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How did you paint the skin on Dynat btw? It looks amazing!

I'm not too sure. I think it was either Cadian Fleshtone, Rhinoxhide and white or Kislev Flesh, Rhinoxhide and white.




Champion looks great too btw - looks like the same skin recipe. Is it a mix? 1:1:1? And do you use washes?


Sorry about all the questions - your skin tone is something I'm gonna try replicating for my Alphas!

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I've based the Emperor's Child and started on a test mini for my Alpha Legion Dawnbreakers!



I went for a 'colder' colour on the EC's base to better contrast the 'warm' purple and gold. I thought that my usual Martian bases would probably be too similar in tone.












And the Alpha Legion Dawnbreaker.



With the pre-shade, ready for the clear blue and green.












I'd say that Emperor's Children marine is perfect as is. That's a beautiful metallic purple :thumbsup:

Thanks a lo! Glad you like the purple. I'm liking it the more I look at it.


You demonstrate excellent painting skills with the latest model. How will you decorate his base?

Thanks, bro! Hope you like the base. I went for a 'colder' colour to better contrast with the rich purple and gold.


The purple painted marine looks fantastic!

Thank you very much! 




How did you paint the skin on Dynat btw? It looks amazing!

I'm not too sure. I think it was either Cadian Fleshtone, Rhinoxhide and white or Kislev Flesh, Rhinoxhide and white.




Champion looks great too btw - looks like the same skin recipe. Is it a mix? 1:1:1? And do you use washes?

Sorry about all the questions - your skin tone is something I'm gonna try replicating for my Alphas!


Thanks, mate! There's no set ratios for the mix, I just add them together to create the colour I need. I'm constantly adding more of each of the different colours to the mix depending on whether I'm highlighting or shading the skin. I don't use washes when I'm painting skin. I much prefer to thin down regular paint because it matches the colour of the skin better, is easier to control, and I can adjust the colour as I need to :tu:




Thanks for looking ;)

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Looks like a metallic Tyrian purple to me, which as Imperial purple for Emperor's Children is all good. So long as no sea snails were involved. 

The grey ash/rock base looks too cool or stark to me, but that is just me. Curious as to what a traditional beach sand type desert might look like in contrast.

However great stuff as usual, very inspiring.

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The Dawnbreaker test mini is finished minus his spear. I've already started working on the next couple of warriors.




















Looks like a metallic Tyrian purple to me, which as Imperial purple for Emperor's Children is all good. So long as no sea snails were involved. 

The grey ash/rock base looks too cool or stark to me, but that is just me. Curious as to what a traditional beach sand type desert might look like in contrast.

However great stuff as usual, very inspiring.

I can promise that no sea snails were harmed to paint this model. Thanks for the feedback on the base. I've tried beach style bases before, but I can never get the colour balance right. They either turn out too yellow or just a boring tan colour. Maybe I'll give it another go.


Excellent work on the Emperor's Children member. Your attention to detail is most impressive, e.g., the powdered ferrocrete on his feet.

Thanks a lot, bro! Glad you like it.


How do you do the AL scale tabards? Is that little computer looted from Deathwatch backpacks?

The scales were press moulded from the Tomb Kings tomb guard kit. Yeah, the targeter is from the Deathwatch. Well spotted.


The metallic Emperor's Children (Child? :biggrin.: ) looks fantastic. I agree the ashen ground only brings the model's colours to the fore.
I doubt the Alpha Legionnaire will be any less phenomenal.

Thanks a lot! Much appreciated.


Bases are a nice touch. The tones seem to work well and the weathering transitions the model nicely. It looks like a part of the scene.

Thanks a lot! That's exactly the look I was going for with the base.


Oh my! Lurking your topic since a long time and it did actually re-ignite my flame for painting stuff, especialy my own Alpha Legion, keep up the great work :biggrin.:

Awesome! Glad to hear that! Good luck with your Alpha Legion project.


Looks magnifisent, looking forward for the paintjob.

Thanks a lot!


The Dawnbreaker looks fantastic. I can't wait to see the unit!

Thanks, bro! Hope you like how he turned out.







Thanks for looking ;)

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I also recently played a 2k Centurion game against some Custodes. It was a great game, but in the end the Alphas lost 6-7 due to Martial Hubris and the survivability of the Custodes units.



I love how well my bases blended in with the game mat :tu:




















Thanks for looking ;)

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The Dawnbreaker test mini is finished minus his spear. I've already started working on the next couple of warriors.







Thanks for looking :wink:

Amazing! I need to know how you painted that face! Looks creamy as hell!


EDIT: nevermind! I should have read your multiquote better! :wallbash: Still, truly impresive paint jobs and dedication! The "no washing" for the skin tone is a master tip that I will try to use!


Excellent conversion work as well :drool: .



Edited by Umbra Lynx
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Just finished a second Rhino for my Alpha Legion!
















Amazing! I need to know how you painted that face! Looks creamy as hell!

EDIT: nevermind! I should have read your multiquote better! :wallbash: Still, truly impresive paint jobs and dedication! The "no washing" for the skin tone is a master tip that I will try to use!

Excellent conversion work as well :drool: .



Thanks a lot! Yeah, I just prefer the control that you can get with regular paints :tu:


They look excellent all together side by side each other! I really like the skin tone you used for the one helmetless guy.

Thanks a lot, bro! Glad you like the skin tone :tu:





Thanks for looking ;)

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And my first Dawnbreaker is finished (just as Forge World releases the official models :P )!


I've built two more, minus their jump packs and I've also made a start on another two as well.
























Your army looks phenomenal on the battlefield. Fantastic job!
Rhino's looking superb.

Thanks a lot! Glad you like how the army looks in action :tu:


They look great, the weathering and battle damage make it really stand out. Like I said before the blue is really cool love it!

Thanks, bro! I have a lot of fun with the weathering and it's great to hear that you like it.


Some of the best looking colored metallics ive seen brother, love it all!

Really glad you like them! Thanks :)





Thanks for looking ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...

The five "Dawnbreakers" are finished! I'm pretty happy with how they turned out in the end.



























with the helmet on it looks great, nice to see the whole piece amazing!

Thank bro!


I'm pretty sure it's cheaper for you to source all the parts than buy the actual dawnbreaker kit lmao.

Hahaha, maybe! Luckily I already had most of the parts that I needed :tu:





Thanks for looking ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Now for something a bit different. I painted up these legionaries to represent undercover Alpha Legion agents for a narrative Heresy event that attended on the weekend (ACT of Heresy V, in Canberra). Along with a handful of other Alpha Legion players I helped assemble a squad of Legion Veterans with each model painted in a different Loyalist colour scheme... Their mission was to assassinate the Warlord of one of our "allies", and any Loyalist player that played against him gained access to this squad of Alpha Legion veterans to add to their force for the game. All of this was kept from the other players and had been secretly coordinated with the help of the event organiser. While our mission was ultimately unsuccessful, we did manage to cause a whole lot of confusion, infiltrated a large number of tables with Alpha Legion listening devices, execute and compromise many high value targets, and even betray our faction at the end of the event, removing our combined scores from the total... it was fantastic! 






















It's always fun to change it up a bit sometimes and try some other colour schemes to break up the never ending metallic blue...






Thanks for looking ;)

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If you want to listen to me having a chat with Macca from the Outer Circle about my Alpha Legion, go an check out the video that he just posted on his YouTube channel.











It's always great to chat with Macca, and I'm always more than happy to talk about the hobby :tu:






Thanks for looking ;)

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