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The entire squad and each model in it are absolutely breathtaking. However, this guy really takes the cake for me:



He has a very strong early 90s Jes Goodwin look about him (comparable to the seminal models for the four traitor legions that are still available today -- in fact, he even resembles the EC model from that very set!), yet he is also a "modern day" tabletop model: The best of the old, combined with the best of the new. Brilliant!
Edited by KrautScientist
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It's hard to quantify exactly what a perfect IIIrd legion Astartes is, but I'm pretty sure it includes a gold plated boltgun. 


Magically lovely work, Kizzdougs. Keep that business happening. Especially with suits of MK2 and 3. You don't often see those integrated well into the III color schemes. 

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Thanks everyone!! :tu:


Oh my word. They are something else! Everything is top notch, doing the Fulgrimite's proud!

Thanks mate, glad you like them.



The entire squad and each model in it are absolutely breathtaking. However, this guy really takes the cake for me:

He has a very strong early 90s Jes Goodwin look about him (comparable to the seminal models for the four traitor legions that are still available today -- in fact, he even resembles the EC model from that very set!), yet he is also a "modern day" tabletop model: The best of the old, combined with the best of the new. Brilliant!


Yeah, I was really happy with how that particular legionary turned out. Very Collected Visions. The Phoenician helmet and the MkIII go really well together. I've said before, that if I had my time with the EC again, I'd probably do the whole force in MkII-III.  


Beautiful veterans!

Thanks bro!


I love the sergeant and aquilifier, but those 2 marines with the phoenix helmets definetly take the cake of awesomess.

The Phoenician helmets are awesome! I'd almost consider giving them to every legionary if I had enough of them.


Freaking fantastic! Man I just want to have our two legions fight so badly dammit.

The feeling is mutual! If I'm every in your part of the world i'll be sure to look you up.


Awesome to hear that you might be starting on a test mini for your BAs soon. I'm pretty keen to see it.



It's hard to quantify exactly what a perfect IIIrd legion Astartes is, but I'm pretty sure it includes a gold plated boltgun. 


Magically lovely work, Kizzdougs. Keep that business happening. Especially with suits of MK2 and 3. You don't often see those integrated well into the III color schemes. 


Thanks Flint! The gold plated weapons will be a more frequent thing amongst my legionaries in the future. Glad you like the MkII and III, they're probably my favourite minis too.


The finished squad is fantastic, it all works perfectly.

Thanks bro! Looking forward to some more of your XII Legion.


As everyone else has said; beautiful miniatures! I too got stuck on the MKIII Marine, there's just something about the combo of heavy armour and intricate detail that draws me to it.

Thanks dude! The MkIII is great for the Emperor's Children (even if it's use was limited in the Legion) because of all of the additional detail. Just anther excuse to paint more gold.



Thanks again everyone. Your kind words really do help to keep me inspired and motivated :)

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They are fabulous *jazz hands*. All the extra details look completely stock as I thought, a great job integrating them. Painting's as perfect as ever.

Thanks a lot, dude! Glad you like the way the detail turned out :)


These are absolutely stunning. I now fully appreciate why they are the pretty boys of the legions.....  :wink:

Haha, nothing wrong with looking good while doing the Emperor's work :P


As has been said multiple times now, that MkIII is great, straight from Visions. If I might suggest something however, I feel like the brightness of the bolter kind of distracts from the finished model, but that is so minor its negligible. Again awesome IIIrd Legion, maybe time for an army shot???

Thanks, dude! I see what you mean with the bolter. I probably should have broken up all of the silver with either some black or gold. I'm planning to get some professional photos taken of my Fantasy Warriors of Chaos army, I'll probably get a few taken of the EC at the same time :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been getting a couple of minis together for my first ETL vow. I've also started work on some Tartaros Terminators (just adding green stuff detail at this stage).


Primus Medicae. I'm pretty happy with how he is looking at the moment, but as soon as he was assembled I regretted not giving him a Phoenix Spear. I might still replace the claw with a spear and use the claw on one of the regular terminators.



I'm thinking of entering this mini as a Legion Delegatus.



Thanks for looking ;)

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Very nice work, mate. :) I agree about keeping the power claw. Given that an apothecaries primary task is to to see to the injured a spear would make less sense as it's a bit unwieldy to hold in your off-hand whilst administering to a wounded marine. Having said that, by the same token the claw is probably a tad risky for the patient if, in the heat of battle, he forgets his left and right. ;)

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It's ETL time!!!



For my first vow I'm pledging a Primus Medicae and a 6 man terminator squad. I've also got some more goodies coming from FW, so hopefully I'll be able to make a couple of subsequent vows.


I wasn't planning to make a start today, but I had some spare time in the evening and just couldn't help myself. So far I've just started to lay down some base colours on the Medicae (who I need to find a name for). The gold still needs another coat (and there is quite a lot of it), and then I'll be able to give the various colours a wash.


Primus Medicae: Terminator armour and lightning claw



Terminator sergeant: Phoenix spear, grenade harness, and combi-plasma



Terminator: Power axe and combi-plasma



Terminator: Power axe and combi-melta



Terminator: Power axe and combi-plasma



Terminator: Power axe and combi-melta (I'm waiting for the combi-melta to arrive from fw)



Terminator: Chainfist and heavy flamer (again, I'm waiting for the heavy flamer to arrive from fw)




As you can see i've added some III Legion specific details to the terminators, so hopefully it shows up well once they're painted.




Thanks for looking ;)


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