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Lucius' pose makes him look unusually sedate. I expected him to have his sword raised high to salute those he's about to kill, or those he just killed. Is he looking bored to show contempt towards his foes, and hopefully, drive them into a rage that makes them sloppy in battle?


Good job on the weathering.

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Lucius is finished! I hope you like him :)



















Two of the Heresy's most well loved and down to earth characters :whistling:







LOVE IT!!!!! 

Thanks a lot!


Sexy as per. Wow

Thanks a lot, bro! 


Fantastic stuff. There's a bunch of ideas on that model I will need to borrow. :wink:

Thanks! Glad you like it.


Truly, your hands are blessed by the Gods. 


I'd love to see a pic of him with his masked helm too!

Thanks a lot bro! Yeah, I'll be taking some more pics of him. Unfortunately the camera battery went flat before I could take some pics of the helmet.


Lucius' pose makes him look unusually sedate. I expected him to have his sword raised high to salute those he's about to kill, or those he just killed. Is he looking bored to show contempt towards his foes, and hopefully, drive them into a rage that makes them sloppy in battle?

Good job on the weathering.

I wanted him to look disinterested or contemptuous of his enemies :tu:


Goddamn wonderful. I said it on the instachums, but your scheme for the 3rd should be the bar and studio scheme to aspire to! 

Thanks a lot bro! I really appreciate the kind words.


Fan-tastic! One of those minis you can just stare-on for hours and still see something wondrous, well done!

Thanks to Umbra's comment I just noticed the hand and it's great on Lucius. I can almost see it twitching slightly with anticipation. Love how such small details can change the way of perception :smile.:

Thanks a lot! I'm really glad you're enjoying the model.




Thanks for looking ;)

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I've just finished a Word Bearer character! He was a lot of fun to build and paint... now I just need to decide what to work on next.

























Now for Saul Tarvitz.


Then you'll have the Good, the Bad & the Ugly :biggrin.:


Amazing work, your miniatures are works of art.

I missed out on Saul... I'll have to get one sometime for sure though. 


Lucius' base looks AWESOME, with the dead Blood Angels and Imperial Fists. I presume it depicts him fighting at the Siege of the Imperial Palace?

Excellent work.

Thanks a lot! Yeah, I made the base for Eidolon, but I use it to photograph all of my Traitor characters.


As always great work! When I need inspiration I scroll through this thread from page 1

Thanks so much! Really glad you like the content.


Wow! I could repeat everything that's already been said about that EC scheme, but I'm stunned by just how well you pulled off Lucius's face, I can't say I've ever seen a post-Tarvitz, pre-Sharrowkyn representation of him. 

Thanks so much! Really glad you like Lucius' face. I had a lot of fun painting him.


This Lucius model is a masterpiece and I'm not even particularly fond of EC.  Heck, the base itself is a work of art.  Well done brother.   

Thanks you very much! Really glad you like him.


Wow! Lucius turned out fantastic!

Thanks very much!


I actually like Lucius!

Thanks very much, bro!


Hoo boys, i think next lucius conversion could be him grinning, amidst of bodies and wiping his blade clean.

your EC are just tasty, tasty eyecandy!

Thanks very much! That would be a great conversion!





Thanks for looking :wink:

Edited by Kizzdougs
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I had the pleasure of attending a 'Preferred Enemy' 30k event in Melbourne over the weekend. Five great games over the weekend and it was so great to get back together with the community after such a tough year.


Here are some pics from my games.






























Excellent model! Really loving the face and the tranquillity mixed with the feel of power on it. :thumbsup: 
Runes and markings are spot-on.

Thanks a lot bro! Glad you like the runes and the face etc.


That looks absolutely gorgeous! Great kitbash and I love that you've even gone so far as to give him a bare and helmeted head - and that the helmet is converted as well. Did you post WIP pictures of this bad boi? And if not, could you? I'd love to see what he consists of!

Thanks a lot bro! Here are a couple of WIP picks. Unfortunately I didn't take too many.





Saw this on Facebook yesterday, and I think the bare head is one of my personal favorites. Its incredibly charismatic and the gold eyes are a great touch.

Thanks very much bro! I was very happy with how the bare head turned out.


Beautiful work on the Dark Apostle.

Thanks very much, bro!


Excellent! Where is the bare head of the Dark Apostle from if you don't mind me asking?

Thanks! It's just the bare head from the plastic MkIV kit.





Thanks for looking ;)

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