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Thanks for the kind words! :) I'm also trying to make a helmet option for the Custode. I thought I had a spare White Lion helmet somewhere, but I can't seem to find it, so I'm making do with a Loremaster's helmet. It doesn't have the same eagle/phoenix detail as the White Lion helmet, so I'm going to have to do some extra work on it.



Could you explain how you made that excellent Guardian Spear? For those who might want to follow in your footsteps with regards to the Sigmarines.

Sure :) As I'm sure you can tell, the haft and blade are from a Grey Knight halberd. The bolter was from the Sanguinary Guard kit, and the magazine was from a FW Umbra pattern boltgun. For the bolter and magazine, just about any bolter would do. I started by cutting the blade from the end of the halberd and trimming off the cross piece. I then cut the bolter into the shape you can see and glued it on. After that all that was left to do was add the  halberd blade as a bayonet.


He looks awesome. I had originally thought the bearded head looked too old but it doesn't in that photo. I still vote Mohawk because it just looks like a Custode to me because of the aforementioned art.

Yeah, it's a much better photo of the bearded head, but the mohawk head is pretty classic.


That looks great next to an actual marine. I think the beefyness is due more to the odd squatting stance he's been sculpted in. If he was standing up straight he'd look very much in proportion (and also slightly taller than a marine, like all good Custodes should be :tongue.: ). Excited to see more and soon!

Thanks, bro! Yeah, all of the extra detail plus the shield make him look much bulkier. Having said that, he is still quite a bit bigger than a marine.


The spear is outstanding.

Thanks, dude! Glad you like it.


Great work on the Custodes! Yes, I think the mohawk head is the way to go, it fits in nicely with existing artwork. :cool.:

Thanks, mate! I'm leaning towards the mohawk, but I'm also working on a helmet.


The fact that he is as tall as a terminator is a big plus, since custodes are supposed to be bigger (and bulkier?) than astartes.

I'm not sure about bulkier, but definitely slightly taller.


It's a cool conversion, especially with your lovely push molds. Question though, what are those little red balls you're using for gems? (Not sure if mentioned before or not)
Keep up the good work as always!

The 'gems' are little balls that I got from a model train shop. I think they're supposed to be used as apples in model train scenery. They're the perfect size to be used with the GW pin vice.




I've also been doing some work on my fourth ETL vow, the Deredeo. So far I've just got the base colours done. Next up I'll be applying the washes.







Thanks for looking ;)

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I like how to studs on the deredeo make it's legs look kind of like Mk V.

Thanks, bro! I don't have any MkV in my army, but many of the Tartaros and MkIV marines have the same style of reenforcing studs.


There is just so much awesome in this thread. The deredeo is my second favorite next to your vets.

Thanks for the kind words, dude :)



I got some more work done on the Deredeo over the weekend. The majority of the work is done with only a few details and the base left to do. Hopefully I'll be able to get him finished in the next couple of days and start planing my final vow.












Thanks for looking ;)

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Thanks so much, everybody! Really glad you all like how the Deredeo turned out :)




Still awesome even after 24 hours and my previous comment getting eaten. What's next Kizz?

Haha, a lot of thing were eaten :P Next up I'm planning to paint the Custode as my final ETL vow.


I can't wait to see that Custodes painted :smile.:


Also, beard trumps mohawk any day.

I'm sorry, bro... I've decided to go with the mohawk...


Awesome. so clean and regal and dangerous. Do you highlight your brass with silver?

Thanks, mate! I love how your "Helldrake" is coming along. The 'brass' is a base coat of Gehenna's Gold, washed with Agrax Earthshade, and highlighted with Runefang Steel.


buddy Fulgrim can go kick rocks YOU sir are the master of the III legion

Hahaha, you're too kind. As loyalists, my legionaries are glad you think so :P




So brothers, I'm going to paint up the Custode as my final ETL vow. My question is, what should I count him as for the purpose of calculating his point value in the ETL? So far I'm thinking that a Praetor with a boarding shield and a master crafted paragon blade would be the best fit. What I'm not so sure about is what to count the missile part of his guardian spear as. Would a regular bolter be right or would something a bit more esoteric, such as a archaeotech pistol, be more appropriate? What do you think? As soon as I make a decision I'll vow him to the ETL :)





Thanks for looking ;)

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ETLIV, vow V: complete










I took a whole lot of WIP pictures but never got to share them.


I'd just like to say a massive thank you to Captain Semper! I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say that I really appreciate all of the time and effort that you put into running such a great event, every year. I've had a great time in this years ETL and I'm pretty happy with the work that I've managed to produce.



Thanks for looking ;)

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Your Custodes is really impressive Kizz. It's a perfect support for your awesome metallic colors.

But what I like the most is all the subtle modifications you did to the AoS mini. I myself bought an AoS starting box, I plan to do a Custodes squad (and several Inq28 conversions). Is it possible to show us a picture pre-basecoat plz ??

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I finally got to have a look at the Stormcasts this week up close, and I take back my dumpy comment, they're pretty much perfect. Stellar job Kizz, you're making me want to build a small detachment...if only I played 30k!

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I have to admit, I think Mohawk head was the right call now that I see him all together.


Great job!


Just promise you'll use Sean Connery head for some fun project down the road! :d

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