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So far I'm thinking either IV, VII, or XIV Legion. What do you recon?



Thanks for looking ;)

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We've seen you tackle the IV before, and most of the legions you have tackled amongst your older work were traitor legions. So I'd like to see something different in the Imperial Fists.


If not a Word Bearer. Although I'd prefer a whole army of them. :p


I hope you don't mind, but could I offer abit of constructive criticism? This model looks remarkably similar to Delvarus, I think what legion you do go for needs something extra added to this model to capture that legion's feel, or the models will look to similar.

Edited by Praetor of Calth
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Well all I can say is that I see him. I see him carrying a melta-charge so I see siege breaker. So I see Imp Fist. Both IF and IW were siege speciallists, the former being specialists at breaking siege fortifications, the latter being siege builders
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Wow, so many different ideas...



Join me in XIV legion brother. I'm going to make some Death Guard breachers using the Immortals at some point, such a cool look.

Go for it dude! The Immortals are pretty nice minis. They look a lot more brutal than the regular MkIII with the added bionics etc. With a little bit of work they can fit into just about any Legion. The only slight problem is that they are in fairly static poses (not such a bad thing for Breachers, though).


That guy looks like an Iron Warrior to the core. Like one of the badass 77th Grand Company holding back the Alpha Legion on Paramar.

Yeah, I had the IV Legion in mind while I was building this guy. I've always had a soft spot for the Iron Warriors, but I never felt that I could do the metallic colour scheme justice. With the weathering powders I recon I could do a better job of it now.


Definitely agree with Reyner's idea. An Iron Warrior fighting to the bitter end on Paramar :biggrin.:

Thanks for the vote of confidence, bro!


My inital gut feeling was Death Guard, although Iron Warriors would probably work as well.

Yeah, he would fit either of those Legions really well. I'll have to give it some more thought.


XVII Legion, of course! 


That's a Word Bearer of the Chapter of the Ruined King if I ever saw one. :biggrin.:

Hmmm, I've been wanting to try a metallic Word Bearers scheme, kind of like Sheep's XVII Legion.


Imperial Fist! Or failing that, a Loyalist Iron Warrior, like Reyner and Dantioch said. :happy.:

It's been ages since I painted an Imperial Fist. I had the same problem with the VII that I've had with so many of the other Legions (not having the confidence to paint the scheme without weathering). A loyalist Legion would make a nice change of pace, considering that I nearly always paint traitors, or loyalists from traitor Legions.


We've seen you tackle the IV before, and most of the legions you have tackled amongst your older work were traitor legions. So I'd like to see something different in the Imperial Fists.

If not a Word Bearer. Although I'd prefer a whole army of them. :tongue.:

I hope you don't mind, but could I offer abit of constructive criticism? This model looks remarkably similar to Delvarus, I think what legion you do go for needs something extra added to this model to capture that legion's feel, or the models will look to similar.

Thanks for the feedback and suggestions! The mini is very similar to Delvarus because they come from the same kit and are both locked into the same general pose. I'll definitely make an effort to distinguish between this mini's Legion and Delvarus once I decide which Legion to go with.


Iron Warrior dude; Iron within, Iron without, those are words to live by and you know it. He could also look cool as a XIV legion marine.

I thought you might say that :P


VII legion. I see it as one of the retribution fleet fists taking down an iron warriors ship at Phall.

Thank for the vote, bro! 


How about... XVI, or why not the X?

I was going to make the last mini a Sons of Horus Reaver before I decided to go with the World Eaters. I tried a couple of different schemes for the SoH sea green, but couldn't come up with anything that I was really happy with. I'll keep experimenting though.


Well all I can say is that I see him. I see him carrying a melta-charge so I see siege breaker. So I see Imp Fist. Both IF and IW were siege speciallists, the former being specialists at breaking siege fortifications, the latter being siege builders

Yeah, he would really easily fit the mould of either the IV or VII. 


I'd love to see you do a White Scar, just so I can see how you do it. He built for Terra!

White Scars didn't really cross my mind. I could easily see him at the Siege of Terra, though. 


I agree with the Imperial Fists sentiment

It seems that more and more people are feeling that way.

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