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Paint him in XIV Dragoon colours, brother. The Wolfhound always welcomes like-minded brethren.

I think I might just do that. Are there any heraldic devices particular to the XIV Draggon (apart from the red and white halved shield/circle)?


Metallic underlayer if you don't do an Iron Warrior. Metallic underlayers are the best :wink:

I've always wanted to try my hand at a metallic Emperor's Child. Looks like I'm going to go with the Iron Warriors this time, but I just got myself a pot of Tamiya Clear Red, so I'm keen to try out some metallic schemes soon.


Go for the VIIIth Legion. He's obviously about to mine a major monument and smash their hopes

The smooth face plate would be perfect for some terror markings... I'm going with the Iron Warriors this time around (painting lightning and finding an appropriate dark blue, post Midnight Blue, scares me :P ).

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The Iron Warrior has some paint on him!


Painting time has been pretty limited lately so I haven't been nearly as productive as I would like to be. I've decided to paint my Iron Warrior as a member of Hyaenidae's XIV Dragoon. I've tried to keep fairly close to the Dragoon's colour scheme, although his shoulder pad is so weathered the iconography is pretty difficult to make out.









Hope you like him. Next up, I'll be adding the weathering powders.



Thanks for looking ;)

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You chose the right legion for that guy ;) He looks great, something I can aspire to.

This describes how I feel with every update on this thread. Question how did you do that brassish coppery color? It's quite nice and faux understated if that makes sense.

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Thanks everyone! :)



Awesome in a box. Superb Iron Warrior, now do more. :biggrin.:


Thanks, bro! At this stage the Iron Warrior is just another 'one off' mini. I'm experimenting with a couple of different Legions to see if I can find one that I like enough to start as a new project.



Wow!!! That iron warrior is amazing!

Not just amazing, freaking epic!...need to know the metal recipie



sooooo.... What colors did you use? :biggrin.:

I'm guessing you mean the iron colour? 

- Chaos Black undercoat

- heavy dry-brush with Ironbreaker

- wash with Nuln Oil

- wash with Agrax Earthshade

- stipple with Runefang Steel

- 'black line' with Abaddon Black

It might sound like a lot of work, but every stage is really quick. It would be even quicker when batch painting as the washes could dry while you work through a squad.



You chose the right legion for that guy :wink: He looks great, something I can aspire to.

Thanks, mate! I'm sure you'll do the IV Legion proud :tu:


Metal for the win....that's mental

Haha, 'iron within, iron without'.


gorgeous weathering Kizz, truly epic!

Thank, bro! Glad you like him.


He looks great Kizz. Nice choice of comapny to. What's next after the Iron Warrior.

Thanks, dude! I'm not really sure what's next. Unfortunately my hobby time is pretty limited at the moment (I'm supposed to be writing a Thesis). I'm trying to limit myself to about three hours of hobby per week, while I listen to the Eye of Horus podcast.


He is BEAST.

Thanks, bro!




That fellow looks great!

Thanks, dude!


That Iron Warrior looks excellent dude!! The wear and tear on him is done perfectly! That pose is really imposing too, which fits the legion well (even thought they're no Night Lords :tongue.: ). Keep it up man!

Thanks, bro! I'm looking forward to seeing some more Night Lords from you.


Hahaha, not every Legion can drape themselves in flayed skin and skulls. Some Legions have real work to do :P


Wow!!! That iron warrior is amazing!

Thanks, mate!





You chose the right legion for that guy :wink: He looks great, something I can aspire to.

This describes how I feel with every update on this thread. Question how did you do that brassish coppery color? It's quite nice and faux understated if that makes sense.


Thanks for the kind words! There are two different 'coppery' colours on the mini. The armour trim (should pad edges, helmet brow, etc) was painted with a base coat of Gehenna's Gold, washed with Agrax Earthshade, and highlighted with Runefang Steel. The pipes/cables were painted the same way except with a base coat of Balthasar Gold instead of Gehenna's. 

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Your thread inspired me to do an Emperors Children character. I am not finished but some how I don't think it is going to be up to your standards...

We use examples of awesome as the yard stick for ourselves. If you take your time and follow the hints and tips like wetpallette etc things will fall into place.


And if you don't succeed the first time...try again...with a bigger gun...


Remember test minis are your friend

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I've just added some weathering powder. I'm planning to give him a base similar to the muddy bases Hyaenidae gave his Dragoons.









I just bought the AoS Stormcast eternals half of the starter, I blame you entirely.


The distressed metals effect on the Iron warrior is amazing, your ability to paint weathered and clean models with equal ease is depressing :wink:

Hahaha, sorry about that... :P

I'm looking forward seeing how you go with the Stormcast.


Pwease do a Fist next? :cry:


That's some hardcore weathering. So sick! And to continue the echo in here, I hate you for being able to paint gritty war-torn models as well as your pretty purple models.  

Haha, we'll see... Thanks for the kind words :)


Your thread inspired me to do an Emperors Children character. I am not finished but some how I don't think it is going to be up to your standards...

Awesome! Glad to hear it. There are never enough of the III Legion :tu:

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