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It was about darn time that someone tackled "Ugly Eidolon" -- even better, then, that its you: Like all of your models, he is extraordinary!


fantastic work, both on the conversion and the painting (love the rich purple you have managed to achieve). If I have one nitpick, it's that I think he would have worked even better with at least the remains of his iconic hairdo ;)


But anyway, incredible stuff! :)

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Absolutely stunning miniature - both the build and the paint job. WOW!! One small nitpick: I think he would have come across just that .5% better if the haft of his hammer would poke out under his left hand. The pommel now just kinda dissapears in his hand, and it would have benefittef the miniature overall if it's show just a teensie bit below it. Other than that, this is as close to perfection as the Emperor's Children could come! <3

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After building and painting the Traitor Emperor's Children I needed to cleans my palate with a Loyalist. 


I've bean planing this conversion for a while (probably since the Blood Angels Praetor model was released), so it was great to finally get around to working on it :thumbsup:


Palamedes, Champion of the 34th Millennial (the 'Death Eagles'), IIIrd Legiones Astartes.RYKHq34.jpg






















I hope you like him :smile.:




Wow. Eidolon looks amazing dude. 

Thanks a lot! I was very happy with how he turned out.


Great model and paint job. Unfortunately I really can't stand Eidolon.

Hahaha, yeah, he's definitely an acquired taste. Glad you like the model.


Eidolon looks great. Love your painting, one of your best. 

Thanks so much! I was very happy with how he turned out.


Awesome work on Eidolon - though wasn't he in Terminator armour after the whole head chopping thing? Maybe I'm getting mixed up. 

Thanks! Nah, he's never worn Terminator armour as far as I'm aware. Maybe you're thinking about First Captain Julius Kaesoron?


Simply mind-blowing stuff. Your GS skills are freaking amazing. Congratulations!

Thanks a lot, bro! I actually really surprised myself with the greenstuff work. Glad you like it too.


Fantastically awesome work! 

Thanks a lot!



Excellent work on Eidolon's model. He doesn't match the description of the Daemon Prince in Wrath of Iron, though- no lightning claws, no use of rouge or other make-up, no stitches with silver thread. Is he a different individual who happens to share the name?

He's an Emperor's Children Officer, depiction probably M31.


Yeah, this is Eidolon, Lord Commander Primus, during the Horus Heresy.


It was about darn time that someone tackled "Ugly Eidolon" -- even better, then, that its you: Like all of your models, he is extraordinary!


fantastic work, both on the conversion and the painting (love the rich purple you have managed to achieve). If I have one nitpick, it's that I think he would have worked even better with at least the remains of his iconic hairdo :wink:


But anyway, incredible stuff! :smile.:

Thanks a lot bro! Much appreciated. I thought about doing the hair for a long time, but I didn't trust myself to pull it off without it looking ridiculous. I probably should have backed myself, but didn't at the time.


Eidolon is perfect!!! The greenstuff detail you added is top notch!

Thanks a lot! Much appreciated, bro.


The GS piping around the armor and on the jump pack?  How did you get it so thin and uniform? Excellent work!!!

I used a hobby knife and rubber tipped sculpting tool. There isn't really any special technique or trick.


Yooooo this is top rank stuff!

Thanks a lot! 



Thanks very much! 


Absolutely stunning miniature - both the build and the paint job. WOW!! One small nitpick: I think he would have come across just that .5% better if the haft of his hammer would poke out under his left hand. The pommel now just kinda dissapears in his hand, and it would have benefittef the miniature overall if it's show just a teensie bit below it. Other than that, this is as close to perfection as the Emperor's Children could come! <3

Thanks for the kind words bro! Yeah, I know what you mean re the hammer. He is actually holding the pommel of the hammer (a skull) in his hand. 


Man I just love everything about the model.
The subject, conversion and paintjob.
Will have to try and emulate that sweet purple.

Thanks bro! Glad you like him.


Damn it! Superb stuff mate! Really tempting me to have a bash at EC-ifying one of the new marines... I’ve got a couple of dudes that were going to be Night Lords, guess a couple of Noise Marines won’t hurt....

Yeah, go for it! I've made a few Traitor EC using the new CSM now. They work pretty well. 





Thanks for looking :wink:

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Lovely updates - never enough members of the 34th Millennial around ;)


I think Eidolon might be your best work yet. Love the distended and swollen head, really reminds me how EIdolon is described in the Siege of Terra and Fabius Bile novels. This bloated, alchemancy swollen thing that is garbed in exquisite finery. Like a toad in a golden harness almost.

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Palamedes is looking brilliant! I love that you've created an option for him to be bareheaded -- it just seems fitting for an officer of the III Legion for some reason ;) Also, it seems like he and "Ugly Eidolon" could almost be parts of a diorama showing the opposing forces within the legion. Just sayin'...


Love the shield, btw!


It was about darn time that someone tackled "Ugly Eidolon" -- even better, then, that its you: Like all of your models, he is extraordinary!


fantastic work, both on the conversion and the painting (love the rich purple you have managed to achieve). If I have one nitpick, it's that I think he would have worked even better with at least the remains of his iconic hairdo :wink:


But anyway, incredible stuff! :smile.:

Thanks a lot bro! Much appreciated. I thought about doing the hair for a long time, but I didn't trust myself to pull it off without it looking ridiculous. I probably should have backed myself, but didn't at the time.


Yeah, that seems like a perfectly sensible reason. Just for your information, however, there was a particular hair bit I thought of straight away when seeing the model: The WFB/AoS Black Ark fleetmaster comes with a - separate - hair piece that looks a lot like Eidolon's style -- maybe that's an addition that could still work?!

In any case, keep up the spectacular work!

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Ah man, I saw it on FB and I had my fingers crossed wishing that he was a loyalist! He might be blinged out, but retains that sense of elegance that I associate with the loyalist side of the Emperor's Children. And needless to say, the paintjob is as amazing as usual! Out of curiosity, do you happen to have any WIP picture at the building stage? I've seen your list of bits sources and I am really curious about which bits belong to some of the kits you mentioned!
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