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Some pics of my game against @ednihilator at ATC of Heresy V.


This was a super fun and close game from the start. I lost the roll to deploy first and so I had to set up as the ambushed force in the middle of the table.


In the end it came down to three dice rolls in the last turn. The first dice roll saw one of my Dreadclaws with a squad of Tactical Marines vector locked by the Night Lords' Deredeo, which stopped me from claiming a four point objective in my last turn. The second crucial roll saw a Terror Squad fail their Leadership test when I Tank Shocked them off a three point objective with another Dreadclaw (they also fled off the table). The final roll saw me take seven 2+ saves on my Delegatus (who was in position to contest a four point objective) and two of the dice came up 1s... So two of the three crucial rolls went against me, meaning that I lost 7-9 due to Martial Hubris and Attrition (Martial Hubris is a strange rule for a Legion that is willing to sacrifice anything to achieve its objectives...).


So, a very narrow loss that came down to the very last turn. This was easily one of the most enjoyable and tactically engaging games I've ever played! :)
























Cool vid, dude!

Thanks, bro! :)


Ya those dawnbreakers are wicked. The dark fury kit has some great parts to it and the melee weapons compliment the look really well.

Thanks a lot, bro! I'm pretty happy with how they turned out. I just need to add a few more bodies to give them some survivability. :tu:



Thanks for looking ;)

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Personally, I think the ambush deployment is one of the dumbest core deployment types I've seen since I started playing in 4th. I can see the purpose for narrative battles, but as a general and always available deployment zone it's heavily imbalanced. Ambush-style deployment and advantages should come through use of unit/army special rules and strategy.


I believe martial hubris is a reference to the fact that the alpha legion believe they are always in control and will win. When they instead are at the receiving end and things aren't going as planned, it's a bit of a shock (see tallarn and praetorian of dorn for some of those moments).


I'll also point out that those dreadclaws are never allowed to be placed like that by the core rules, but maybe the event modified them.

Edited by SkimaskMohawk
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I've had another go at the metallic Emperor's Children colour scheme.














Next up I need to decide on a basing style before I add the final weathering stages.





Your army is super nice looking that color scheme is really well done!!

Thanks a lot! Really glad that you like the colour scheme!


How did the dawnbreakers do?

Destructive on the charge, but five isn't enough. A larger squad with an Apothecary would be far more useful. They're one of those squads that is so destructive on the charge that they nearly always win combat and often wipe out the enemy unit or break them and then have to face a whole round of enemy shooting...  I've had similar problems with Palatine Blades and Phoenix Guard.


Personally, I think the ambush deployment is one of the dumbest core deployment types I've seen since I started playing in 4th. I can see the purpose for narrative battles, but as a general and always available deployment zone it's heavily imbalanced. Ambush-style deployment and advantages should come through use of unit/army special rules and strategy.

Agreed. Even with my extremely manoeuvrable army I was on the back foot and at a disadvantage before the game even started.

I believe martial hubris is a reference to the fact that the alpha legion believe they are always in control and will win. When they instead are at the receiving end and things aren't going as planned, it's a bit of a shock (see tallarn and praetorian of dorn for some of those moments).

Yeah, I understand the 'logic' behind it, but it just feels weird for a Legion that is more willing to make sacrifices than just about any other, and it also discourages you from playing multiple small units of elite infantry (which I think fit the AL theme).

I'll also point out that those dreadclaws are never allowed to be placed like that by the core rules, but maybe the event modified them.

You're correct and I never usually play them like that, but my opponent suggested playing them like that while they were in hover mode (to differentiate them). I was happy to do this as definitely didn't disadvantage me and was much safer for the rest of the models.



Newly Aspiring Alpha Legion Operative here,

Kizz, how do you tool up your tactical squads for CotH? I’ve looked at your pics and it looks like they have CCWs but other than that pretty stock? Anyway love the army!

I keep them really cheap. I usually don't even pay for the combat weapons. If I do add options I'll go for either artificer armour or a melta-bomb on the sergeant, and maybe a nuncio-vox to help deep strike my Dreadclaws.






Thanks for looking ;)

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Damn, I need to get better at checking back here, i'm overwhelmed. Firstly, that event sounded amazing and I love the work on the not-wolves. I can only hope you caught something from it and we can welcome you to the Fang! :wink:


That EC dread scheme is so well done. I know i said it earlier on your Alphas but your colored metallics are easily my favorites I've ever seen and this is no different if not more impressive being a tough color sometimes.


Love it brother.

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I think I've finally found an EC scheme that I really like! 




























I've started writing up a couple of potential Emperor's Children lists and searching for suitable conversion bits...





I've gotta say Kizz that after all these years one of the things I can rely on here is you pumping out amazing 30K models. That purple is absolutely gorgeous!

Hahaha, thanks a lot bro! That's what I'm here for. Long live the Heresy :tu:


That dread is perfect. Very well done

Thanks a lot bro :)


Beautiful dreadnought! :smile.:

Thanks! Glad you like him.


Damn, I need to get better at checking back here, i'm overwhelmed. Firstly, that event sounded amazing and I love the work on the not-wolves. I can only hope you caught something from it and we can welcome you to the Fang! :wink:


That EC dread scheme is so well done. I know i said it earlier on your Alphas but your colored metallics are easily my favorites I've ever seen and this is no different if not more impressive being a tough color sometimes.


Love it brother.

Thanks a lot! That's vey nice of you to say. I definitely put a lot more effort in the metallic colour on the Contemptor than I usually do with most of the Alphas, so I'm glad that it's paid off.

I always have fun with the Space Wolf scheme because it's so great for weathering and oils. I don't have any plan to paint anymore at the moment, but I'm sure I'll paint another son of Russ at some stage.


God Kizz, that metallic EC scheme matches almost perfectly with the colour plates in the FW books, amazing job!


Also, where did you get that stripped-down leg component, it's such a great detail?!

Thanks a lot! That's what I was going for, but I decided to make a little bit more on the magenta side than the more royal purple that we see in the Forge World books. I'm very happy with how it turned out.

The stripped down leg is from Blood and Skulls Industry on eBay.




Thanks for looking ;)

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I just realised that I forgot to post a pic of the Palatine Blade test model that I painted up.









You da man kizz, those fist decals are just right.
A terran unification veteran

Thanks a lot bro! Are you talking about the raptor decal on the knee? It's actually from the new Emperor's Children transfer sheet :tu:

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This thread is always a joy to follow, one of the coolest collections of fantastically painted Horus Heresy miniatures in my book.
Love the Alpha Legion operatives and all the battle shots, there's nothing like fielding a fully painted force.
The metallic Emperor's Children scheme looks great, nice rich purple tone. Is it inks or Tamiya Clear?

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  • 1 month later...

I just finished (minus the multi-melta which I'm still trying to source) the Javelin today.



















I also painted this guy up recently. He will be the subject model for a tutorial that I've written up for my 'Fifth Column' Alpha Legion colour scheme. The tutorial will be appearing in a PDF Heresy/30k magazine created by the Eye of Horus podcast. 





I've also been working on this Alpha Legion model using the old indigo colour scheme as inspiration.









This thread is always a joy to follow, one of the coolest collections of fantastically painted Horus Heresy miniatures in my book.
Love the Alpha Legion operatives and all the battle shots, there's nothing like fielding a fully painted force.
The metallic Emperor's Children scheme looks great, nice rich purple tone. Is it inks or Tamiya Clear?

Thanks so much for the kind words! The purple is Eidolon Purple over a metallic pre-shade of Vallejo Metallics Gunmetal Grey and Chrome. I also added some Inktensity Violet in the shadows.


The one in the fist



I *LOVE* that you're back to painting Emperor's Children. It is, among your many talents, what you are best at. :woot:

Thanks so much, bro! Yeah, it's great to be back painting my favourite Legion. Because they're my favourites it was really difficult to find a colour scheme that properly fit my needs. You know what it's like, the more you're invested in a project, the more difficult it is to match your own expectations. I'm not 100% that I've got it yet, but I'm happy with the purple at least.




Thanks for looking ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Beautiful work as always! I really love the color purple you have been churning out. The dread and speeder are great and I love staring at the Palatine Blade. He just looks like the ideal IV legion warrior.


The Alpha Legion are looking sharp as well. I love the indigo colors and I am digging your fifth column scheme. Definitely looking forward to the tutorial to try out.

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