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I might have to see about doing a III marine from Murder myself.

I'd love to see you do a warrior from the III Legion, Murder or not!


Challenge accepted.


Oh, and your World Eater came out beautifully. I think you might have gone a tad heavy on the powder around the feet, but it's real easy to get away from you. Otherwise, great job on your first real attempt at weathering. I officially despise you now because you can paint clean and dirty with incredible skill.


Awesome! I'm looking forward to seeing your take on the III Legion :tu:


Yeah, hopefully the powder around the feet looks a bit more natural once he is based. I'm planning to paint the base in a fairly similar colour to the powder, so hopefully it will just look like he has been fighting an extended engagement in the same environment.

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My first try with the weathering powders was my first 'real' Crimson Sons figure with the cloak and the big pole axe. I started dabbing it on carefully with a brush and thought "Wow, this looks great!". *dab, dab, dab, turn figure, dab, dab, dab* And the whole thing is orange now. I'm sure once you have it on a base with the same color, it'll blend in with and won't look so heavy as it does.


I'd started on an idea for a III Legion guy a while back, and I got some greenstuff curing on it right now. :)

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Just checked out this entire thread, my gods! It's been a plethora of beauty and craftsmanship I say! Top notch work sir, please keep it up! The EC are fabulous and perfect in all aspects! The World Eater was a real treat to see towards the end though! I must ask, you say you followed the FW paint tutorial for him, was that exactly as they wrote it or did you take some liberties? I find White (especially for WEaters) such a tricky colour to nail down well >< any advise or tips would be appreciated on that end.

Looking forward to see your next update! ^^

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Thanks, everyone!



Just checked out this entire thread, my gods! It's been a plethora of beauty and craftsmanship I say! Top notch work sir, please keep it up! The EC are fabulous and perfect in all aspects! The World Eater was a real treat to see towards the end though! I must ask, you say you followed the FW paint tutorial for him, was that exactly as they wrote it or did you take some liberties? I find White (especially for WEaters) such a tricky colour to nail down well >< any advise or tips would be appreciated on that end.

Looking forward to see your next update! ^^

Thanks, bro! Glad you like the thread :) From earlier, "I pretty much followed the FW painting guide. I just added a couple of steps at the end, such as some 'black lining' with a mix of Nuln Oil and Agrax Earthshade, and some small patches of Agrax Earthshade around the rivets and battle damage." It's hard to tell on the finished mini (thanks to all of the weathering), but I follow the FW guide except that I added some definition afterwards.


Yeah man, that looks incredible, but a dead Ultramarine on the base? You do know this means a dead World Eater on the base of my next marine :wink:

Hahaha, looking forward to it ;)




I've just added the blood to the mini. Thanks to poom for the blood recipe. I tried to keep the blood fairly minimal and only added it to the shield and meteor hammer (and a little bit on the right boot).











I'm pretty tempted to start a new army using these weathering techniques (no idea which Legion). I just feel that they look so much better than my usual style...




Thanks for looking ;)

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The blood on that guy is very well done and understated. :thumbsup:


I'm pretty tempted to start a new army using these weathering techniques (no idea which Legion). I just feel that they look so much better than my usual style...


I'd love to see you tackle a new Legion like this, especially one that we don't see much of around these parts. I think the weathered look has become synonymous with the Great Crusade and Heresy because the Legions had much stronger foes to fight that required a commitment of Astartes in much larger numbers for greater lengths of time than what is standard in 40k. For the most part, Chapters in 40k are reactive instruments of war, brought in to surgically strike specific targets and then pull out while the Guard does the mopping up. Sure, there are the rare big fights that require an entire Chapter, or several, but the Legions were actively attacking almost constantly, and while they would certainly maintain functionality, getting your chipped and scratched armor repainted in the middle of a long campaign would be low priority.

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Well this turned out completely awesome. He looks like he's been having a grand time on Armatura/Nuceria frolicking around in a chaotic dust storm for a few days :D I feel like you nailed it just right with the minimal blood splatter. Too little or none at all and you question if they're even a World Eater, too much and it just starts to look ridiculous.



I'm pretty tempted to start a new army using these weathering techniques (no idea which Legion). I just feel that they look so much better than my usual style...



I don't think anyone would complain if you kept producing glorious XIIth Legion models like this one ;) There are a lot of other really great weathered army ideas waiting to be explored though, like Underworld Wars Word Bearers, truly beaten up post-Isstvan shattered legions like this dude, XVIIIth Legion Saturnyne Rams fighting a prolonged and desperate rearguard, etc etc. Whatever you do, I'll be looking forward to it :)

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Another one of this awe inspiring Threads and now that I am signed up I can actually praise your work. You have made two of the Legions -EC and TS- i never found interesting to look at more than beautiful. Especially the Emperors children are jaw dropping. Your Paintwork including the latest Pieces is just stunning.

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Impeccable as always kizzdougs - despite the complete disparity in style between the appearance of the XIIth & IIIrd Legions, that WE totally captures the theme of his Legion :thumbsup:


Also, you have no idea how much I appreciate that he's a dark-skinned Legionary - I find the endless tide of Caucasian Astartes pretty tedious 

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XVIIIth Legion Saturnyne Rams fighting a prolonged and desperate rearguard, etc etc.


Yes. Please. This. A thousands times this. We need more pre-Primarch armies, especially the Fearless XVIIIth.

Edited by SanguiniusReborn
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Kizzdougs I thik both styles you use work really well for the two different types of troops. In my mind they wouldn't work if applied to a model of the other legion. So neither is really superior to the other, even though both are very good.

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Looking good, Sir!


The last delicate touch on a modern mini masterpiece.


Kizzdougs I thik both styles you use work really well for the two different types of troops. In my mind they wouldn't work if applied to a model of the other legion. So neither is really superior to the other, even though both are very good.

Actually, now I'm really curious how Kizzdougs would do a super polished, parade ground Eater and a dinged up, battle damaged Child.

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Actually, now I'm really curious how Kizzdougs would do a super polished, parade ground Eater and a dinged up, battle damaged Child.

If an ec got so much as a fingernail chipped I think there would be a riot.


Although a shiney and new of the twelfth would be interesting to see. I can imagine an ec sitting on his backside holding a chipped gauntlet finger up tears flying from his eyes.

Edited by Andvarr A
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The blood on that guy is very well done and understated. :thumbsup:


I'm pretty tempted to start a new army using these weathering techniques (no idea which Legion). I just feel that they look so much better than my usual style...


I'd love to see you tackle a new Legion like this, especially one that we don't see much of around these parts. I think the weathered look has become synonymous with the Great Crusade and Heresy because the Legions had much stronger foes to fight that required a commitment of Astartes in much larger numbers for greater lengths of time than what is standard in 40k. For the most part, Chapters in 40k are reactive instruments of war, brought in to surgically strike specific targets and then pull out while the Guard does the mopping up. Sure, there are the rare big fights that require an entire Chapter, or several, but the Legions were actively attacking almost constantly, and while they would certainly maintain functionality, getting your chipped and scratched armor repainted in the middle of a long campaign would be low priority.

Yeah, the legionaries of 30k seem to be far more expendable than their 40k counterparts. The IV and XII Legion take this expendability to a whole new level. I also think that we've come to associate weathered schemes with the Heresy because of the kind of hobbyists that it attracts. Currently 30k is dominated by hobby/gaming veterans who have developed their skills over several years. This will probably change with the release of plastic kits, though.


For me, weathering opens up several Legions that I would have previously steered clear of because I wasn't confident that I'd be able to do their colour scheme justice or capture their character properly.I'm just really pleased to be able to develop my painting ability and develop some new skills. 


Well this turned out completely awesome. He looks like he's been having a grand time on Armatura/Nuceria frolicking around in a chaotic dust storm for a few days :biggrin.: I feel like you nailed it just right with the minimal blood splatter. Too little or none at all and you question if they're even a World Eater, too much and it just starts to look ridiculous.



I'm pretty tempted to start a new army using these weathering techniques (no idea which Legion). I just feel that they look so much better than my usual style...



I don't think anyone would complain if you kept producing glorious XIIth Legion models like this one :wink: There are a lot of other really great weathered army ideas waiting to be explored though, like Underworld Wars Word Bearers, truly beaten up post-Isstvan shattered legions like this dude, XVIIIth Legion Saturnyne Rams fighting a prolonged and desperate rearguard, etc etc. Whatever you do, I'll be looking forward to it :smile.:

Thanks, mate! Glad you like him :)


Thanks for the army suggestions. I've been skimming through the first three FW books, looking for some inspiration. If I do you to start a new force I want it to be set well within the Heresy timeline. My current Emperor's Children don't really have anything that places them properly anywhere in the timeline. They're definitely way too clean to be traitors and their bases (a great method for theming your army vs a particular foe) are fairly neutral.


Another one of this awe inspiring Threads and now that I am signed up I can actually praise your work. You have made two of the Legions -EC and TS- i never found interesting to look at more than beautiful. Especially the Emperors children are jaw dropping. Your Paintwork including the latest Pieces is just stunning.

Thanks so much, bro! Really glad that I've been able to help you appreciate the Emperor's Children and Thousand Sons :)


Impeccable as always kizzdougs - despite the complete disparity in style between the appearance of the XIIth & IIIrd Legions, that WE totally captures the theme of his Legion :thumbsup:


Also, you have no idea how much I appreciate that he's a dark-skinned Legionary - I find the endless tide of Caucasian Astartes pretty tedious 

Thanks, bro! Usually I paint caucasian Astartes simply because the lighter skin tone contrasts better with the other colours. Plus I've had far more practice painting lighter toned skin. When it came to painting the World Eater I was inspired by AD-B's description of Delvarus in Betrayer. In the novel, Dlevarus is described as being dark skinned and this caught my attention because of, as you said, the 'endless tied of Caucasian Astartes' (actually it should be the endless tied of Caucasian 30k/40k characters in general). Actually AD-B is usually pretty good when it comes to ethnic and gender diversity in his novels, at least compared to most other BL authors. I'll definitely endeavour to continue this theme in my painting.



Actually, now I'm really curious how Kizzdougs would do a super polished, parade ground Eater and a dinged up, battle damaged Child.

If an ec got so much as a fingernail chipped I think there would be a riot.


Although a shiney and new of the twelfth would be interesting to see. I can imagine an ec sitting on his backside holding a chipped gauntlet finger up tears flying from his eyes.


Haha, people's characterisations of the III Legion often suffer from some pretty miss placed stereotypes. We're posthuman killing machines too, damn it! :P



Thanks again, everyone :)

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