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Thanks for the love, everybody :)



He looks fantastic!!! If you add blood you could add it on the lip of the shield like he hit someone in the gorget? Just a thought, he looks awesome though, I LOVE THIS THREAD

Thanks, bro! The shield is a prime candidate for some blood. At this stage I'm planning to have the blood on the actual face of the shield rather than the lip because it will show up much better on the white background.


He looks fantastic but, why is the bare skin on his right arm a metallic grey? Is he a Cuth'vasi like Flint's Eaters?

Thanks, mate! the skin is just Rhinoxhide with a little Cadian Fleshtone mixed in, so no metallics. I think it might be a bit of glare on the picture that makes it look metallic.




The warrior is almost finished now. I just need to add a couple of strategically placed blood splatters. I'm also thinking that I'll try something a bit different for the base. My usual zone mortalis/industrial style bases wouldn't really fit with the weathering powder that I've used. Speaking of weathering powders, if you haven't used them before, I highly recommend you give them a go. They're very straightforward to use and can produce great results (I might have gone slightly overboard...). I'd never used the powders before, but I'll definitely be using them again. I feel that they have opened up a whole lot of colour schemes (IV, VII, X, XII, XIV, and XIX Legions in particular) that I wouldn't usually be comfortable/confident painting. It's a great feeling :)











Thanks for looking ;)

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Incredible mini ! I really love the use of the IH mini for a world Eater. Always good to see some variety in the Legions, and not only archetypal units.


The white and the weathering are awesome. There no roof to your talent ? :D

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Thanks everyone! I'm just doing some research on blood splatter techniques...




So weathery!


Poor guy looks like he just finished bringing Tatooine into compliance. 

Haha, I recon I might try to give him a martian/desert base, kind of like poom's Mechanicum.


Wow, he has come out really well. How did you achieve the brown weatherd look.if you do t mind me asking?

Thanks, dude! The brown weathering is the FW weathering powder, Aged Rust. I've had a couple of the powders lying around since 2011, but never actually used them. I thought the World Eater would be the perfect excuse to give them a go.


Bet it feels good to let some of that weathering out of your system, eh Kizz? :biggrin.:

Looks great, man. A true Eater.

Haha, yeah it's been pretty fun and I feel like it's helping me develop as a painter. It's definitely a bit different to my Emperor's Children.



Poor guy looks like he just finished bringing Tatooine into compliance.

Nah, not enough Tusken blood, Hutt goo or smeared Jawa on his weapons for that.


I'll be adding some blood if I can find a technique that I like. I can't promise any Xenos blood, though :P


Knocked it out of the park again, kizz! Amazing work :biggrin.:

Thanks, bro! It was your breacher marine that finally motivated me to have a go at the weathering :tu:


Incredible mini ! I really love the use of the IH mini for a world Eater. Always good to see some variety in the Legions, and not only archetypal units.


The white and the weathering are awesome. There no roof to your talent ? :biggrin.:

Thanks, mate! The use of the IH mini was inspired by poom's World Eaters. The IH and WE are both brutal, no nonsense legions so there is a pretty good cross over between some of the minis (with minimal conversion work).


Just picked up some weathering powders myself! Do you just brush em on, or mix with rubbing alcohol and apply wet?

As BCK said, both techniques are viable. Personally I just brushed it on dry. There are several different brands of pigment fixers available for sealing the powders. I haven't used a fixer yet, but I'm looking into it :)

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While I can appreciate the skill it takes intentionally make a figure look weathered... I don't dig the aesthetic. I'm not slagging your obvious skill of painting.

According to the fluff, artificers repair battle damage after a mission or battle. It just kinda reminds me of the painted old metal Rogue Trader figure I had rattling around in my bitz box in the 90s.

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While I can appreciate the skill it takes intentionally make a figure look weathered... I don't dig the aesthetic. I'm not slagging your obvious skill of painting.

According to the fluff, artificers repair battle damage after a mission or battle. It just kinda reminds me of the painted old metal Rogue Trader figure I had rattling around in my bitz box in the 90s.

Yeah but some Legions don't really care for that, such as the World Eaters and Death Guard (who see it as a badge of honour). Also he may have been fighting for weeks with no chance to get back to the artificers.


Thanks, I have all the weathering powders only really used orange rust and dark earth.

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While I can appreciate the skill it takes intentionally make a figure look weathered... I don't dig the aesthetic. I'm not slagging your obvious skill of painting.

According to the fluff, artificers repair battle damage after a mission or battle. It just kinda reminds me of the painted old metal Rogue Trader figure I had rattling around in my bitz box in the 90s.

Yeah but some Legions don't really care for that, such as the World Eaters and Death Guard (who see it as a badge of honour). Also he may have been fighting for weeks with no chance to get back to the artificers.


Thanks, I have all the weathering powders only really used orange rust and dark earth.


Also, such weathering is usually used to Represent Marines currently on the field and in battle.


It also depends on the extent of the Weathering. I've seen a few armies out there such as the guy who painted this (not knocking on his actual skill - its AMAZING)

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Where I feel that the weathering is a bit much.


Though I might be biased to Kizz' work :rolleyes:

Edited by Slipstreams
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While I can appreciate the skill it takes intentionally make a figure look weathered... I don't dig the aesthetic. I'm not slagging your obvious skill of painting.

According to the fluff, artificers repair battle damage after a mission or battle. It just kinda reminds me of the painted old metal Rogue Trader figure I had rattling around in my bitz box in the 90s.

Haha, yeah I totally get what you're saying. I probably went a little bit too far with the weathering, but it was just too much fun to stop. As some of the others have said, many World Eaters intentionally chose not to repair cosmetic battle damage and wore it as a kind of battle honour (obviously they'd repair any damage that compromised the actual effectiveness of their armour). The idea behind this mini is that he is fighting a gruelling, ongoing conflict in a hostile environment. 


Dude beautiful Weathering what sort of base you going for?

Thanks, Forum Champion ;) I'm going for a desert/wasteland style base. The idea is that his fighting in the shattered ruins of a planet that has suffered some kind of terrible cataclysm (virus bombed etc). 


Oh nice! Is this Delvarus himself?


Love the conversion and painting! I especially like the use of a Anvilus pattern backpack, perfect for the void actions the Triarii excel in.

Thanks, bro! I suppose he is my take on Delvarus. I didn't really want to out and out call him Delvarus, as I'm sure everyone has their own version of the character floating around their imaginations. In my mind he is Delvarus. The choice of base mini (IH) and the Anvilus backpack were both inspired by your own Triarii. Before I committed to the Emperor's Children I bought a couple of IH minis on ebay with the intention of using them to starting my own XII Legion army based on you World Eaters.




So, the base is built. I just need to wait for the PVA glue to dry (I'll leave it over night). I'm planning to paint it in a dark desert theme and use the Aged Rust weathering powder to tie it in with the World Eater. At this stage I'm planning to paint the dead astartes as an Ultramarine (I'm also considering a Blood Angel). The idea is that the legionary is fighting in the Shadow Crusade, on a world that has been either virus or fire bombed, hence the exposed skull of the dead warrior on the base. I'll be using the black weathering powder to make the dead warrior's skull and armour look like it has be heavily scorched in a fire storm of some sort.




Let me know what you think.



Thanks for looking ;)

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What could be more iconic than a XII Legion Astartes standing over a burnt and broken Ultramarine?


One standing over several burnt and broken Ultramarines. But I understand the challenges you face limiting yourself to a 25mm space :biggrin.:


Looks awesome buddy, he just keeps getting cooler!

Edited by Flint13
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What could be more iconic than a XII Legion Astartes standing over a burnt and broken Ultramarine?


One standing over several burnt and broken Ultramarines. But I understand the challenges you face limiting yourself to a 25mm space :D


Looks awesome buddy, he just keeps getting cooler!

Ultrasurf? Why one of them? Why not someone like blood angels? Or maybe dark angels? Space Wolf? fists??

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First off, the Ultramarines are no where near cool enough to have lucky number 13 for their legion. It should be torn from them violently at every opportunity ^_^


Secondly, the Scourging of the Five-Hundred Worlds was a huge blow for the Ultras by combined World Eaters and Word Bearers forces. Especially if this lil guy is Kizzdoug's take on Delvarus, who made a name for himself in Betrayer by hammering the unrelenting crap out of every Ultra he came across.


Also desertion and a will-they-won't-they pseudo-romance with Lotara Sarrin, but that's harder to represent on a 25mm base :D 

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First off, the Ultramarines are no where near cool enough to have lucky number 13 for their legion. It should be torn from them violently at every opportunity :happy.:


Secondly, the Scourging of the Five-Hundred Worlds was a huge blow for the Ultras by combined World Eaters and Word Bearers forces. Especially if this lil guy is Kizzdoug's take on Delvarus, who made a name for himself in Betrayer by hammering the unrelenting crap out of every Ultra he came across.


Also desertion and a will-they-won't-they pseudo-romance with Lotara Sarrin, but that's harder to represent on a 25mm base :biggrin.:

Well never read that far into the stories..but that kinda clears things up....

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Will you be keeping it as snow, or will you be using the weather powders to change the colour?

That's just the unpainted colour of the sand that I use on my bases. I'll be giving the base a spray with Chaos black and then building the colours up from there. I'll definitely be using the powders to weather the base once it's full painted.


What could be more iconic than a XII Legion Astartes standing over a burnt and broken Ultramarine?


One standing over several burnt and broken Ultramarines. But I understand the challenges you face limiting yourself to a 25mm space :biggrin.:


Looks awesome buddy, he just keeps getting cooler!

Ha, a mound of burned astartes corpses would look great. I'm actually using the new 32mm bases. So I've got a bit more space to play with, but still not enough...


Dude it fits my 2x2 table theme perfectly

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I might have to see about doing a III marine from Murder myself.

I'd love to see you do a warrior from the III Legion, Murder or not!


Challenge accepted.


Oh, and your World Eater came out beautifully. I think you might have gone a tad heavy on the powder around the feet, but it's real easy to get away from you. Otherwise, great job on your first real attempt at weathering. I officially despise you now because you can paint clean and dirty with incredible skill.

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