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  • 4 weeks later...

Fine work on Fulgrim's son.

Thanks a lot, bro!


Centurion Mago, Captain of the Unbroken.


I loved this character in the Angron Primarch book, so I just had to make a miniature version of him. Hope you like him.
































Utterly gorgeous as always Kizz, you never cease to impress.

Thank you very much! 


outstanding :thumbsup:



There's just too much here for the meager number of 'Likes' I have to do this thread justice...... most excellent:thumbsup:

Thanks a lot! Glad you're enjoying the work.


Looks amazing as always dude. 

Thanks a lot!


That Emps Children looks fantastic. The work and level of detail you put into every miniature blows my mind! 

Thanks bro! I'm always looking for ways to add detail and personality to my minis.




Thanks for looking ;)

Edited by Kizzdougs
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  • 1 month later...

It's not Heresy, but I thought I'd share it here rather than resurrect my long dormant 40k WIP thread.



This was my attempt to "fix" the MkX Primaris armour. I love the scale of the Primaris marines, but I'm really not a fan of some elements of their armour design. 



















Apart from the obvious head and weapon swaps, I also trimmed down and re-sculpted the knee plates, removed the additional armour on the thigh plates, removed the round nodules on the ankles, and most importantly adjusted the angle and postion of the gorget. 


Overall, I'm pretty happy with how he turned out.


Excellent work in the World Eater. I believe the legs and torso are from the White Scars praetor? Where is the cape from?

Thanks! Yeah, that's right regarding the legs and torso. the Cloak was cut from a Warriors of Chaos charioteer cloak.


Excellent work on the World Eater.

Thanks very much!


really liking the centurion look about these ... keep up the good work!

Thanks, much appreciated! 


I somehow feel really strong gladiatorial vibes from Mago, nice! I think it might be the helmet, but I'm not sure :smile.: Awesome job in the original WE paint-scheme too.
However I also somehow find this particular spear too elegant. Perhaps a trident would fit better?

Thanks bro! The gladiatorial look was something that I was definitely going for. A trident would be really cool, but Mago wields a power spear in the fluff.


I saw it already on the gram, but MAN seeing it at full res, full screen here is just SO much better. Wow. 

Chipping with chipping fluid, no?

Thanks so much bro! Really glad you like him. Yeah, the chipping was with chipping fluid. I'm having a lot of fun with it.


Cool, where is the cloak from?

Thanks! It was cut from a Warriors of Chaos charioteer's cloak.





Thanks for looking ;)

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Thanks for the kind words everyone!



That... Is ridiculously good. Any WIP pictures of the sculpting process? I'd be very interested to see how you actually went about it.

Thanks a lot, bro! Here is a WIP pic of him.



Oh, wow...


Gorgeous work there, Kizzdougs! Always lovely to see the Angels Encarmine get some love, and your weathering/chipping work is insane! Spot on.

Thanks a lot bro! Glad you like him.


I saw this on Instagram and you are forgiven for it not being 30K...but get back to the 30K, lol!     :biggrin.:


Awesonme work man.

Hahaha, thanks a lot bro!


Yessss, my blood sings to see this great rendition of Sanguinius' scion! Love the weathering and green gems are spot on! Fantastic work on the metals too (that lining on the inside of the flamer's mouth - excellent touch!)

Not sold on the position of the combat blade though :wink:

Thanks a lot! Glad you like him.


Just stumbled on these Sons of Horus you did back in 2018, and I absolutely fell in love with the style. Any chance you have a rundown of how you painted them posted somewhere that you could direct me towards?

Thanks, and keep up the amazing work - your stuff is a real inspiration!


Thanks bro! Unfortunately I don't have a tutorial for the Sons of Horus. I painted their armour with an airbrush. I started with a black to white pre-shade and then airbrushed Lupercal Green over the top. I also airbrushed some Coelia Greenshade into the shadows. You can also add edge highlights if you want to. I did this by just adding some white to the Lupercal Green and painting it on by hand.





Thanks for looking ;)

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I bought some grey card today to use as a background when I photograph my minis. It's not as atmospheric as the black background, but it's definitely more forgiving to use.




















Just clicked on the first page instead of the latest post que 10 years of nostalgia. You should revisit your 1k sons again :biggrin.:

Damn, 10 years! I love the Thousand Sons but one of my regular gaming opponents has probably the best Heresy Thousand Sons army in the world, so I think I'll leave them to him for the moment :P


I think it says how good the conversions on the Primaris marine are that I spent ages looking at the painted photos trying to work out what you’d actually changed!

Thanks a lot bro! Thats' one of the signs of a good conversion, so I'm glad you like it :tu:





Thanks for looking ;)

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Ooof, great to see all those lovely miniatures you did over the years. Especially the White Scar you did for March of the Legions a couple years back brings back fond memories of a very active community and hobby vibe we had here. 

Also, that remodelled MkX plate looks fricking great! I'd love to do that for my Truescale berzerkers, but I'm not quite sure about how you did two things: The gorget and the removal and resculpting of the circular ankle thingies. The WIP pic you posted hints at how you did the gorget, and really only says 'removed the circular ankle thinges and resculpted with greenstuff/milliput mixture' to me. If you would be so very kind, would you mind giving an explanation as to the process? Pretty please? With sugar on top? Today is my birthday after all... :D 

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Ooof, great to see all those lovely miniatures you did over the years. Especially the White Scar you did for March of the Legions a couple years back brings back fond memories of a very active community and hobby vibe we had here. 


Also, that remodelled MkX plate looks fricking great! I'd love to do that for my Truescale berzerkers, but I'm not quite sure about how you did two things: The gorget and the removal and resculpting of the circular ankle thingies. The WIP pic you posted hints at how you did the gorget, and really only says 'removed the circular ankle thinges and resculpted with greenstuff/milliput mixture' to me. If you would be so very kind, would you mind giving an explanation as to the process? Pretty please? With sugar on top? Today is my birthday after all... :biggrin.:

Happy Birthday! :biggrin.:


With the gorget I cut it off in a single piece, glued it to it's new position and then filled the gap with the green-stuff/milliput mix.

The circular ankle pieces were even easier to fix. I cut then down so that they were on the same level as the armour panels that they cover. This meant that the front half of them was slightly higher than the back half because of the raised armour on the fron of the shin (relative to the armour on the back of the calf). I then used the gree-stuff/milliout mix to fill in the gaps. This mix is great because unlike pure green-stuff it is easy to cut and sand once it has dried. This meant that it was very easy to work the sculpted areas to blend seamlessly with the plastic armour.


Unfortunately I don't have any better picture of the conversion work on the leg armour.



Your Sons of Horus are probably one of my favorites. That scheme, oof. 

Thanks so much! Glad you like the SoH :tu:




Thanks for looking ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been working on a Sigismund conversion. He's nearly done now, just a few details and the base left to do. I hope you like him :biggrin.:














I took some artistic license with the Black Sword, because a lustreless and unmarked black metal blade would look really boring. I still tried to make it much darker than how I usually paint blades.





Thanks for looking ;)


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