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I've been making some good progress on my Sicaran Arcus :tu:







How did you attach the cables to the volkite and backpack?

Hot water, bending them in shape and simply glueing them?
Or did you somehow cool them?

Yeah, I used hot water to get them into roughly the right shape before painting. After they were painted and were ready to be attached to the minis I used a naked flame to make the final adjustment.


Hot water or a hairdryer most likely.


Which models are the flying/parked "drop pods"?

They're Anvillus pattern Dreadclaw drop pods :)


Awesome group shots as usual - and I really love your EC Lightning scheme!

Thanks, much appreciated!


Great job on the Devastators/Havocs!

Thank you very much!





Thanks for looking ;)

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The Sicaran Arcus is finished!


"Don't talk to me or my son, ever again!"


















Oooh shiny!


Painting a pattern between the silver and the blue is a nifty trick for the scales.

Thanks a lot, bro!


Oooh shiny!


Painting a pattern between the silver and the blue is a nifty trick for the scales.

Thanks a lot, bro! The scales were done with a stencil from Anarchy Miniatures :tu:


The blue is really nicely done on the tank!

Thank you ver much :)





Thanks for looking ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just finished the five Seekers (except for one combi-plasma) :)





































Excellent work on the Sicaran Arcus, the Whirlwind, and the Havocs/Devastators.

Thanks a lot! Glad you like them :tu:


Great work they look really cool all together, really a fan of the blue as mentioned lol.

Thanks a lot, bro! Really glad you like the blue :tu:





Thanks for looking ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Just finished an Emperor's Children Champion that I started back in March. I wasn't happy with him at the time, but I decided to give the model a second chance when I was looking for something to break up all of the Alpha Legion that I've been painting recently.




















I also attended a two day Heresy campaign last week and had a lot of fun with the Alphas. Day one was 2k games of Centurion Mode and day two was 3k AoD.


The 3k army (except for the Rhino and Scorpius which weren't in the list).



The Centurion list (minus five Seekers that weren't finished when I took this picture).






They looks good really like the weathering and bases.

Thanks! Much appreciated.


The Sicaran looks great. Love the hints of scales in the paint work

Thanks! Yeah, I'm pretty happy with how the scales look. I think they add some nice detail to the flat surfaces.


Whoa, I only just noticed the subtle scale patterns you incorporated into the Arcus' hull colour, its phenomenally well done Kizz

Thanks a lot, bro! The scales were done with a stencil from Anarchy Miniatures. All of my tanks and the Seekers have scales patterns on them.


Excellent work on the Seekers.

Thanks a lot!


Your Alpha legion are so well done I'm finding them strangely calming to look at. Like everything is going to be ok as long as there are tanks this nice to look at. Soothing really.

Hahaha, thanks for such a nice compliment! Zen Astartes :laugh.:


Those tanks are gorgeous!

Thanks a lot!


Amazing work, as always!

Thanks, much appreciated!





Thanks for looking :wink:




Edit: it says that this thread has been viewed more than a million times... that's nut!

Edited by Kizzdougs
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"Oh look, a WIP with 30k Emperor's Childrens just next to mine with 40k Emperor's Childens/Slaanesh marines! And as I also want to do 30k Blood Angels, so I might learn something!"



"BOOOOO, SIGH, SOB :cry: I have learned that I will never paint so good :cry: :sad.: :cry: "


Jokes(?) aside WOW... I mean, I like, well, everything:sweat:


But the Champion is really... Well, Perfect. The intensity of the look...I wish I could give half that much life to faces... Is that a transfer on the loincloth? I sure hope so, if it's freehand I will probably quit the hobby now:teehee: . Anyway it's very well placed! I like the fact that there are no "special effects" (face aside) to distract the eye, just the overall miniature paintjob is stellar quality

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I've had another go a my metallic Emperor's Children scheme. I kept the overall scheme pretty simple (ie no white, silver or gold panels) in an effort to show off the purple, but I'd definitely add some more variety if I ever painted a force in this scheme.


Let me know what you think of the shade. Does it need to be a bit more violet (ie more of a blue tone)?













Excellent painting! I think the champion turned out pretty well, looks great. Your army looks impressive too!

Thanks a lot, bro! Glad you like the Champion and the army.


That champion is a work of art, Kizz. 

Thanks, bro! Means a lot :tu:



That champion is a work of art, Kizz.

I second that. Excellent work.


Thank you very much!



"Oh look, a WIP with 30k Emperor's Childrens just next to mine with 40k Emperor's Childens/Slaanesh marines! And as I also want to do 30k Blood Angels, so I might learn something!"



"BOOOOO, SIGH, SOB :cry: I have learned that I will never paint so good :cry: :sad.: :cry: "


Jokes(?) aside WOW... I mean, I like, well, everything:sweat:


But the Champion is really... Well, Perfect. The intensity of the look...I wish I could give half that much life to faces... Is that a transfer on the loincloth? I sure hope so, if it's freehand I will probably quit the hobby now:teehee: . Anyway it's very well placed! I like the fact that there are no "special effects" (face aside) to distract the eye, just the overall miniature paintjob is stellar quality

Hahaha, thanks for the kind words! Yes, the transfer on the loincloth is actually from the Blood Angels transfer sheet.


How did you paint the skin on Dynat btw? It looks amazing!

I'm not too sure. I think it was either Cadian Fleshtone, Rhinoxhide and white or Kislev Flesh, Rhinoxhide and white.


Like the others have said, that Champion is fantastic!

Thanks a lot, bro!






Thanks for looking ;)

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