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These are fantastic! I think the hazard stripes are great, really puts the IIIrd legion on a Legion Vessel in a way that other bases don't. Love it

That's exactly what I was going for. It's going to look strange once I start adding vehicles though...



Haha uhoh! There is deffo fluff that contemptors and the like fit into the corridors of some of the ships. And then you can always swing the "They are defending the loading bay!" bat?


Yeah, I'm going to have to go with the hanger bay theme or maybe I can claim that they are on a forgeworld/hiveworld.


I can say though your army will be a sight to behold, guess I need to get a ZM board done sooner rather than later

Yeah, I haven't decided if I'll be building this army with Zone Mortalis in mind or not. I'll probably go with a more all rounded theme though.


Beautiful work. The Emperor's Children are stunning. Its one of the few times I've seen them done as I had pictured them in my head.

Thanks dude! I'm glad I could capture how you imagine the Emperor's Children :)

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Just a quick update. I've got the entire squad up to this stage now. Next up will be the Runefang Steel highlights on the gold and silver areas. Once that is done, all of the boring stages will be finished :)







Thanks for looking ;)

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Do you paint in phases, as in all the basecoats, then all the shades, then all the highlights, etc. Or do you paint each part (armour, skin, weapons, etc) individually one after another?

Yeah, I paint in phases. I find that it's the best way to avoid mistakes. I'll put up the exact process when the unit is finished and I can put together the step by step pics :)


Gorgeous as always and those bases are fantastic.

Thanks bro! :)

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It's amazing what one highlight can do for a mini. I've got about half of the squad up to this level now. 











I'm also trying to come up with some ideas for projects to work on for the ETL. At this stage I'm considering a Deredeo, Contemptor or Sicaran, and a Primus Medicae in terminator armour. I also need to start thinking about a mini for this month's March of the Legions. This month is dedicated to the Thousand Sons, so any suggestions are welcome.



Thanks for looking ;)

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Still on the market for a piece of your soul. Just saying.


All the models considered for ETL are amazing to me - especially the medicae, they have a special place in my heart :p - so I wont complain!


Thousand sons are my Legion Numero Dos so I'm looking forward to what everybody comes up with!

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Still on the market for a piece of your soul. Just saying.


All the models considered for ETL are amazing to me - especially the medicae, they have a special place in my heart :tongue.: - so I wont complain!


Thousand sons are my Legion Numero Dos so I'm looking forward to what everybody comes up with!

Thanks mate! The Primus Medicae will probably be my 'buy-in' entry to the ETL, just to make sure I don't miss out while I'm trying to decide what else to vow.


Perhaps a Blade with an out stretched hand conjuring some green stuffed magic. Obviously there would need to be a bit of legion symbol changing too.

That's a pretty good idea. Sculpted flames/magic are always a bit of fun. Speaking of Blades though, maybe I could try my hand at modelling a Thousand Sons Legion Champion... you've got me thinking. Thanks :smile.:



I've done some more work on the veterans. Just about all of the boring work is finished now and it's almost time to move onto the details, at last...












Thanks for looking :wink:

Edited by kizzdougs
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Still on the market for a piece of your soul. Just saying.


All the models considered for ETL are amazing to me - especially the medicae, they have a special place in my heart :tongue.: - so I wont complain!


Thousand sons are my Legion Numero Dos so I'm looking forward to what everybody comes up with!

Thanks mate! The Primus Medicae will probably be my 'buy-in' entry to the ETL, just to make sure I don't miss out while I'm trying to decide what else to vow.


Perhaps a Blade with an out stretched hand conjuring some green stuffed magic. Obviously there would need to be a bit of legion symbol changing too.

That's a pretty good idea. Sculpted flames/magic are always a bit of fun. Speaking of Blades though, maybe I could try my hand at modelling a Thousand Sons Legion Champion... you've got me thinking. Thanks :smile.:



I've done some more work on the veterans. Just about all of the boring work is finished now and it's almost time to move onto the details, at last...












Thanks for looking :wink:


No worries. These look stunning! Gorgeous IIIrd legion.

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These look incredible! Definitely the best Emperors children I've seen :biggrin.:

Thanks mate, means a lot :smile.:


Niiiiice, do you have any tutorials on making the laurels? Ive been practicing my greenstuff skills and I would like to practice that.

Thanks dude! It's so quick and easy that I made a mini tutorial, just for you.



I start off with a fairly rough green stuff sausage in the vague shape of the laurel.



Next up I cut off the excess green stuff. It's important to use a lubricant (I just used saliva) on the blade so that it doesn't stick to the green stuff.



I then flattened out the green stuff using the GW green stuff tool (lubricant is important again). After this step you should have the approximate shape of the finished laurel.



I always start the detail off with the binding at the base of the laurel bunch. This ensures that the two sides will be symmetrical and is the easiest place to start. These markings are make with the hobby knife.



Now the actual laurel leaves. I start at the base of the laurel and work my way to the end. The cuts should only go about half the width of the laurel. In this example the cuts are probable a little bit too close together.



Once the first side is finished, repeat the same step on the other side. I alternate the opposite cuts. This creates a kind of woven effect (I really stuffed up this step in the example. I think I squeezed in an extra cut on the second side which made it much too crowded).



That's pretty much it. You can go back and adjust the spacing between the leaves if you want to. This can be used to add more definition and realism.



Just another angle of the finished laurel. The left hand side actually turned out much better than the right. As with just about all sculpting, it'll look much neater/better once it's painted up nicely.



Hope this helps dude :smile.:


No worries. These look stunning! Gorgeous IIIrd legion.

Thanks bro! And thanks again for the ideas :thumbsup:


Best III Legion ever, so, it's not like hard to top that or anything. :biggrin.:

Haha, high praise indeed! The drive for perfection is real (and futile).


Those veterans are beautiful :woot:

Thanks a lot mate :smile.:


Every time I visit this thread my jaw drops. Really good stuff mate, makes me want to re-start my III Legion from scratch. Keep it up! :smile.:

Thanks heaps mate, it means a lot coming from another child of the Emperor. If I had my time over again, I'd redo all of my legionaries in MkII and III armour. It just screams Collected Visions. Do you have any more plans for your III Legion?


Those gold Metallics are just so fetch brother.


So fetch.

Haha, thanks dude!




Thanks again guys :smile.:

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How do you manage to get your press mould details so flush and clean to the models? Do you slowly remove excess before gluing into place or do you cut the mould down to the detail you want and press it onto the mini while the gs is still soft?
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THANK YOU! :biggrin.: I think I have some left over MK VII heads lying around I can try it on. These will be excellent for veteran squads and sergeants.

No worries bro! When I was building my veterans I was disappointed by how bland and unadorned the armour looked. So I started experimenting with the laurels and press moulding. Adding extra detail to your minis really helps to make them 'yours'.


How do you manage to get your press mould details so flush and clean to the models? Do you slowly remove excess before gluing into place or do you cut the mould down to the detail you want and press it onto the mini while the gs is still soft?

Well, when I'm press moulding I try to keep the excess green stuff to a minimum. I always end up trimming a bit off the back though. It's almost impossible to get it perfect in the moulding process. You'll have to trim around the detail as well :)

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Nice sculpting skills on the laurels! Your EC look :censored: excellent man, keep it up! I seriously love the Palatine Blade models; makes me wanna just get em to paint as a one off since I think they'd be too much conversion hassle to fit into my NL :tongue.: Really awesome work!

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Many thanks. Was having an experiment last night by cutting out the part of the mould I wanted. Was tired though so wasn't the most productive session :wink:

No worries bro. Just keep experimenting with the moulding. It took me while to get it right, but now it's super easy.

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