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  • 2 weeks later...

I just finished painting a MkII Emperor's Child. I wanted to see if I could add some detail to the standard MkII kit to bring it more in line with the 3rd Legion aesthetic.

























Saw this on Instagram. I am always mind-blown by the smoothness you achieve in your weathering and faces.

Thanks a lot! Really glad you like the weathering and the faces.



Thanks very much!


Absolutely brilliant. I saw this on Instagram and immediately knew whose work it was. That definitely speaks to the level of your work.

Thanks a lot! I appreciate the kind words.


Excellent work on Palamedes' model.

Cheers! Glad you like him.


Lovely updates - never enough members of the 34th Millennial around :wink:


I think Eidolon might be your best work yet. Love the distended and swollen head, really reminds me how EIdolon is described in the Siege of Terra and Fabius Bile novels. This bloated, alchemancy swollen thing that is garbed in exquisite finery. Like a toad in a golden harness almost.

Thanks! That's exactly the look I was going for with Eidolon. Really glad you like him.


Palamedes is looking brilliant! I love that you've created an option for him to be bareheaded -- it just seems fitting for an officer of the III Legion for some reason :wink: Also, it seems like he and "Ugly Eidolon" could almost be parts of a diorama showing the opposing forces within the legion. Just sayin'...


Love the shield, btw!


It was about darn time that someone tackled "Ugly Eidolon" -- even better, then, that its you: Like all of your models, he is extraordinary!


fantastic work, both on the conversion and the painting (love the rich purple you have managed to achieve). If I have one nitpick, it's that I think he would have worked even better with at least the remains of his iconic hairdo :wink:


But anyway, incredible stuff! :smile.:

Thanks a lot bro! Much appreciated. I thought about doing the hair for a long time, but I didn't trust myself to pull it off without it looking ridiculous. I probably should have backed myself, but didn't at the time.


Yeah, that seems like a perfectly sensible reason. Just for your information, however, there was a particular hair bit I thought of straight away when seeing the model: The WFB/AoS Black Ark fleetmaster comes with a - separate - hair piece that looks a lot like Eidolon's style -- maybe that's an addition that could still work?!

In any case, keep up the spectacular work!

Thanks for the suggestion bro! I think the Fleetmaster's hair is probably a bit too intact for Eidolon. He gets most of his hair burnt off before he gets to Terra.


Ah man, I saw it on FB and I had my fingers crossed wishing that he was a loyalist! He might be blinged out, but retains that sense of elegance that I associate with the loyalist side of the Emperor's Children. And needless to say, the paintjob is as amazing as usual! Out of curiosity, do you happen to have any WIP picture at the building stage? I've seen your list of bits sources and I am really curious about which bits belong to some of the kits you mentioned!

I don't have a picture of the unassembled model, unfortunately. Which bits were you wondering about?


The finesse in your work is simply amazing! the fineness of your GS trim is is just mind boggling lol ... then you paint the figures and step it up yet another notch :jawdrop:

Thanks so much! Glad you like him.


If your Eidolon is exquisite I have run out of one liners to praise this.


He looks great, he is out Spartaning Asterion Moloc and that is saying something :smile.:


Madness? This is Palamedes.

Thanks a lot bro! I was going for that greco-roman theme. Glad it came through.


Goddamn, dude.Palamedes rocks the cake. :eek:

Thanks a lot bro! I'm really happy with how he turned out.



Thanks for looking ;)

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You have made Mk2 look more ornate and more sexy than that Mk4, to quote early Red vs Blue "That doesn't seem phyiscally possible!"

Well done.


I really like the extra bits on his belt, such as the empty holster, krak grenade, ammo pouches and the dagger.

Edited by No Foes Remain
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Metallic Purple Armour



It's been quite a while since I posted a 'step-by-step' tutorial, but I've been getting so many questions about the metallic purple of my Emperor's Children that I thought it was about time to make another.


I originally posted the tutorial on my Instagram page @raptorimperialis 


As with all of my models I started off by priming the model black. I used Chaos Black spray from GW. I left the head, power pack, and power sword unassembled for ease of painting.



The first colour that I used was Steel from the Vallejo Metallics range of paints. I thinned the paint 1/1 with Tamiya acrylic thinner. I applied a several coats using my airbrush until I had achieved complete coverage.



Next I applied Chrome, also from the Vallejo Metallics range, thinned in the same way, and applied with the airbrush. I applied the paint on an angle from the front left of the model (right side of the picture) and the back right. I made sure to leave plenty of the Steel stage showing to create some contrast. Creating strong contrast at this stage is essential for a 'pre-shaded' colour scheme.



I then put down the airbrush and used a regular paint brush to add a further level of definition to the pre-shade. I used Abaddon Black in the recesses and the cuts and chips and Vallejo Air Silver to add some edge highlights and fine scratches to the armour. I add these additional details because it is very difficult to highlight a metallic pre-shade colour scheme after the colour has been added. You are essentially painting a silver model, highlights and all, and then adding a colour over the top. Because the colours used are either inks or clear colours such as Eidolon Purple or Angron Red, the highlights and details added at this stage will still show through and be visible.



Now back to the airbrush and time for some colour. For the royal purple of my Emperor's Children I've chosen to use Eidolon Purple. It was originally sold by Forge World, but after being unavailable for sometime it has returned as part of the Citadel range sold at all GWs. The Eidolon Purple was thinned with Tamiya thinner at a ratio of about 1/1. Although the Eidolon Purple is already a very thin colour I added some thinner just to increase the control even more. I was very keen to avoid any spattering or pooling of colour on the armour panels. I applied the purple in several very thin coats. It takes quite a few coats to build up the colour, but because I was using an airbrush the coats were so thin that they dried very quickly. 



To finish off the armour I added a little bit of Inktensity Violet to the Eidolon Purple. The Inktensity Violet is and extremely rich colour and has a lot more blue in it than the Eidolon does, so I used it to add a bit more character to the darker areas of the model. You can see the violet on the lower sections of the shoulder and knee plates in particular.



And there you have it! Metallic purple armour. The same techniques could easily be used for a wide range of different metallic armour colours such as red for the Blood Angels, Thousand Sons, and Word Bearers, blue for the Alpha Legion, Night Lords, and Ultramarines, and green for the Salamanders and Sons of Horus. You just need to find a clear colour or artists ink that you think suits the Legion that you're painting.



I hope this tutorial gives some insight into the steps that are involved with my colour schemes and that people find it interesting and helpful.





I think you've outdone yourself, one of the best models I've seen, just excellent.

I'm pretty happy with how he turned out. Thanks very much for the kind words! 



Words cannot describe it. Your talent is ever-soaring upwards, like the III themselves. 

Thanks very much bro! Really glad you like him.




Now this is a hashtag trend I can get behind! I only have some helmets, myself, but I can really get behind this! Excellent job, my man!


​As always, your EC are phenomenal. Really makes me want to get back on my Horus Heresy Word Bearers. 

We can dream. It would be so great to see a plastic MkII kit. The Word Bearers will welcome you back when we get some plastic MkII.


Well, yet another awesomesauce Emperor's Children! Man, I think that if you send these pictures to FW promising to do more of them, you might convince them to bring back MkII

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Now this is a hashtag trend I can get behind! I only have some helmets, myself, but I can really get behind this! Excellent job, my man!


​As always, your EC are phenomenal. Really makes me want to get back on my Horus Heresy Word Bearers. 

We can dream. It would be so great to see a plastic MkII kit. The Word Bearers will welcome you back when we get some plastic MkII.


Look what you made me do!  :verymad: 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Some WIP pics of my Lucius conversion :tu:














That's really exceptional work, thank you for the tutorial.

My pleasure! Glad you like it.


The Mk. II guy is looking absolutely amazing! And yeah, #bringbackmkii indeed!

Thanks, bro! Much appreciated #brinbackmkii #bringbackcalth






Now this is a hashtag trend I can get behind! I only have some helmets, myself, but I can really get behind this! Excellent job, my man!


​As always, your EC are phenomenal. Really makes me want to get back on my Horus Heresy Word Bearers. 

We can dream. It would be so great to see a plastic MkII kit. The Word Bearers will welcome you back when we get some plastic MkII.


Look what you made me do!  :verymad: 


Hahaha, awesome! Not sorry at all :)


Even if I did apparently miss this - I think I managed to get in on just in time. Thank you for your tutorial .
And thank the Gods for that - and Noctus :wink:

Your EC are are just eye- watering beautiful. A true inspiration to get on the path of perfection!

Thanks for the kind words, much appreciated!


Amazing work as always, a very similar technique to what I used for my own Alpha Legion except that yours is much more detailed and you are basically better xD. Keep it up man that Emps Kiddo looks glorious !

Thanks a lot! Glad you like him.



Thanks for looking ;)

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Nearly there...


I just need to finish the greenstuff work on the sword before I paint it up.








Lucius is a great build. Fantastic modelling joining the Sanguinary Guard breastplate with those EC-themed wings :thumbsup:

Thanks a lot! Glad you like the chest plate. I took me ages to decide what to do for it.


It's so beautiful, I think my eyes are bleeding.... Truly, you have been blessed by the youngest of the Pantheon!


Jokes aside, freaking gorgeous start to Lucius. Can't wait to see him all done! :biggrin.:

Thanks a lot bro! Really glad you like him.


You're a skilled painter. I hope to see Lucius completed soon.

Thanks very much! Hopefully it'll be finished in the next couple of days.


Amazing work, as usual. The conversion on Lucius is stunning and the painting job even better.

And thank you for the tutorial btw, it's extremely useful. I will put it to good use soon.

Thanks for the kind words! Glad you think the tutorial is useful. Good luck with it :)





Thanks for looking ;)

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