallic blue armor looks GREAT!

Thanks! Much appreciated.


They definitely look even better in that latest image! That shade of blue makes me jealous. :tongue.:

Thanks a lot, bro!


Third squad is looking fantastic!


That's the final troop choice you needed right? What's coming next for that Rewards of Treason?

Thanks! I'm planning to work on some Angel's Tears. I'll probably end up building/painting a few different options.


it seems that you were in a hury when you took the picture still nice tho






Thanks for looking ;)

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Some more reinforcements for the XXth Legion! I feel that the Damocles is a really fluffy choice for the Alpha Legion and on the battlefield it'll have some great synergy with my Dreadclaws, Saboteurs, and outflanking units.

I'm going to add some more decals and then I'll be ready to move on to the oil wash.




Love that army picture - makes me like old-Marines again ^.^

Thanks! Glad you like the army :)


Nice to see Army picture. Ive been waiting so long for it.

Thank you very much! 


The whole army shots are why I am in this hobby in the first place

Thanks bro! I'm taking the army to an event next month so I'll be sure to get some pics on the minis on some nice terrain.


Stunning army!

Thanks very much, bro!


Angel Tears? I will have to look that up.


As for the army...DAAAANG! When the XX show up they do so in force!

They're the Blood Angels special Destroyers. They're basically jump-pack Destroyers with a much larger range of weapon options. The whole squad (except the sergeant) can be armed with grenade launchers, heavy flamers or assault cannons).






Thanks for looking ;)

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I've been working on some of the finer details on the Damocles. It was a nice shift of pace after painting all of the boring armour etc.



Unfortunately the green isn't showing up very well in the pictures. I'll see what I can do next time I takes some pics.





Nice Damocles! Also, masquerading BA destroyers sounds awesome! Especially seeing your earlier work on a BA Destroyer I can’t wait to see what you churn out. Possibly see some AL indigo peeking through the BA armor like you did that White Scar!

Thanks a lot, bro! With the Angel's Tears I'll probably just paint them in Alpha Legion colours rather than the BA scheme.  I've also been considering some other options for stolen units. Not sure which way I'll go.


You´re spoiling us with more eye candy, thanks for sharing!

My pleasure! Glad you like it.


Yes indeed, Damocles is a nice and fluffy vehicle for AL! I wish I had one...
Also, almost forgot to say it looks lovely!

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The Damocles is finished! It is the first vehicle that I've painted in the Alpha Legion scheme using my airbrush. I hope you like how it turned out.











The Damocles Rhino is beautifully done. I'm ever envious of your ability to paint plastic/resin models in ways that make them look like metal objects.

Thanks bro! Much appreciated. I definitely think that I'm getting a bit better with the weathering, which really helps to create the metallic illusion.


Nice lenses on that Rhino.  By the way, what is the source of the bare heads you've used for your AL?  I especially like it on your version of Armillus Dynat.

Thanks bro, they were fun to paint. The bare heads are actually just the bare heads from the plastic MKIV kit. I just shaved the service studs off because I didn't fell like they were very appropriate for the Legion.




Thanks for looking ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Whirlwind Scorpius and Rhino are both finished! I'm pretty happy with how they turned out :)

























That looks superb!! The paint job, the weathering, and the wear & tear! That thing needs to be in a display case somewhere everyone can see it!

Thanks a lot bro, much appreciated! :)



Thanks :)





Thanks for looking ;)

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