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wheatering ... on this mini ... well i'll go for something dirty, due to the armor, tubes, "tech" parts... why not a Deathguard artillery operator ? white/bone armor will be a good color to test your weathering techniques ^^

Yeah, Death Guard were one of the first Legions that I thought of. I've decided to go with the world eaters, so a faily similar scheme but a much different feel.


Well with the metallic black, you could have plain metal where the black finish has been taken off, and then you could do different wetehring on that metal, rust, verdigris etc.

Or go wth the Death Guard, weathering is their uniform.

I'm just not sure how good i could make it look though. I was also very close to painting him as a Son of Horus, but the metallic sea-green armour posed the same challenges.


Bah, all Death Guard are dirty and weathered, what you dont see often is a beaten and bloodied son of Baal. But, whatever way you go it will be awesome.

The same could be said for the Emperor's Children. It would probably have more impact if I weathered a III or IX Legion warrior, but i wanted to play it safe for my first serious attempt at the technique.


Well, going back to Murder, how about one of the battered III Legion that made planet fall with Eidolon and his mad grab at glory? Personally, I'd love to see a grubby, beat up, paint-chipped Emperor's Children marine.

The only thing that stopped me sticking with the Emperor's Children was that a heavily weathered mini wouldn't fit with the rest of my collection. If I was being entirely practical I should probably cut my teeth on a scheme/mini that was relevant to my army. Unfortunately I've decided to be impractical...




Thanks for the ideas guys! I've decided to do something a little bit different. I figured that if I was going to paint a warrior from another Legion, I might as well go all the way and paint something as different to my Loyalist III Legion as possible. Plus I had a spare meteor hammer lying around :P To this end I've built a traitor from the XII Legion. I've based him on the Triarii, the elite boarding formation of the World Eaters, and their leader, Delvarus. Let me know what you think. I still need to make it look like he is actually holding the chain of the meteor hammer. I'm planning to start painting him today.





Thanks for looking ;)

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That is immense.


Nothing else to add. Oh, except maybe only put some crusty dried blood in the recesses of the shield, make it look like a aged killing weapon.

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Yes! ^_^


For one glorious day, the XII shall reign artistically supreme!


This is the most excited I've been for an Astartes single mini for quite some time.

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You know that's my model now @_@

Haha, hope you're enjoying your trip so far :)


I figured my suggestion was a long shot, but I approve the choice you made. Just don't do the stereotypical drenched in blood thing, please?


Now, I might have to see about doing a III marine from Murder myself.

I'd love to see you do a warrior from the III Legion, Murder or not! I'll try to keep the blood minimal. I was thinking that the shield and meteor hammer would both look good with a little blood splatter, but we'll have to see. Any blood I add will be the last step, so I'll have to see if it's appropriate then. It might be better off without any.


World Eater triarii? Also a great idea! I concur with BCK, no blood or at least very little of it, since everybody seems to paint World Eaters like they are literaly bathing in blood.

Hopefully any blood splatters that I add will be tasteful and in moderation :P


That is immense.


Nothing else to add. Oh, except maybe only put some crusty dried blood in the recesses of the shield, make it look like a aged killing weapon.

Thanks, dude! Glad you like him.


Yay! Another convert :wink:


Seriously, seeing your World Eaters will be such a treat! I can hardly wait!

Thanks, bro! At this stage the World Eater is a one off. Who know, maybe I'll enjoy painting the XII so much that I'll be compelled to give him some brothers.


Yes! :happy.:


For one glorious day, the XII shall reign artistically supreme!


This is the most excited I've been for an Astartes single mini for quite some time.

Thanks, Flint! Now that the pressure is on I'd better not fail :P I can't promise that he'll be as 'pretty' or shiny as my Emperor's Children, but he'll have his own charm.




Some WIP pics. At this stage I've put down most of the base colours and given them a wash. Next up I'll add some highlights (not as fine or bright as those on my Emperor's Children) and then it'll be onto the weathering. Let me know what you think :)













Thanks for looking ;)

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Sweet. The OK plate works well as a World Eater shield. I think you should do some blood, just don't overdo it. Blood is almost part of the WE livery right? Complaining that 'everyone paints their WE bloody' strikes me like saying 'everyone gives their IH bionics' or 'everyone gives their NL trophies'. It's a part of who they are as a legion. I can see why some people would want to go against those stereotypes but it's hardly a surprise that so many WE forces have a lot of blood on them. But in this case no matter what legion it was I'd do blood on the hammer and shield. Edited by fire golem
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Looking fantastic, Kizz



Complaining that 'everyone paints their WE bloody' strikes me like saying 'everyone gives their IH bionics' or 'everyone gives their NL trophies'. It's a part of who they are as a legion.


Is it really, or is just something the first people to start doing pre-Heresy models did and almost everyone since has convinced themselves it's de rigueur for the XII Legion? How much blood is on the official models from Forge World? None, really. The only one on their site that has any noticeable blood is the one that Angron is chopping down with with his right arm.


You might also note I said 'the stereotypical drenched in blood thing'. Some is fine, but I'm getting tired of seeing the XII armies where it looks like each marine got soaked with a hose spraying blood.

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Looking fantastic, Kizz



Complaining that 'everyone paints their WE bloody' strikes me like saying 'everyone gives their IH bionics' or 'everyone gives their NL trophies'. It's a part of who they are as a legion.


Is it really, or is just something the first people to start doing pre-Heresy models did and almost everyone since has convinced themselves it's de rigueur for the XII Legion? How much blood is on the official models from Forge World? None, really. The only one on their site that has any noticeable blood is the one that Angron is chopping down with with his right arm.


You might also note I said 'the stereotypical drenched in blood thing'. Some is fine, but I'm getting tired of seeing the XII armies where it looks like each marine got soaked with a hose spraying blood.


I Think that the huge problem with the blood is that it isnt done realistically. The blood seems to have rained upon them, or as you state "soaked them". Some spray in the arc of a slash looks great in my opinion, but what pisses me off the most is the use of blood only on the weapon blade. It just looks tacky when every marine with a chain bayonet has blood on it. But thats just me lol.



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Thanks for the great feedback!


@Grandmagus: I pretty much followed the FW painting guide. I just added a couple of steps at the end, such as some 'black lining' with a mix of Nuln Oil and Agrax Earthshade, and some small patches of Agrax Earthshade around the rivets and battle damage.



I've pretty much got him done now. All that I need to do is the weathering and a base. 









Now I just need to watch/read a whole lot of weathering tutorials... wish me luck.



Thanks for looking ;)





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