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Your Custodes is really impressive Kizz. It's a perfect support for your awesome metallic colors.

But what I like the most is all the subtle modifications you did to the AoS mini. I myself bought an AoS starting box, I plan to do a Custodes squad (and several Inq28 conversions). Is it possible to show us a picture pre-basecoat plz ??

Thanks, bro! Looking forward to seeing how you go with your Custodes squad. Here is a pre undercoat pic :)



Awesome looking mini.

Thanks, mate :)


He looks fantastic. The gold is really nice, the model is perfect to show off your ability to paint metals. Will you be making some more?

Thanks, dude! I'd like to make some more at some stage, but I'm sure FW will bring out some amazing Custodes eventually so who knows?


I finally got to have a look at the Stormcasts this week up close, and I take back my dumpy comment, they're pretty much perfect. Stellar job Kizz, you're making me want to build a small detachment...if only I played 30k!

Do it! It's pretty easy to make an army that fits into both 30k and 40k. The Stormcast Retributors would make even better Custodes.


I have to admit, I think Mohawk head was the right call now that I see him all together.


Great job!


Just promise you'll use Sean Connery head for some fun project down the road! :biggrin.:

I've been saving Sean Connery for my Command Squad standard bearer (whenever I get around to making a Command Squad :P ). I heard the Eye of Horus guys read out your email on the latest podcast. Your XII Legion idea sounds awesome, just make sure you finish off the Templars first...

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So what's up next on the to do list?


Have you considered running the predator with Executioner Plasma?

I've just started assembling my Spartan, so hopefully I'll be able to have it built soon.  The Predator Executioners are pretty awesome. Personally I don't really like painting and building tanks (they lack character compared to the infantry), but their in game appeal is strong.


Ps. looking forward to seeing how your Salamanders go :tu:

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I know conversion work is so much more self satisfying.


I've started them at least just need to get my holiday over and done with then ill be full throttle on my hobby projects

You must be getting pretty excited about your jet-setting holiday! :)





I'm pretty keen to try out some weathering techniques. I've never been confident with weathering and my clean/cartoonish style has never really suited it. I feel that this is a major weakness in my painting range, especially in regards to 30K, which really seems to suit a more realistic/rugged aesthetic. For my first real foray into weathering I'm going to be using this Immortal mini as the base. My question to all of you is, which Legion should he be from, and what type of character should he be? I'm very open to suggestions and I'm happy to consider any Legion or character type. So far I've been considering making him either a Moritat, Destroyer Sergeant, Siegemaster or maybe even a Legion specific Centurion type, but as I said, I'm open to suggestions. So let me know what you think :)


The base mini. A pretty blank canvas, so he could be just about anything.





Thanks for looking ;)

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Could make him a Consul Praevian and paint up some Castellax or Vorax alongside him? The Iron Hand cabling lends itself pretty well to representing a Cortex Controller/Designator. If you went this direction, maybe Raven Guard with Vorax (RG Praevian is the only one that can be Fleet alongside them IIRC), shattered legion style after escaping Isstvan V with as many of his robots as he could. With Castellax... well, anything would be cool. Maybe Death Guard for attempting that really beaten up look?


He'd even make a great Emperor's Children weathering test as a Praevian. The long company of machines has distanced him from the rest of his Legion and he doesn't maintain the appearance of his armor to the same degree or something like that?


Whichever direction you end up taking I'm sure it'll turn out awesome :D This thread has some of the most inspiring ideas around and has really kicked my butt into gear when it comes to trying new techniques.

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Salamander ;)

Go the route of poor and use them as Plasma support squads they look brutal when used like that.


And yeah chief a couple of hours till I'm heading g to the airport so I'm like an ADHD kid without ritalin right now.


I'll have to bring back something decent and focus on a ZM board finally

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Thanks for the input guys! I'm still undecided. Hopefully I'll be able to make a choice in the next couple of days so that I can do some hobby whilst I listen to the latest episode of the Eye of Horus (when it's uploaded). I'm still keen to hear your thoughts and ideas. So please keep them coming. They've been super helpful so far :tu:




For some reason that screams Alpha Legion to me. Maybe have him as a character from 'Legion', especially as the desert world they fight on (I can't remember the name atm :tongue.:) would give ample chance at weathering.

Hmmm, I hadn't really considered the XX. Their vibrant scheme/s would look great against the desert colours and weathering. If I was to paint him as an Alpha what kind of character would you suggest?


Blood Angel, fighting on Murder before the arrival of the Luna Wolves and Emperors Children. A boggy planet covered in alien woods filled with arachnid like xenos, would give you a good reason to add scratches and mud.

Haha, yeah fighting on Murder would be a great reason for some heavy weathering and battle damage. Maybe I could even make one of his arms severed at the wrist/elbow. The Megarachnids weren't very friendly. The red armour would look great with some weathering and damage. Plus I'm already pretty confident when it comes to painting red. What kind of character would you suggest?


Could make him a Consul Praevian and paint up some Castellax or Vorax alongside him? The Iron Hand cabling lends itself pretty well to representing a Cortex Controller/Designator. If you went this direction, maybe Raven Guard with Vorax (RG Praevian is the only one that can be Fleet alongside them IIRC), shattered legion style after escaping Isstvan V with as many of his robots as he could. With Castellax... well, anything would be cool. Maybe Death Guard for attempting that really beaten up look?


He'd even make a great Emperor's Children weathering test as a Praevian. The long company of machines has distanced him from the rest of his Legion and he doesn't maintain the appearance of his armor to the same degree or something like that?


Whichever direction you end up taking I'm sure it'll turn out awesome :biggrin.: This thread has some of the most inspiring ideas around and has really kicked my butt into gear when it comes to trying new techniques.

Thanks for the kind works, bro :) I like the Raven Guard idea. I could even model min as though he is fighting in the Dropsight Massacre. That would definitely give me an excuse to try my hand at some seriously heavy damage and weathering. The only down side to the Raven Guard is that it might be more difficult to effectively weather the black armour. The Death Guard is definitely an option. I've been considering the XIV for a while and I recon he would make a great Death Guard Moritat. He definitely has that heavy infantry look and all of the tubing around his neck could easily represent additional hostile environment/hazchem equipment. 


Salamander :wink:
Go the route of poor and use them as Plasma support squads they look brutal when used like that.

And yeah chief a couple of hours till I'm heading g to the airport so I'm like an ADHD kid without ritalin right now.

I'll have to bring back something decent and focus on a ZM board finally

Awesome, dude! Hope you have a great flight (it's sooooo long). Looking forward to seeing what you plunder from Warhammer World. 

The MkIII would suit a Salamander. Definitely an option. Plasma gunner or some kind of volkite weapon would be nice.


I'm going to suggest a Siegemaster of the XIV, commanding a battery of Dusk Raiders Medusae and Basilisks at the siege of Muscovy Hive during the Unification Wars.




I dunno why, just seems like he fits the role.

The XIV is definitely up there as an option. I hand't really considered the Dusk Raiders. They would certainly be a unique choice. Do you think that MkIII would be appropriate for the Unification Wars?


Im with GrandMagnus, fighting on murder was brutal and dirty, perfect for what youre trying to achieve. 


(although I personally believe that the clean style paintjob looks excellent for certain legions)


Clean painting certainly has it's place (the glorious III Legion ;) ). I'm keen to develop my skills so that I have the confidence to tackle other Legions if I get the urge. 



Thanks again ;)

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Blood Angel, fighting on Murder before the arrival of the Luna Wolves and Emperors Children. A boggy planet covered in alien woods filled with arachnid like xenos, would give you a good reason to add scratches and mud.

Haha, yeah fighting on Murder would be a great reason for some heavy weathering and battle damage. Maybe I could even make one of his arms severed at the wrist/elbow. The Megarachnids weren't very friendly. The red armour would look great with some weathering and damage. Plus I'm already pretty confident when it comes to painting red. What kind of character would you suggest?


Considering he is wearing MK III I think some kind of heavy weapon or support weapon. A (heavy) flamer, a volkite or heavy bolter? Or make him into a squad leader of such a type squad. I think that would look cool.

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IRON HANDS! It would fit so well with your Emperors Children! Make him a Forge Lord or Siege Breaker Consul and go all out bionic on him. You are great at metallics but you could also weather him up so he looks like he just got off Istvaan alive, flex them artistic muscles! :D 

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Blood Angel, fighting on Murder before the arrival of the Luna Wolves and Emperors Children. A boggy planet covered in alien woods filled with arachnid like xenos, would give you a good reason to add scratches and mud.

Haha, yeah fighting on Murder would be a great reason for some heavy weathering and battle damage. Maybe I could even make one of his arms severed at the wrist/elbow. The Megarachnids weren't very friendly. The red armour would look great with some weathering and damage. Plus I'm already pretty confident when it comes to painting red. What kind of character would you suggest?


Considering he is wearing MK III I think some kind of heavy weapon or support weapon. A (heavy) flamer, a volkite or heavy bolter? Or make him into a squad leader of such a type squad. I think that would look cool.


Hmmm, I do have a few heavy/special weapons lying around. I'll have a think about it :)


How about keep as an Iron Hand. Your great at metalics, experiment with a metalics black, weathering the metal and the armour together. Would also stand proudly next to yout EC.

I recon it would be really difficult to weather/damage metallic black. I'll have to do a bit of research to see if I can find a good example. He would definitely fit in with the EC, though.


IRON HANDS! It would fit so well with your Emperors Children! Make him a Forge Lord or Siege Breaker Consul and go all out bionic on him. You are great at metallics but you could also weather him up so he looks like he just got off Istvaan alive, flex them artistic muscles! :biggrin.:

I'm definitely considering both the Forge Lord and Siege Breaker options. Again, I recon it would be pretty difficult to effectively weather/damage metallic black armour. Further research is required.


@Kizzdougs: Hell yes I think Mark III is appropriate for the Unification Wars. The way I see it, the Unification had some of the bloodiest engagements of all time, and it's only right that Mark III was developed in response to that.

It would have to be a super early prototype. I'm pretty sure MkIII wasn't developed until the Great Crusade was well underway. I could still paint him as a Dusk Raider, though.

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@Kizzdougs: Hell yes I think Mark III is appropriate for the Unification Wars. The way I see it, the Unification had some of the bloodiest engagements of all time, and it's only right that Mark III was developed in response to that.

It would have to be a super early prototype. I'm pretty sure MkIII wasn't developed until the Great Crusade was well underway. I could still paint him as a Dusk Raider, though.



Not necessarily. As we've seen time and time again, the Legions often took their own cues with their plate in their own forges, and it isn't out of the question that a tek with a good idea would attempt to up armour a Crusade Suit to survive a known frontal assault. Considering also that the Mk III is just Mk II with a more robust actuator system and extra plate, such tech wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility, even without the union of Mars and Terra yet. Remember, the Terrawatt Clan were mostly likely Martain Expatiates. They have the technology. They can make it bigger, faster, stronger, and all the other 'Million-Dollar Man' Quotes.

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Bah, all Death Guard are dirty and weathered, what you dont see often is a beaten and bloodied son of Baal. But, whatever way you go it will be awesome.

I agree with this. You expect to see DG weathered and beaten; I think you should go with something a bit more unusual.

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Well, going back to Murder, how about one of the battered III Legion that made planet fall with Eidolon and his mad grab at glory? Personally, I'd love to see a grubby, beat up, paint-chipped Emperor's Children marine.

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